Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You know what? We definitely need a new voice actor after the tails. blizzard is really tripping keeping these old ones. Heck just see if the original voice actress is around and have them do the lines again this time without sounding like the chain smokers this community always calls them.


I’m going to have to disagree a bit there. Worgen are supposed to be 8 foot tall, cursed monsters who’ve been given the ability to control their rage. I like that they sound gravelly and rough. That said,

Give Worgen tails.

(edit: Optional, of course)

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Give us the lore correct size and do what they did with Dracthyr they sound different when in Dracthyr form over Visage form and yet they didn’t have to add the 500 year smoker voice. There is nothing wrong with the Worgen voice per say but it’s clear Blizzard themselves don’t like it as they don’t use it for the two major female Worgen characters and they let the voice actress for Tess Greymane do her own version of the female voice when they had her be a Worgen in the Heritage Armor quest.


I am actually disappointed with Blizzard with the Dracthyr and that one joke line from the female Dracthyr.

I was unhappy at first then started turning it on anyone who used it against Worgen and now it hit me so far every time Blizzards made a stupid joke like that they have given the customization they joke about so… here’s hoping.


I think it is silly to claim Shadowlands as a way to express ourselves with customizations, but yet, only give so little for most of the races, then give so much for one race for Dragonflight.

What we are asking for is a reasonable request. An optional tail so the players choice matters. People like Hamburger and the others who come in to say no are just sad trolls and mean nothing in the greater scheme as they don’t even play the race most of the time and fail to understand optional means they can keep the current look. But they have it in their tiny minds that its some agenda… no it just makes the model look better and gives Worgen a way to make the characters look different as we dont have true hair styles like other races. That was something else that we lost when Blizzard swapped to the abomination.


There is Lieutenant Thorn and Fiona as examples of worgen voices that don’t have the raspy sounding voice. It would be nice to have a similar option for that as it for sure exists.

Also agree with the earlier comment, they did our heritage stuff with Tess wrong. It would be nice to have more than one prominent representative of the race, and yet the whole purpose of that quest chain seemed to by why you wouldn’t want to be a worgen, which is the antithesis of what your heritage quest should be about.

Continuing to add support for all the customization requests made here. The original concept art is one of the reasons I was really interested in the race in the first place.


keep going we need to get this to 13,000 posts

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Celestine of the Harvest is another good example. Every time I hear her talking about squirrels and nuts during the world quest in Legion made me wish I had that voice on my worgen


Oof… that picture reminds me of the time where Worgen looked even worse than they do now…

I really, really wish Worgen would get a complete model revamp, both female and male. It’s such a shame for an otherwise nice playable race concept.



Why the human form female voice is so smooth and elegant but the worgen from female voice sounds like they can’t breath I will never know.

One of the best player voices and one of the worst on the same character.

They really did phone it in at the last minute.

At least the male voices are pretty good.

Very good examples.

Honestly I wish we had several voice packs to pick from.

We have Genn and Crowley. The rest are neutrals or don’t count as leaders.

We do need a lot more.

Man, it really took 10 years to fix this.


they’re probably trying to keep a rogue like me from picking pockets and sapping guards. They…do a good job if anything. Then again I find more alcohol and useless stuff in pockets lately… why do dwarfs walk around with a whole six pack of beer in their pockets?

Well they’re not seen as monsters to me but we do got those worgen stalking that silverpine forest zone robing things, attacking soldiers and such. they even turned the last of the humans there into worgen so… yeah idk.

Long as they leave the nice dance on the lady worgen I don’t mind this idea… more so if my worgen girls can cal themselves B****y again… I miss that bit of sass they had.

Gotta say paladina you’re finding amazing art pieces, why can’t worgen guys look like this? Looks big, strong, and fierce, yet refined and handsome at the same time. Also that black fur is wonderful


Oh god it is the old face. Kill it with fire. And acid. And more fire. And an atom smasher.


Yeah ok. That would work… Except those designers made the rigging for tails on the worgen models, and really your post is just dramatic trolling. Original worgen looked so bad it almost doesn’t exist anymore.

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So since we are all in agreement let’s give Worgen optional tails. No proof has been given to the claim its against the lore and Blizzard can just add a small quest line for a blessing from Goldrinn. Everyone will be happy and we can all play the way we want our characters to look rather your in the optional tail club or the I don’t want a tail club. Everyone wins and everyone gets to be happy with thier own personal choice.


They need a bunch of tails to choose from. Like a long straight tail, or a fluffy one that curls upwards


Short/Medium/Long and Curled/Thin/Fluffy as well as damaged/stump appearance options would give a lot of options.


I approve of worgen getting one like this… a nice big fluffy tail would look amazing for my worgen gals. Make it even bigger and bushier than vulpera got too

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