Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Stop your nonsense, please. That is not really an argument.

I dont play Worgens as they are weak in M+. I need that extra Stun on Tauren and extra stamina.

You would know this - if you played the game for reasons that it should be played.

If you were any good at the game you wouldn’t need extra stam or a stun but hey to each there own thats all I wanted to see was your Worgen no need to get your panties in a knot. I mean if you honestly think Worgen are weak in M+ you ae the one who fails to understand how to play the game.

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Lets not go where we dont want to.

#notailsforworgens #protecworgens #headpats

That would not be fun to see come down your chimney.

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I do just fine in M+ and heroic raiding. If you are having issues my dear Hamburger I can give you some great advice on how to do better with a Worgen. Free of charge too.

You see there is a thing called having fun. Just like how I am a variety streamer in Twitch I also play WoW for fun. I know its a hard concept to grasp that a video game can be fun and not a job, But I promise its there. Just enjoy yourself some, don’t run to WoW head read the BIS race and think thats the only way to play the game. Do this and you will find you enjoy your game so much more.

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How can I post pictures on the forums? I would like to do that, too. o.o"

To be perfectly honest pvp m+ raiding etc none of that has any bearing in this thread.

You can be the most casual of casuals and still have a stake in wanting customization. Worgen players don’t need to engage in any content and still have valid opinions on wanting tail customization for their characters.


You have to be a trusted poster. Just keep posting and coming back alot and you will unlock it if you want art posted Gorao just link it and I can post the image for you.


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Oh, I see. I only have a few days of game time left, so that won’t happen since I don’t plan to resub. Depends on the next content patch, if I come back.

Ah well, but thanks for the info!

They don’t enforce this this one I get reported all the time and even with 7 3 day bans have never lost trust level 3.

NP and who knows by the time you come back we might just have optional tails.


You’re really so bad at mythics you need a racial to get by?




Woot new character to block.

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Its all starting to make a lot more since now.

Important question is how do i be usefull in the forums !

It might be smart to turn down all the salt in this thread.

I would hate to have it locked because of overfeeding the trolls.


Yeah. I agree, that’s why I just blocked him instead of… well feeding. He’s clearly never posted in good faith so he doesn’t deserve the attention.

Worgens should have the option to proudly display whatever posterior growth they would like.


I agree. Better to focus on asking for tails and other options that could be improved on worgen customizations than to be bickering with someone who isn’t even really responding.

(also cause I forgot to switch toons again. I’m also Albien.)


First off fixed that for you. Secondly, you can stop bugging us in our post about getting optional Worgen tails. You are not going to change our minds and I would hate to see you get broken by more facts that we prove are true to you. BTW you ever find that edge of the flat earth? Still waiting for that picture.