Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen tails, or atleast give us the option


Yea that would be a good deciding factor for some one who is not in touch with the lore.

So he can bring in dynamics for other games which are not WOW and wants WOW to be like inferior games. See below :point_down:

He has yet to show me an NPC from World of Warcraft with a tail. He cannot show me, because they do not exists.

Its like you telling me humans can have night elf ears.

Curious. Do you think Worgen are werewolves or just hybrids?

If they’re just hybrids
 with what then? Where are the werewolves in WoW for them to be a hybrid with?

I am dying to know your answer.

You mean like half elves?

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NO !

I did and this is a fantastic option. Which preserves the lore and the race stays within WOW and not some furry fantasy. See below my suggestion.

Thelion you were the one who asked the following:

Other games are a form of media that show tails on Werewolves so that is where we are asking that Worgen be brought up to par. And if you want Blizzard Referances just look at Diablo 2 and 4 and look at the fact the Worgen model already has tail bones. You are just simply trying to be a brick wall when you are shown proof and then argue that the other games are not good enough to be counted. Those games listed are fine and fun to play as well I can see from your message that you only consider WoW to be the master game out there and I have to say WoW is fun but it is not the end all be all game.

My dude, I know you know that is not remotely true. Legit, think about this for like 4 minutes. People can play other games and still know about WoW, come on lol.

My guy, this is unhinged non-sense thinking

They are responding to you saying werewolves don’t have tails (btw they very much do in original East European lore).

‘inferior games’ holy moly lol


tail, new revamp options, and for old gods sake blizzard fix our feet. we got 3 toes and we leave 4 toe prints. you gave us raptor / tallstrider feet


why dont you go there then ? Why do you need it in WOW - WoW does not have any of that content here ?

These above quotes should proof - Asheru is not really a gamer who likes World of warcraft Worgens. He wants WOW to be something else, which is inferior. Proves my point !

Again, he should do the starter quest and know the difference between hybrid and a wolf.

YOu guys have no argument to push this other than a furry agenda.

I suggest you ask for transmog options.

Steffen do you want to see something mind blowing? They really need to fire someone for this one:



Feet Prints


Someone needs to pay for this sin!


sure go ahead and ask for this! this will not butcher the race. This will actually enhance the visual quality!

AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! You are a furry hater and that’s why you are here


Hold on Im going to need to break a keyboard or two for this one.


Oh god that is too damn funny. You just took any form of credit you had here and tossed it out the window cause you knew you were losing this fight. Oh I do love it when I get unarmed opponents in the battle of wits. It makes it so easy.

I have been playing WoW since 04. The druid you see me posting on started life as a Night Elf in vanilla WoW and until Cataclysm hit I played her as my main. The moment I saw we were getting Worgen and I could play a Worgen Druid I knew I was going to race change her and most of my characters to be Worgen. You don’t know me at all if you think I don’t love the lore and race that is the Worgen and you can’t even start to try to understand how much time, effort and money I have put into WoW but do feel free to make your assumptions here cause they are only making an fool out of you right now and I am laughing so hard I need to take a small breath.


I am not reading all that sir.

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Aaaaaand there it is.
Push any harder and this dude will really tell you the group of people he does not like. Seen this nonsense so many times, keep your weird IRL hangups out of WoW.


Of course you will not read it you are too stupid to read a very small thing just ignore the HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Trust me the TL: DR to it is I am laughing at you. You have screwed up and now everyone will never take your post seriously. Have a good one Hambuger I know I will get hours of laughs out of this.

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You prove nothing!

If i did not care of you all. I would not suggest, ask Dev team for a belt transmog option.

With the Trading post coming up, you have a very high chance that the design team pick this up. As they would not need to throw in extra resources.

But well you want to bring in trash inferior dynamics from other games and mix it with something that is far superior!

I am voicing my opinion so the communication team see this post and actually takes my suggestion to the dev team of giving you all a tail transmog.

You lack the skill of selling an idea ! :point_down:

Be reasonable and meet them half way, maybe they will give you an alternative.

What you are asking is to change the core of a race ! which is highly unacceptable !

No we are not. You have one of the dumbest suggestions anyone has ever made and you know that’s saying a lot as the female Worgen model we got for 10 years was a nightmare. We want an optional tail and you know why we want an optional tail cause it looks natural on a creature with Digigrade legs. I know it hurts you every time I say it but as a person who plays a furry race you should understand it most. But its all good in that tiny mind of yours you think that Tauren aren’t furrys you probally go to sleep at night saying that mantra over and over I am not a furry my cow player charater is just cool
 But you know what, you are already on the road to being one. It starts with a choice you made and now there no turning back. Fight it all you want.

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I play a game that the game designers have designed! i don’t push my inferior agendas.

I dont play High mountain - but you dont see complaining to them how can a cow have antlers ?

They chose to design it this way. This is their game ?

If i like that race, i will play. But i am not going to make a thread and riot saying remove antlers or give us option ?

I would highly suggest you all to download PTR and check out the trading post option.

If you all need any help, I can help you communicate properly wjich is reasonable !

So we can try for an alternative of a tail option via BELT slot !

We will get an optional tail because unlike your kind of people we want people to be able to have a choice. You want it the way you want it and no options what so ever. That is a sad limited way to look at things and kind of pathetic when you think about it. You notice the Dwarf stopped posting cause he knew he was beat. (Or he got a temp ban for the personal attacks one of the two) You will learn your place here it might take time but you will learn and either you will join us in our requests or you will quit posting here. You are not the first to hate on furrys here and you will not be the last. The best part of this is most of the Worgen players here aren’t furrys just a small hand full are but in your mind you think that everyone who plays one is pushing a furry agenda
 well you join us in it when you post on a Tauren as they are a furry race. Welcome to the dark side brother. We have cookies come sit and talk a while.

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