Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Reading through some comments I actually don’t think that person is honest and just here to troll worgen fans. Just ignore them or be grateful, that they push the thread on a regular basis. :sweat_smile:

Oh they are. Its funny how easy it is to manipulate them into keeping this thread at the top of the list. You let the dumb ones think they are doing something good by keeping you at bay but in reality all they are doing is helping this thread by seen by more and more people every time they open their mouth. I mean he claims lore yet he didn’t even know Night Elves have short ear options nor did he know Thrall was an original orc model all hunched over just like every other orc in the game. Right then and there I knew we had a real winner and someone we can use for some free and easy post boosts any time he wants to pretend he knows what hes talking about.

Being a paying customer is all the authority I need.


and how did it work out for you ?

Ask for a belt option. They did give Draenai a nice belt in Warfront tier 3 set. This belt changes with every race. So they can do the same design for you al…

And Ill keep asking for it for the next 13 years if I have to. Blizzard is driven by the almighty dollar and due to their own abomination of a model the Worgen player base suffered only the most diehard of us kept to playing female Worgen. There for when there was no one playing the race there was no need to spend the money to update anything. Its a fairly simple concept Im sure even you can understand. But once the HD model rolled around you are seeing even to this day more players who play Worgen even when Worgen are still the only core race in the game who never got a racial revamp like every other core race did. So ya you can run you mouth all you want thinking you are insulting me, jokes on you though I am very stubborn Im not about to give up or give in. You can try but just like all the others you will fail to break me. Good luck on it though.

no one cares.

Ask them for a suitable alternative and try to meet them in the middle. With all these years of Worgen experience, you can have valuable input on the belt transmog.

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I vote no to tails. Give me what evokera have. A button to turn me human automatically. And my god dam city back.


Yes, tell them.

I was reading few books. So Werewolves once they make the transformation, they dont have the will to switch back untill the moon dips. So it is not in your will as it is a curse.

An Evoker is born as a Dracthyr so it is not a curse.

Nothing important but what you have like the button to switch is good and keep the class close to lore,.

Dont hate me plx :frowning:

Ah, I see. In that case, the lore is broken beyond repair after bfa and shadowlands anyway. :sweat_smile:

But again, regarding wolf tails on a wolf race… there isn’t anything wrong with that.

99% Gnoll - 1% German Shepard.

Its a simple concept and yet the dumb ones are like… NO YOU CANT HAVE. But that makes it that much more fun. Also its why we ask for it to be optional so people can have their cake and eat it too with a simple choice.

You care or you wouldn’t post here so much. Love you hamburger!

Ignore thelion my worgen friends.
He is merely a troll.


What OP said.

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Are you high?

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In your head, this deserves a reply as you have produced a quality argument.

An argument to what? Lol I dont even know what you are saying.

He’s just a troll, and not a very good one.

I would, but apparently you can’t ignore anyone if their profile isn’t public.

Keep in mind, this is the same guy that took a characters appearance off a official book and cinematic, and instead of saying okay, so it did happen, they passed it off as “They just transmoged in to a tail. It’s not a real tail on Genn” :stuck_out_tongue:

Best to ignore em


Good - no arguments again i see. Just i want, want and want.

Keep at it champs.

If it was we could see it now. Well you know the answer to that.