Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Why is having an NPC with those options a necessary prerequisite for a customisation request?


Already told ya mate, original worgen in the lore had tails. You just ignore it, you just ignore anything that doesn’t fit your own personal opinion. An opinion not supported by the lore.


Ya I made a joke post about it the first day I noticed it but really how do you mess that up. Im guessing they had Dyslexic Dan the Programmer Man do both races feet. Oh and before you rush to report me I am terribly dyslexic myself I mix up words when reading things and can’t do large sets of numbers so by no means am I insulting someone over that.

I fully support his thread on Dracthyr Tanks. They should have had them imo.

I can agree with someone on one topic and not on another. I know hes not a troll in this case, he was correcting the claim that Genn has a tail which has been refuted sadly.

That said Blizzard has gone back on things before and what Genn has or doesn’t have doesn’t preclude Worgen in general getting tails even if they do not.

Lore only has a level 10 with 0 achievements because of Blizzards own system issues. He made a replacement Lore on his old server to get access again to his several Allied Race threads (among other threads.). Turns out when you switch servers the Forum system treats it as a different toon altogether.

I regret calling it out. Despite what others here may feel, I consider Lore a friend and I let my strong feelings about Worgen getting tails (among other options) get the better of me.

Ok fine here you go Offical art for WOW with Worgen having tails:

Hard to spot it but its there trust me I can zoom and enhance if you so want.

See that Copyright…

So there you go 2 images from Hearthstone which is in WoW so its Cannon. Now did you find that edge of your supposedly flat world yet? Ill give you a hint take a cat with you it loves to knock things off the edge so you’ll know when you get there.


I can respect that. I told lore in one of his own posts I was glad to see him use the words “More options are always better.” Something I have said hundreds of times in this post. And I do want more options for everyone on every aspect so they can enjoy what they play but he also did attack this post long ago demanding a lore reason telling us we couldn’t even request an optional tail cause it wasnt lore correct. Then he started to back peddle a little when I brought up what about the fact Worgen are 8 feet tall in lore and only 6’11" in game. Later he left the post alone and for that I respected his decision to let us continue our requests without his posts telling us what we can and cant have. I will protect this post if he returns to tell us once again we cant ask for options after he himself has been asking for the same thing on another race. But I leave that up to him. I will respect his decision either way but I will be ready to call him out if he thinks its ok to let one race ask for stuff and then tells another they can not.

Straight up, most people who haven’t played Worgen usually assume they do have tails.


Mate, I am gonna let you in on something.
They are going to give Worgen tails.
If I were you I would get over things that don’t affect you sooner then later to avoid a meltdown.


Honestly to me Lore even thought theyre against the tails, I concider them good dude since at least they agree with me that if they do add em in, one way that would be possible is to add in a questline that goes along the lines of getting a blessing from Goldrinn and end up with us gaining full control of the worgen curse, to now be a gift instead, that results in us getting wolf pact as well ontop of that for a replacement of cat form.

Lots of discussions can be had when it comes to how to implement features not just for worgen, but for every class and race in the game. Its just annoying when you have trolls like the tauren who try extremely hard to not let any conversarion go on, and when given examples or ideas, they revert back to spazzaming out and acting childish in many cases.

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We are just asking that they be optional so people can choose if they want them or not. We dont want to force something on someone they dont want on their own character or we would be one of the biggest, longest running hypercritical posts on this forums history. Just give Worgen the option to select a tail yes or no and be done with it. Make both sides happy. And screw the jerks who think its a furry agenda they dont even have a voice in this as they dont play the race in the first place.


Honestly, I think that’s probably the case the way they’ve been going about granting greater customization to players. Everything is already there, essentially just switch flip after some testing.


This…would be rather nice honestly. I mean the bones for the worgen tails are there so maybe they’ve got the files for it already but are waiting for a good moment or time to implement it? Like maybe we will see worgen getting tails and more in touch with Goldrinn and his supposed curse or blessing when Gilneans get Gilneas back? I mean that would be an amazing moment for it honestly. Worgen return to Gilneas free of blight thanks to some help from Callia, the earthen ring comes in and fixes the land good as new if not better than new and gilneas as a whole is restored to its people. Night elves who’re without a home still maybe helping with the druidic ways and Goldrinn figuring he likes the land enough he’ll make himself a home there and gives the worgen his blessing which gives the option for tails and a big boom of worgen cosmetic options? Maybe even a title like “Son/Daughter of Goldrinn” or something for extra swag?


However they will do it they will do it. It will be optional and if its not added in this expac it will be next expac. Worgen tail option is now more requested then entire races to be playable.


Sweet Green Jesus I would love that. My character’s RP is all up in that Goldrinn veneration.

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I still have a theory that we were originally supposed to get a second batch of customization for worgens, tails included, before they scrapped all customization and worked on dracthyr instead. What makes me believe that is that in the games files right now, not only is the tail skeleton there, but also the pure black fur worgen textures.

We were supposed to get those with the second batch but it got delayed to who knows when.


Yeah I doubt they’re ignoring the fact it’s highly requested, and it should be clear to them by now this is a good way to bring things together and get some more interest in the game. It’d be a good step for them they just need a good time for it I’d say. I’d imagine they’d make the rebuilt Gilneas a truly beautiful place as well, I mean it was amazing before but seemingly compact and at this point they don’t need the walls keeping folk out so they could expand some


Sorry you need a good argument to put a tail on something that has no place for it in the lore.

Ask the dev team for a new class - just like high mountain.
Have a tail, earning, straight back.

Original worgen had tails. :smiley:


Give Worgen tails.


bruh has 2 posts in this thread. What a contribution.