Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

In my opinion Worgen, both male and female, need a body revamp. Their model is incredibly ugly. :sweat_smile:

But I agree, a tail would be at least a tiny improvement to an overall very bad looking race. So you have my support.

Give Worgen tails
 more customization options in general
 and a body revamp.


Good again you all are back with baseless theories.

It is just 5 of you trying to hold up this match stick theory of yours.

Ask for belt transmog option.

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Another week another ask.

Worgen customization list
Still a work in progress.


Tail Options

  • Optional Tails, Including a No Tail Toggle, and varying appearances for said tails.

Apperance can come in two parts.
None, Short, Medium and Long sizes.
Thin, Fluffy and Curled Shapes.

  • Accessories for the tails.

Rose for the tail, little bits of jewelry for the tail. That sort of thing.

Body and Fur

  • Upright Posture.
  • Correct Eight Foot Tall Size.
  • Solid Black Fur.
  • Shaggier Fur options.
  • Optional Ears On The Top Of The Head.

Hair and Head

  • Larger more visible braids/patches/extensions for hair.
  • More hair decorations/accesories (small hats and roses for example).
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color options.
  • Heterchromia Eyes for all sides and colors.
  • Blind Options for both sides and all colors.
  • More Glowing Eye options.
  • More Muzzle shapes.
  • More Natural Teeth Option (Thinking More like Genn).

  • More Ear Options and Shapes.
  • Separate Scars from Faces.
  • More facial scars and damaged ear options.
  • Large body scars/bite marks/claw marks. We’re worgen
 like for real.
  • Visible corresponding scars in human form!!!


  • Jewelry options for male and female.
  • Gilnean Rose for our hair.


  • Add The Melee Claw Animation.
  • A No Weapons Transmog.


  • Monk

The reasoning for us not having them was tied to our locked in timeline for our starting zone. This is no longer an issue as all players can now start in Exiles Reach. Its ridiculous that Blizzard didn’t unlock this for Worgen, LFD and Goblins with the release of rogue mage and priest.

  • Paladin

The Gilnean’s were around when the Silver Hand was made. Let us have our paladins damnit! They already claimed that the curse doesn’t stop the priests from being able to be holy. They can also go the route of Void Knights with this since the Worgen often have shadowcasters among their number of the feral ones.

  • Shaman

Hey it worked for the Kul’Tirans right? No reason we can’t learn. (Also there is a Worgen Shaman in Ashenvale
) Lets get all these classes for the Worgen!

Feel free to ask me to add more things.

Merry Christmas to all of you, happy holidays as well!


Another day with a workable solution :slight_smile:

Yes !

No ! you are rabid wolf. How can you protector ogf light ?

Maybe !

“You can ask for this” 
 um, are you really trying to tell people what they are allowed to ask for and what not? :sweat_smile:

Some people here on the forums are something else
If people want to have a tail on a humanoid wolf race, let people ask for tails.


That ones just a troll. They’re only trying to get a rise out of you, otherwise they’d bother to read posts which they’ve failed to do multiple times.

They have no rebuttals to why they don’t want Worgen to have tails, at least none they’re willing to actually admit, and they have no reason to think that its not a valid ask.

Their only benefit is that they bump the thread.

They’re just a weak communicator afraid of the scary scary tails.


Sure - another troll. Show us where and on what authority are you asking for a tail on a werewolf. Which is a hybrid between man and a wolf. This is not a Wolf !

Show us any npc leader in the game who has a tail !

Dont worry. I will wait - your whole clan on furries have failed to prove it.

Like i need to rebute you ? You wont be butchering a race because you have a wierd fetish to push sir.

My suggestion of a belt transmog is very good and easily workable.

Ah, I see.

Personally I like the concept of Worgen and Gilneas, but I despise their model. They just look very weird to me.

If it wasn’t for all the faction/race restrictions and if Worgen would get more love from the devs in form of more customization options and maybe even a body revamp, then I would definitively make a worgen.

That’s why you guys have my support. =)


Apparently they’re also afraid of furrys given their last response.


Nothing wrong with that.

I don’t mind the current model but there are some areas I might change if given the opportunity.

More customizations though I’m all for, for all races, but I love worgen.

Until the trolls came I wasn’t even going to add a tail to my own worgen when we get optional tails but now I’m definitely going to.

Worgen models in game are very De-Tailed.
Get it, Detailed, De-Tailed

I’ll show myself out.


I’m a little upset at myself that I laughed at that. Lol

Another week, another plus one.

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lie and absurd requests for tails.

This thread dont even know the difference between a Werewolf and a human who got bit by an infected hybrid.

Time they spent doing the starter quest again. So they understand the basics.

Your only 1379 off this time Thelion. You are starting to get a little better at math. One day I might even teach you how to do simple addition if you keep it up.

ESO Werewolf:

Diablo 2 Werewolf:

Werewolf the Apocalypse Earthblood Werewolf:

Video Horror Society Werewolf:

World of Warcraft Worgen model:

See those little funny shapes for those who don’t know they are called bones they help animate models and the Worgen model itself has bones for a tail already attached to the model. Blizzard had to have intended to give Worgen a tail at the start but then ran out of time and never did. So ya. There is your proof Hamburger I cant wait to see how you try and say


you will actually do your starter quest in Gilneas and know what your race is.

Then you will know the difference between a Wolf and Werewolf.

BTW i did check your stream - you play more games than WOW. That should be a good tell sign of where your interests are and what you want from WOW to be !


I know it’s a bit of a hard concept but there is a thing out in the world called a variety streamer. They don’t just focus on 1 game and only cater to one crowd. I can tell you I have done the Worgen starting zone more times than you even would care to do it and low and behold I know exactly what the Worgen race is. Also fun fact Worgen are not based off common wolves like most Werewolves are they are based off Worg’s which are dire wolves in the WoW universe. Anything else you want to bring up?


Surprisingly a lot of them are the same people.

Almost like they don’t want Alliance to ask for anything or they want their favorite race to get stuff first.


I am sorry lol what?
Is this really supposed to be a counter argument?