Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Hey, you’ve spammed the same 5 posts over 20 times in this thread. I’m honestly shocked you haven’t been banned.


As a realm first holder and a Azeroth’s Champion title holder, that has played the game since launch, I proclaim,

Give worgen tails.


I’ve almost played since launch, but not nearly social enough to do any firsts. Still:

Give Worgen Tails.

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I’ve been playing this game since late classic into BC and even I must agree give the worgen tails.

Here’s my theory on that, they suddenly felt they had to try and fix/salvage what they could of the train wreck ahead of them brought on by one of their fired team members and thus they had their hands kinda tied on where to use the resources. It’s no doubt they’ll give worgen their due in time but it stands to reason Shadowlands could of been vastly worse than the train wreck it ended up being.

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Vanilla player here from 04. As such I say:

Give Worgen Tails!
Give Worgen a Lore Correct Size!


Congrats on the 12k posts, here’s hoping worgen get tails some day soon


Oh wow I was post 12k nice. :slight_smile:

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Who are you even talking to?



Thanks bookmarked. We will get to this soon.

He doesn’t know, pretty sure he just randomly picks someone to reply to and doesn’t pay attention. Just trolling.

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They get into the science of tails at about the 13 minute mark, if you’re in a hurry.


One day people will realize that giving attention to and arguing with the brick wall yields no results. But it is not this day.


82 replies since I last checked on this thread. Not bad xD

Here you go



Just yesterday I popped on and there was nearly what 330 or 400 new replies I had to skim. Certainly been a lot of late that’s for sure lol. #GiveWorgenTails. Also I think the new outfit they added is making people appear naked here on the forums as my mage is wearing it and on here she’s now appearing to be in her underwear XD

Most of them are a brick wall rilin up the crowd; skip to the werewolf pictures nothing else to see there

At the end of the day it should be the Worgen players who get to have the final say on what kind of customization we are after as we are the players who are using the race. I find it rather ironic as the “belt” idea is nothing more than an attempt to avoid making Worgen more furry but people having a tail they wear is a huge trend among some furry fans. The big issue is these guys are so closed minded they don’t realize they are suggesting something that would make the characters closer to the thing they hate so.

The absolute best option hands down is to give Worgen an optional check box for a tail or no tail version and add a small story to unlocking it. That way its built into the lore making those people happy, it gives Worgen players the option to choose if they would like to use a tail or not, making those people happy, and the only ones who are left out is the people claiming its a “furry agenda” and no one cares if those people are happy.

Worgen have too long been neglected by Blizzard and its time that we remind Blizzard that Worgen are a core race and the numbers have been on the rise, its time to show us some love rather than treating the race like they are only here to be cannon fodder killed off at a whim. No more sending hundreds of Worgen to slaughter, no more killing them in the place they call home. How many Worgen died in Darnassus? Yet they are unmentioned and just left as not even a footnote. How many Worgen died when Gilneas fell? Plagued by the Forsaken after the orders were given not to use the Plague. How many Worgen have died in all the wars that have followed and only the Night Elves have even bothered to thank the Worgen for the help they gave.


I mean to be fair, that brick wall had a lot of people bringing in a lot of evidence as to why Worgen should have tails. It’s not all unproductive.

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My favorite part was using his own link to prove my point, I’d legit been looking for a good clip that showed the tail instead of needing to rely on merch.

And then called the response.


Haven’t heard from him in a while, lol. Also, I 100% believe that it was the intention to add worgen tails and they just never got around to it.

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