Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Yeah it has. I’d… be afraid to eat that popcorn, though, those trolls have been places.

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You got to love when Thelion himself says Worgen should have tails as Worgen are werewolves and “when a human is bit by an infected werewolf - they grow tails.” LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! We got him! He agrees with us. End of story! Welcome to the Worgen side Thelion we will have tails soon enough, and its all thanks to you.


Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed the typo !

You can’t just take it back. You agreed with us that Worgen should have tails. Love you Hamburger!

You can edit it all you want I saved it for everyone to see.

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Wow…never thought I’d see one of my posts yanked for such a reason. Give worgen tails already. I mean nobody even tries to explain to me why exactly it was flagged…nope just poof gone… so I think them yanking that post made Beltharion the new 12k post.

Can’t imagine wanting to die on the hill of trying to convince people that werewolves don’t have tails. The fact that they do is so ubiquitous that it’s simple common sense.


Sorry they did that Foxy, the post didn’t seem that bad to me. Some folk can be mean at times.

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If snoregans get a tail, Dracthyr get an optional 2nd tail. Don’t do it Blizz.


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I get busted all the time. I never really care as its just a mass flag group who dont like me. I laugh do my 3 days and move on to the next post. Should be a bit better around here now that Hamburger has admitted Werewolves get tails.

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give worgen tails.


it’s honestly so dumb they get away with such stunts. I guess however I’ll just try not to defend the furry fandom or who knows maybe they’re sick of me telling Paladina she’s finding some lovely arts. Guess best thing I can do is drown that letter icon in my notifications with more posts and hope people lay off.

Just be you. If someone attacks me I let them I don’t care. Ive had people tell me on stream all kinds of KYS messages due to the animated wolf I use. I just laugh at them and report them to Twitch who bans em. No one is going to change who I am or change how I do things.

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haters going to hate, best thing we can do is make them feel silly and laugh it all off. I’ve sadly also been getting such messages but the funny thing is I get them on Facebook for mentioning I like the vulpera and worgen… and I report them but facebook does nothing. Sad really how folk can be but thank you for the advice Asheru, not going to let one removed post ruin my day.

Best thing you can do is press that ignore button and cut off their supply of attention


I dont see any reason why Game devs are going to take a Classic race and turn into something that has no relation to World of warcraft.

These guys want a furry tail - there is Vulpera. Look at some of the images they are posting, tell me that has any resemblance to a rabid wolf that is part human.

Game designers went out of their way and created this race just for these group of players. They even had to face so much backlash and they still don’t get it.

5 people pumping a thread is hardly a push to justify.

This further proves my point of his attention and what he actually wants to portray as a World of warcraft player.

No one cares, you can game how you want, but dont try and take what we play as well. WE like wow for certain characteristics.

We get an ignore button here? If so…where is it I’ve been looking

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Normally, you can personally mute or ignore someone from their profile page. Since his profile is private, you need to manually add him to your ignore list from your own profile page under preferences → notifications → users.

Me, I just tend not to respond to anything they say because I know I’d just click the “show hidden message” button anyway.


Thanks for the help, I can now ignore him easier…although it seems to put them on a max of six month ignore

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Under username where you enter the name of who you want to ignore is a drop-down menu called duration click on it then scroll all the way down and at the end is forever if that is how long you want to ignore them for.