Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

See the logic here.

How is a Worgen who is bit by a Werewolf be the same as someone who is born into a dragon form without a curse ? That is his free will ?

Worgens are taught - untill then you did not have a means to control.

After being taught how to control their inner beast by the night elves, through the [Ritual of Balance, many worgen are now members of the Alliance.

You need to use the form to switch out of Wolf form because you were taught how to use ritual of balance spell.

Is that English? Hamburger are you ok?

not at all rascist :0

Who said anything racist?

They gave gnolls sweet tails. I don’t see why worgen shouldn’t get tails.


gnolls are hyenas. They are not really human. Thats why.

Still tails. Still were added.

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Gnolls always had tails since vanilla, which is also the same time Worgen existed as well even though they werent playable.

i shall spin you a tale…

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Give. Tails.

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Just proves Worgen aren’t supposed to have tails since there were many races added in with tails. It’s actually kinda sad, I’ve read through most of this thread where a lot of you guys are taking a huge dump on the people who designed and made Worgen. Those are artists and that is their design. It’s really sad to see people just pooping all over the people who decided Worgen are supposed to be hulking, tailless monsters that skulk about in the woods.

A new race kind of like them would be neat though… or an allied race if Blizzard is still going to be adding more of those.


I said none of those words. Nice try.

I don’t see why it shouldn’t at least be optional.

Some people have big feelings /shrug

I’m sorry. I did not mean that YOU were saying those things. I am talking about a lot of voice in the thread in general. I am sorry if it came off as me pointing fingers at you. I do not recall seeing you say such things at this point. I should have made it more clear that I was not pointing directly at you, but instead at a lot of other voices here.

How can i like this more than once ?

On a random note…hi everyone…the new outfit they added seems to make you appear naked here. Be careful if you’re using it…also Give worgen tails. They’ve been ignored and given barely anything for a long time it doesn’t matter if they shouldn’t get this or get that…they’ve been ignored and treated like they don’t matter as far as who gets cosmetics and who does not. On the topic of do they deserve something as simple as tails… it’s not really a question… it’s something and they need to be shown some love. Happy new years everyone


Oh wow… so is the OP using that outfit too I wonder? Why is it always the new outfits causing these bugs? #GiveWorgenTails

Your post has no evidence of Worgens needs tail. It’s like you sent a message catching the last bus before you lose your cell signal.
#notailsforworgens, #protecwowlore, #forazeroth

Those same artists did give them tails.

That’s why it’s in the concept art and regularly applied to hearthstone cards.

Either way having an option for a tail doesn’t effect anything. Just gives us more options that make sense for our characters.

Worgen should have the option just like elves got to have ear lengths or Orcs got straight backs or draenei got the option to shorten male trails and extend female ones.

Also hello Ushi.


Orcs have straight back because Thrall has a straight back as he was raised by humans.

You have nothing to back that claim sir in your race. show me one NPC leader who has a tail.

Exactly, which was a trait unique to him only. So if all Orcs getting this option didn’t beak lore, Worgen getting optional tails doesn’t either.