Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You mean how we can’t see Genn standing up straight or having jewelry like in the cinematic? Again, ignoring the facts. xD

Ofcourse Genn still has his Cataclysm model. When he gets his rework, he will get his upright stance, jewelry, AND tail. :smiley:




Extremely unlikely that this will happen. They have their hands full with reviews on Dragonflight and especially the content from Dragon Isle.

They are going to divert all their resources to address those issues.

So now you are a dev and know what they are going to do?


Why not all of those things and tails?

Genn doesn’t have a tail, no Worgen does.
It was a mistake in Before the Storm and a statement was made about Worgen and how they do in fact not have tails. There’s also no cinematic of Genn with a tail.


Because werewolves. Dont have tails.

I know I read that article, saw the trailer, and even the comic. I don’t need to argue with them on something which is cleared up. They can argue. lol

Werewolves have tails.


earth is flat

I knew you were that type. Anything is truth as long as it lines up with your opinion.


Oh good Ill tell you what go find the edge of the flat earth and take a picture when you do Ill admit you are right. Ill wait.

They do in fact have tails. Though some do not. Its a funny thing about the media. They kinda add or don’t add them as they see fit.

Even the original story has a version with and without. Turns out legends and myths often drift.

Either way though. Worgen are worgen and could have or not have a tail at Blizzards whim.

I always find it strange seeing you, a high elf supporter, here telling people what they can and cannot request.


He’s ignoring the lore, too. The original worgen had tails. He only brings up the lore when it suits him.


ngl, that tin foil helmet looks pretty good on you there buddy.

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Lore is a troll whos been temp muted many times for prior posts in this thread. He was doing better or so it seemed as he was, he was even saying Dracthyr needed more options like being able to tank. Well if hes going back to his old ways he will quickly get shut down here again. You notice hes a level 10 with 0 achevements. Oh well.

Even the great lore nerd Nobbel himself agrees that tailed worgens wouldn’t break the lore as they originally did have tails. The famous red shirt guy also agreed that tailed worgens would be good and not lore breaking at all.

Just like how we somehow found taurens with antlers one day, it’s only natural that we will eventually come across some tailed worgens, if not, already among us now.


Give worgen big fluffy amazing tails.

My work with bringing ducks to wow is done. Now I’ll work on tails for you guys


to be fair at this point the lore is a mess…

and to be honest? i think blizzard is just doing a Weekend at Bernie’s with the Lore at this point…

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I agree the lore is a bit tangled. Which, I mean, makes it even worse when you’re using the lore to gatekeep something.

Edit: Although, in this case, the Lore is in support of the topic.

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