Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

No we want an optional tail in our character customization not a belt slot. You do not pay for our accounts so you have 0 say in what we request for the race we play.


If they looked into Dwarf, then they also might have looked into my posts. This is good news for all of you !

as my suggestion would have opened up a discussion !

Ask them for a belt transmog, so you don’t end up butchering a race.

You’ve been told, oh so many times, that the Worgen in WoW lore had tails. Sorry buddy.


Ok mommy !

There is no butchering a race here for something optional to be added. Lets take a look at the choices Tauren get in comparison to Worgen:



See how many options you get in comparison to Worgen and yet when we ask for something optional you tell us No? Who are you to us? You are a nobody. You do not pay for our accounts you do not play the race we play you have 0 say in our requests other than you dont want furry agenda pushed. This isn’t a furry thing there are many here who are not furrys who want this choice. I dont know how hard it can be for you to understand something so simple.


That’s just sad… :frowning:

I really don’t like how the devs handle their playable races. No wonder many members of the wow community are so toxic. That’s just unfair.

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Your request are asking to change the core of a race. Which is unacceptable.

Ask them for hair, cosmetics, ear.

These are all things that one can do in a barber shop,

How do you end up asking for a full-grown tail when you are a hybrid full who is half human and half Wolf ?

This is where your requests are absurd.

I very much like your belt idea. I myself had proposed it in the past and believe it to be a satisfying compromise.

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That is why we made this thread we would like more options for Worgen to bring them up to par to the other races. Yet we get these “Your pushing a furry agenda” fools who honestly think that because we are asking for something to be optional we shouldn’t be able to get it because there is a slight chance that it would make something a bit more furry in their minds. That is not the case. Everyone here saw the concept art and how good Worgen look with a tail. Its more than past time for the model to be given one and given it as something optional so we dont force it on players who wouldnt want it.


Hey Lore get out of here, hows that tanking for Evokers going you were doing so well and popping back in here now is just going to get you sent away again. We do not want a fake belt we want optional choices to represent our player models the way we would like them.

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Agreed ! not sure why they dont want to use the Trading post coming up.

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I can understand that. Some allied races have more options than Worgen now and Worgen is a core race. As I said, that’s just incredibly unfair of the devs.

We don’t care that we get treated poorly we are used to it as its been going on since Cata started and the model went from a passable choice to the Abomination we were stuck with for 10 years. What really annoys us is when people like Thelion come in with stupid comments and claims of knowing what is best for the race we play and tell us we can’t make our own requests as it breaks the lore of the game. Oh screw off with that kind of talk, the lore is long dead and chances at a moments notice to allow players to be happy reguardless of how many might say… But i dont want this. Just look at Night Elf Mages as a very good example.

I don’t know, if night elf mages are such a good example here. They make sense, since the highborne were allowed to rejoin their brothers and sisters. So there really are night elves, who are mages.

That being said, I don’t see anything wrong with a humanoid wolf race having a wolf tail.

Here is how much I hate the game and would like to see Worgen who break the lore:

The only class I don’t currently have a Worgen for is Priest cause I don’t enjoy playing a priest. Feel free to look up the names and the achievements to see how much Ive done and how much I play.


If it wasn’t for the race/faction restrictions and for the odd looking model, I would definitely make one, too. I like their concept and I loved Gilneas. Shame they never updated that zone.

The reason I use that is it was a huge lore change. Night Elfs who used arcane magic were changed into high elves on a physical level in the old lore, they could not mess with the magic without it effecting them and altering them. Blizzard came along and retconned it so they could suddenly do so and all was fine in the world, yes at first people were like But muhhhhh lore about the change but it was soon dropped and now no one bats an eye at them. But when we ask… No that would break the lore of the game (Which we are still waiting for even one of these guys to link proof of that claim) and we are only asking cause we are all furrys and want to ruin the game for others.

Nice copium there bud !

Nice come back dude. Look at me I am so hurt by what you just said. Did you mommy help you find the big mean word you used?

Does not give you any authority to ask for the tail.

But you are in a very good position to ask for alternatives! Such as a belt transmog.