Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Daily reminder to let our werewolf friends have tails.


Talk sense please.

I would like to see their tail wagging when I kill them

They really should, especially considering that the rigging for the tail is there. I blocked the dude because it was a little disturbing. I thought he was a troll but the level of upset he was, wasā€¦ concerning.


Usually I refrain from posting about drama these days but Iā€™d just like to add this individual has been caught impersonating people on the forums in the past as well.


Wow, man, why does this thread attract people like that.

Thatā€™s what that poster did to me


Not really surprising I have to say given they engage that way on the forums.

I suppose itā€™s now safe to say they remain anti tail for Worgen? And my previous point about people having different takes in different topics is valid?

In any case I once again echo support for Worgen tails


I feel that thematically worgen having a tail doesnā€™t really add or subtract too much from the race outside of being a neat visual.

The thoughts of a belt customisation to me feels less thematically appropriate because of other races. Wolf-like body with a wolf-like tail? Not much of a stretch. Mecha-gnome with a tail? Thatā€™s a little more conspicuous.

The argument raised ā€˜no npcs have a tail therefore they shouldnā€™t have oneā€™ is skin to saying ā€˜this rug canā€™t be lifted because Iā€™m standing on it.ā€™
If it were implemented they may very well have tails.
I meanā€¦ As far as the hearthstone art goes, the box of that boardgame where there was a tailed worgen, the original sketch concept art and the Genn mistake in Goldenā€™s novel kinda shows that itā€™s not too far removed from possibility.

And personally I just really want my worgen toons to be tailed. Itā€™s always going to be up to the devs, but I can still state my case and hope and hope I do.


Generally, I think when people hear that Worgens donā€™t have tails, and theyā€™ve not played one, they assumed they did.

Hereā€™s the thing Genn Greymane does not have a tail and that is fine. Like I said earlier heā€™s the faction leader but that means nothing he is not the progenitor of Worgen. Loreā€™s argument was Christie Goldens comment that Genn didnā€™t have a tail means itā€™s a lore fact. Sheā€™s a story writer not a lore writer. They could simply add a quest chain where Goldrinn blesses Worgen giving them an optional tail and more customization. The issue comes in when someone tries to say itā€™s against the lore. There is no written lore that says Worgen canā€™t have tails. When players are asking for optional things for the race they play when they are within reason and when itā€™s requested to be optional no one should come in demanding that they never be given the choice especially players who donā€™t play the race.


Still waiting to see your Worgen there Hamburgerā€¦ you talked about it so show us. Iā€™ve shown you all mine itā€™s not that hard to do. Just prove you have a Worgen character.

Give worgen tails.


Right but the nonsensical posts of comparing different topics and aligning people in this topic to certain stances based off that seems to be moot.

Which is what I was saying when you seemingly disagreed and said you were giving that other poster the benefit of the doubt.

So I was merely pointing out it seems their stance remains & my point about people coming in and trying to align people based other topics is nonsensical.

Specifically this poster and a few others who have echoed that stance more or less

I pointed out where that logic failed.

I would just ignore them.
Wow has some of the worst kind of players out there, constantly trying to gatekeep stuff for other players. Imagine spending so much time and effort just so that other people canā€™t be happy. Extremely toxic behaviour. Of course it is no wonder with such a toxic faction design in wow, which actively caters to such a behaviour.

I donā€™t even like Worgen due to their model and I still would like to see you guys happy. Yeah, hard to believe for some peeps.

So for the remaining few days, in which my sub is still active I will keep supporting you.



You must talk about the gryfons near the mine? They were there since the beginning of BfA and always at max level.
I know because at that time i did few RP at Gilneas and we wondered if it means that there will be new contents for Gilneas.
Unfortunatly, it was not the case and i have to wonder if it was cut content from BfA or not?

Give worgen tails


hi iā€™m back, caelus went nelf it seems but I still advocate for the belief of worgen should have tails as an option, let the naysayers and anti tailers rage for more options


Popular threads will always attract attention seekers. More often than not they really donā€™t care one way or another about the subject matter, but they like to be ā€œnoticedā€.

I enjoy chatting with people who have an opposing opinion as long as the discussion remains rational. We can all be wrong about stuff, youā€™ve got to keep an open mind and be ready to be persuaded. But no one likes drama.

I have yet to see a logical well thought out reason why Worgen getting a tail option would be a bad thing. The only hold up I can imagine is that it would require the artistic talents of the graphics and animation teams and that costs money.

So ultimately, I think the reason that Worgen have languished for over a decade now comes down to penny pinching.


Ever seen Helluva Boss? Thereā€™s a hellhound called Loona.

Make the tail just like hers. Itā€™ll be perfect.


I blocked em long ago, between him and that other Tauren earlier, the level they are obsessed with this is off the chartsā€¦I am chalking it up to its really a thinly veiled outlet for being frustrated about minority representation in video games.
That being, its no longer ā€œsafeā€ for them to complain/scapegoat Blizzard adding different skin tones, LGBT relationships in story and more woman characters so they now attack the old punching bag, furryā€™s.

All it really is are miserable people who blame their problems in life on people different than them, itā€™s been that way since the dawn of Humanity. They have (obvious) issues and the best thing anyone can do for themselves and them is to not engage.

Toxic people like this are on their way out with these changes to WoW, slowly but surely.

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