Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

But there is at least one friendly Tauren in this thread!

Moos friendly at the Pandaren


Ok so I totally dropped the ball and forgot to post the holiday 'tails I had saved.

Better late than never.

Source is 404ā€™d so no clue, itā€™s from Artstation.


Might I ask, do you have a dog Worgen in this fight? I have five.

I would also add that you donā€™t seem to realize that everyone is well aware of the one point you keep repeating ad nauseum; that throughout the gameā€™s history, Worgen have never had tails. Well, duh!

The entire point of this thread is to have that changed. The addition of this option would cause no harm to `sacrosanctā€™ lore, and make many people happyā€¦and being an option would in effect, ā€˜leave Worgen aloneā€™ for those that donā€™t want it. A new race would be much more expensive in terms of development effort, and be a rather pointless endeavor.


What she said.


Really easy addition for Blizz too to add tails for Worgen players.

Iā€™m typically always pro customization unless it detracts from the visual uniqueness of a specific faction and amounts to simply being a superfluous addition that already exists on one or the other faction.

This seems like such an easy addition moving forward when Blizzard adds more customization so Iā€™m really rooting for it.


More jabba jabba by the same 10 players. Like you are getting paid to post.

This is not engagement. This is trying to keep a post alive. #Worgensdonthavetails

And thatā€™s not an argument.

Lots of excellent reasons for optional tails have been put forward in this thread none of which I have seen you refute. If you want ā€œengagementā€ then lay out your rationale for why others who want this should be denied the option? And your reason canā€™t be ā€œbecause I donā€™t like itā€.



Iā€™d also like if shoulder armor fit better on male worgen.


Apparently thatā€™s a side effect of the fact that weā€™re supposed to be bigger.


Do you remember when they accidentally made all shoulder armor tiny on orcs?

What I found most intriguing is I donā€™t post in this thread that much Iā€™ve periodically stopped in to show support.

So itā€™s not exactly the same 10 players lol

The OP has almost 1500 likes. And even if we assume some are redundant I doubt itā€™s all or even a large chunk, which would mean a significant amount of players who frequent the forums do want this option. And I would imagine off the forums there isnā€™t a huge push back from the average player if worgen players said they wanted a tail option lol.


Worgen armor fits better when we are the lore correct size but right now we are smaller than we should be. It also slows down our animations to be 8 feet tall like Lore says and they look better. If you need to test it for yourself just use a Giant Growth on a Worgen and use Running Wild. The animation looks better slowed down.

They are all paid actors who I pay 29.99 per day they post. If you believe that Ill gladly also sell you a nice little quadrant of space I have dibs on only 38 million for 10 square feet.

So how do you trolls feel for flagging my posts and it got restored now ?

This should be a very good signal to you guys. Everyone has a voice on GD.

You reported me for spam and selling which for over turned.

You reported me for against TOC which got over turned.

Now stop bothering the wonderful team at CS, they already have their plate full.

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I personally will stand up for your right to have a voice and invite constructive criticism. But if you creep into a den of wolves and poke at them with a stick for fun, donā€™t be surprised when you get bitten :slight_smile:




Too ā€œon the noseā€?


Ey, yo, that come with vision and dental too, or would I need to use the Marketplace?

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Vision for your case is half offā€¦ Ok ok bad joke I know. :wink:

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PS. Hamburger still waiting for you to post on your Worgen. Its not that hard my dear.

And it is really just you jabba jabba on the other side. Hmmm. :dracthyr_a1:

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