Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

There we go thanks, now I don’t have to deal with the headaches I get trying to make sense of his ranting

Edit: For some reason I added Pulemy too but after saving and refreshing it removed him from my ignore? Is he the same guy as the ranting tauren?


BTW that is not how flagging works.

Hopefully, you all will get a lesson from customer support on what you can report and definitions.

Making coordinated attacks is classic example… They should look into all of your battlenet whispers. Truth will come out.

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Not that I am aware of.

Odd… I’ve added him multiple times now and each time it removes him despite me hitting save to keep him on the ignore list. Real odd… on another note I hope worgen get tails one day


Yes they should have tails. I didn’t know what we saw at first but I started to research it, and this confirms it more because of the hind looking legs to the snout. It wasn’t a dog, or wolf too big, dark in color. It was leaning head first into a garbage can and it lifted its head when my headlights hit it. It was in the neighborhood in the Redwood trees. Scared us but I drove quickly past it at about 1:00am and it had a TAIL

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He might’ve been permabanned. He was discussing sexual preferences, identity, and disparaging based on that. That’s a pretty serious ToS violation.

Thank you! No more cowtroll for me.

I don’t play Worgen but I’m here to offer my support.


Thanks - bookmarked for false allegations. We will see about this.

First - you report for spam and selling.

Second - you report for above. English is a very clear language. we will see what your flag results to and this time. i wil make sure to address your false flag as this is now harassment.

Buddy, wait now my turn to report you all for posting in decent content on the threads.

We will see what actually TOC means.

hmm…I’m fine with this if so…he was going kinda crazy after all. Also he kept calling people ugly which is just rude.

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Couldn’t agree more. On a separate note, I would like Worgens to have tails, optional, please. They look like they’re gona fall over in a lot of animations without it.


Im trying to figure out what hes pretending to report me for.

Dunno, can’t see his posts anymore. You should add him to your ignore list. >.> Not missing the trolling.

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I dont ignore people I deal with them in ways that they quickly learn are good for the soul. :wink:

Yeah. I mean generally that’s the way to do it, but he’s going on three, four, days of rambling about the same three points and yelling at everyone because he got a warning.

Hes going to get more warnings if he goes off that little list he posted:

The Devs don’t care if someone is a furry or not. Reporting them for saying they are one is going to get him in trouble.

That is a valid description of the old Worgen female player model. It was terrible and cost the Worgen player base for 10 years. You can’t report someone for telling the truth.

Hes reporting me for quoting someone… Nope NEXT!

Once again you can’t report someone for telling the truth. NEXT!

Still the Truth… Sorry Hamburger but its ok there is nothing wrong with playing a furry race.

Might get me there but ya you keep telling yourself Tauren aren’t furrys if it helps you sleep at night I just head to bed when Im tired and ignore anything someone has said to me over the course of the day.

Well Good luck with that Hamburger but if you spam report my posts and they are all found to not be worthy of reporting you will be the one who gets timed out. Have a good one hun!

You are a blatant liar. You just cant help yourself from lying.

Thelion they have blocked you they cant read that.

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Everyone is always comparing Worgen to werewolves but that’s not what we are. We are afflicted with an ancient druidic magic that originated from the Druids of the Scythe thousands of years ago and they were worshipers of the WOLF god Goldrinn. In Worgen form we are supposed to be semi feral, closer to wolves than humans. While I agree with some of the disenters here, that werewolves often do not have a tail, that doesn’t apply to us because again, we are NOT werewolves, we are Worgen. Our curse is to take on the “pack form” which is more wolf than human. And like most druidic forms, a tail should be the normal expectation.

Absolutely make it optional, but that option should be made available. We’ve waited long enough!

Give Worgen [optional] tails! :wolf:


/e Covey wags something like a tail

Yeah. There are some werewolves that don’t have tails, although those are, usually, examples of old mythology that would use the tail to differentiate between werewolves and witches.

In the modern perception werewolves almost always have tails, with creative license.

Also, Exactly! Worgens are not Werewolves, and the original Wolf Pack had tails. I also wouldn’t complain if I got an extra digit, kinda like having all five fingers, then again that does strengthen your point about them being closer to wolves than humans.

Edit: Amusing anecdote, supposedly in old werewolf mythology the one’s that denote that they’re missing a tail and that’s how you tell them from regular wolves. The werewolf would, supposedly, run on three legs and stick its fourth out backwards to imitate a tail, the lengths mythology goes to is always amusing.

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