Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

is this a werewolf or a rabid dog?

because dogs have tails and human hybrids dont have tails. Just curious.l

That’s Jon Talbain from Darkstalkers, who by the way, is a werewolf. :smiley:


Sings Still haven’t proved your point. Wish you’d get out of this joint. That’s a tailed werewolf right there and it’s rendered your argument bare. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Wow, that fantastic. Where can i see him in Azeroth ?

I wish the ignore feature wasn’t broken by something the trolls can set themselves

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Dunno where can we see Teen Wolf in Azeroth? You bring him up so often.

Pretty soon since wow is being signed over to microsoft later in 2023, and microsoft loves doing crossover stuff. :slight_smile:

WoW multiverse confirmed?

I for one would love a Elder Scroll WoW cross over since they’ll be both under Microsoft.

Also give me a gears of war transmog outfit while you’re at it for the hell of it!

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Hey, at least Elder Scrolls, one of the most influential RPGs of the era, knows that werewolves have tails.


Friendly reminder that Worgen already have bones and animations for tails so it would take minimal work to add them compared to a lot of other features.


They’ve also already developed several tails for other furred species. It would take very minimal effort to give Worgen tails, especially since by all appearances that was the original plan.


what? Dracthyr got four toes yet leave chicken footprints? Why is this a thing? How has the person or people responsible for this not been fired? Worgen for god knows why get three toes yet leave a full canine footprint which is annoying as is but
how did they screw up so bad with four toed dragons?

I sure hope so lol.

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Its never one thing with the anti-tail people I swear.

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I have no idea what’s going on here anymore but here a +1 to keep it moving.


Yeah, same.

I hate when the thread gets hijacked by trolls.


I’ve desperately tried to steer it back towards reasons that tails should go on Worgens but trolls keep popping up from the boggy underswamp of the forum bridge.


I second this
I’d of added Thelion and the other problem children we’ve been hit by in this thread a long time ago. My question is
why is it two of them post their crazy stuff as tauren and the other’s a dwarf. I’m just glad nobody’s calling for god forbid some kind of genocide of those of us with fur in the game as that’d be crossing the line and then some


Not a single one of you has produced a World of Warcraft lore in which it shows a Worgen having a tail.

A rabid dog on a chimney,

You think bumping up posts, will get you tail. having any weight in an argument is important.

They already gave you Vulpera.