Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I don’t even interact with the guy and I’m bout to block them. Feel like they are everywhere just stirring up stuff.


Understandable but I dont want him bothering others. Ive more than learned how to deal with people like him, and I just giggle when I meet them.

No one cares about 5 people. I am here for the community and the game devs.

They can block me till end of time.

If you are going to pump a thread on GD, then you better be ready for a discussion. It cant be one sided.

#notaileverforworgens. #protecwowlore

Oh I am more than ready to have a discussion but you don’t want to real long messages so its kind of one sided. You are still wrong about Worgen and what not but that’s fine. Your little hashtag makes me laugh though as no one should ever say No to player requests that are reasonable, but we all know you hate furrys and think that you are here to champion the cause. Don’t worry im here to show you how wrong you are and one day you too will join us in our quest for optional tails.


I personally have no issue with dissenting opinions as long as they are equally open to hear the other side.

You purport to be motivated to “protectwowlore” and yet the origins of Worgen are druidic - they took on the full wolf form - including a tail. And since our curse is druidic at it’s core, our feral form is more wolf than human which would favor a tail option. If you want to enforce warcraft lore I suggest you read up on it since you appear to have a misconception about where Worgen come from.

The entire “werewolf” comparison is moot - it has no bearing on Worgen origins. We are NOT werewolves. Let’s at least put that argument to bed.


Technically speaking, the Pack Form was the one that was entirely a wolf. The Worgen Form had the intention of stepping away from the Wolf aspect and towards a more humanoid aspect. The druids couldn’t handle the fury of Goldrinn at its fullest so they shifted to Elune’s magic. There isn’t really a “more wolf than human” because the two are in balance, one is not more than the other.

But yes, Worgen aren’t werewolves. The comparison/association doesn’t appear anywhere in the WoW canon. Worgen are their own thing.


I would argue against this, only because they weren’t in Balance. They went feral and had to be put to sleep. They did want to be more bestial, though, they wanted to be weapons to fight the Legion.


I of course defer to anyone who is clearly “Lore” incarnate :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, certainly Worgen are not the full druid wolf form from ages past, and yet we barely moved away from it. The only thing that saved us from also going savage was drinking from the three pools in Tal’doren (the Well of Fury, the Well of Tranquility, and the Well of Balance).

But for me at least, this just supports the idea that a tail would be optional, it would indicate just how savage we fell before finding a measure of control. It would definitely not be out of place, or contradict the lore. Indeed I believe having a tail is reinforced by the lore.


I mean, considering that they’ve given customization based on almost nothing (Void Elves getting high elf options) I don’t even think there needs to be a debate.

It’s reasonable, it’s almost there anyway, the demand is most certainly there, and in all likelihood it’s something that’s been on the back burner anyway.

Ah still trying to talk about Lore when you got caught, and called out for Impersonating devolore.

Sorry to say you’re missing a lot of points, honestly. You’re free to make your own threads about wow lore but in case you missed it there’s a wowpedia thread for Werewolves which includes Worgen.

They blocked you for a reason, I’m tempted to block you too for acting so toxic about people blocking you and how you’re seemingly attacking folk

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This was never true.
If you want to discuss it, or if anyone actually wants facts, contact me on Discord @ Lore#0001

Randomly bringing up off-topic drama from 2 years ago for purely inflammatory purposes is distasteful. Don’t make claims without knowing facts and you won’t know facts until you actually know the whole story.

Again, anyone is free to contact me on Discord to know the details and truth.

2 official Blizz employees stated otherwise.

Personally I think coming into a worgen tails ask thread to talk about how worgen shouldn’t/won’t get tails is inflammatory and distaste.


The anti-tail option crew is seriously on another level of unhinged obsession in this community. I have really never seen anything like it, then again when you are fighting for someone else to not have something they want that does not affect you…I guess they have a few screws lose to begin with.

And I am sorry if this comes off as a bit mean or over the top but I have scrolled through this thread and the mental gymnastics and conspiracy theories the people that don’t want tail have are legit disturbing…

Maybe the only reason Blizzard has not done this yet (they will) is because they are dreading the loud back lash from all 9 people that don’t want tails.

That being said, rip the bandaid off Blizzard and #GiveWorgenTails.


I’m fond of the theory posited earlier in the thread that most of them are the ‘anti-furry’ people who are just embarrassed to admit to themselves that they see the appeal, and a lot of the rest of them are members or apprentices of the “Old Man Yells at Cloud” Club.


make sense, please.

good. now you have a fight on your hand.

No we make sense. a human got but with an infected wolf does not end up with a tail. You have nothing a proof to show for it. like zero, nothing. I even asked you all do you see anyone in Gilneas with a tail.

Nothing mental gymnastics - this is straight forward.

There you go ! Blizz is on the side of truth !


You can block this whole community and you would not take drop of water out of an ocean.

You and I are insignificant. All that matters is that these posts get to the communications team.

All you 1374 players who liked this post can block me. half of them prolly dont play the game or Worgens. All that matters is, this post get to communications team.

Ask for a belt transmog or a new race but leave Worgens alone.

Hey Thelion post on your Worgen. I’ll wait.

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Yeah the random BS they come up with for why tails shouldn’t happen is insane. Then there was one that outright demanded everyone with a max level worgen have their accounts banned because they didn’t like worgen. It’s amusing but also sad really… the post of them demanding the worgen players lose their accounts or whatever got torn down as it got flagged something hard but yeah. Now we got this random tauren and his BS… I can see why people blocked him honestly but also hoping that one dwarf who kept calling folk ugly and such is gone as well