Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

He was raised by humans, so he was taught. So we can assume that Orcs under his leadership learned to have this.

Thrall on the other hand, was raised almost 100% on Humans, specifically Blackmoore, who raised him to have the strength and fury of an orc, but the intelligence and posture of a Human. If you see orcish children, they start off non-hunched and GET hunched by slacking their back over time; Thrall was taught to stand up straight and act accordingly to his masters. As he got older (which is a really a short time by the way for orcs, at age 6 Thrall was taller than Blackmoore) it was obvious that he was a different Orc than the rest.

You cant break the lore, you have no NPC in Worgen lore that has a tail.

Actually all Orcs including thrall had straight backs until wow released excepting warlocks.

Thrall literally has nothing to do with it. Players had been off and on interested in a no hunch option since day one, and with the release of the Mag’har who were going to come with straight backs blizzard saw the wisdom of granting an old player request.

Worgen have also always had the request for their tails to be added ever since Cata.

And since it changes nothing I can’t fathom why people pretend to be against it.



Once again, contradicted by your own example


Exactly, my point. So on what authority are you asking to break the lore and have tails.

Have some water because you will need it now.

I been doing my research on Worgen and look at this blue post. Pretty salty but, they indirectly tell you no.

h ttps://

if you understand the language, basically it is a no.

#notailsforworgen, #forazeroth

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I have approximately 1 day of game time left, so here’s probably my second last support post for you guys. :slight_smile:



#notailsforworgens !

Still waiting for you to show is where in the lore it says we can’t have tails. Prove to us it says that Thelion. Show us in written lore where exactly it says “Worgen can’t have tails”. We will wait.


Even if there is a phrase, which states that (which I’m pretty sure there isn’t), Blizzard changes the lore almost on a monthly basis. What they said yesterday can get a retcon tomorrow. So… :sweat_smile:


So, please, point out in the lore on where it says Worgens aren’t allowed tails.


Did you seriously just link a post from 2010 Hamburger? I can link a post from 2004 about Tauren having planestriding but low and behold they never got it. Come on talk about grasping at straws. So why don’t you do something productive and prove to us where in the lore of the game it says Worgen can’t have tails. If you can’t then you will need to stop spamming the same messages over and over.


The more posts get thrown in here regardless of views just makes it grow larger lol. Yet another 1+ for Worgen tails.


You want to know why we rip on Blizzard for the abomination? Do you seriously think that a triple A company who has put as much time and effort into a game like this should have ever realeased a model as bad as the Female Worgen model was? I’m sorry but you have to be a troll if you honestly think the female Worgen model was in any way, shape or form something that was passable as a model that meet Blizzard’s standards. Show me where in the history of the game have we ever had a model that was so slapped together the animations caused distortions and tears in the model to the point it was noticeable in game. Show me where in WoWs history we have ever had a race in the game other than Worgen where the male model and the female model looked nothing alike. Show me the WoW dev who will take pride in the old female Worgen model and say. “I worked on this and made it.” I’ll wait and you will be looking till the end of time as even Blizzard was so disgusted by the female model they hardly used it for anything.

Tell me one major female Worgen enemy we have ever seen. Give me 1 name of a major Worgen female where they didn’t change the voice of the model. I’ll tell you right now you can’t do it because the only major lore female Worgen are Celestine of the Harvest and Fiona. And guess what Blizzard hates the female Worgen voice so much those two characters are voiced differently. You can’t not say with a straight face Blizzard has ever taken pride in Worgen because they scrapped the design tossed out one of the worst models ever to grace the games live history and only the Worgen player base suffered for it.

I will die on this hill that Blizzard themselves are ashamed of the Worgen model they put out. Blizzard has seen ever since the HD model remake the number of players playing Worgen have vastly grown, but because it’s Blizzard’s pride on the line they will never admit that the 10 years of that terrible model hurt the Worgen as a whole.


How does this tongue in cheek joke prove Worgen cant have tails exactly? People say the race I enjoy most was based on a joke soooo…
Still have yet to prove that there is any lore reason they cant like you claim.


why don’t worgen have tails yet? :confused:

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Worgen oughta have tails.
Like fluffy, fuzzy flails.
And all the joy it entails.
And over all the haters’ wails.

Give Worgen Tails.


I do love a good poem.

your self esteem must be real low that you’d openly attack people’s posts, I mean come on a positive post pointing out that worgen have been ignored and gotten barely anything and deserve more things and you claim there’s no evidence to confirm this? You’ve been in this thread how long and yet you still claim this? Yeah…yeah no I can see why you’re one of the most blocked people in this thread. You’re a grade A troll if I’ve ever seen one


He’s not worth your time, he’s just going to say whatever he pleases. He’s contradicted himself many times over already so best to not feed the troll anymore.


Except, now they…the playable variety, at least…are civilized citizens of the Alliance, and stroll through city streets instead of skulking. Unless they’re a rogue…in which case, they still skulk. :man_shrugging:

The point is, things change. The physical attributes of many playable races are updated and altered in virtually every expansion, and often in the patches between. The addition of tail options for Worgen would not be lore-breaking, would make many players happy, and if actually implemented as an option, wouldn’t mess with the Worgen players that don’t want it.

So, where’s the harm?


Nah, I believe the playable variety are still monsters out in the woods… Though they aren’t monsters to the Alliance.

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