Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Good lord, I can’t believe people are still fighting in this thread, all races deserve more customizations and on the topic of this thread Worgen should be given the tail option for people that want it that way it’s a choice if you have one and use it or not.


Tails will make them look more like wolves and less like werewolves. And that’s all there is to it.

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4… didn’t you say the post has over 1370+ likes. That a few more than four or are we going to have to discuss how math works again?

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Sure give the furrys what they want but where is our breast slider? If we get a breast slider I will let you have you’re weird animal fetish gear.

Werewolves have tails. You lose. Good day sir

yeah…kinda sad we got a furry hater dwarf slinging his filth here and whatever the blazes that tauren guy’s doing. Thread is for trying to help worgen get tails not their personal beliefs or anti fur crap

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Not so much fighting as using bad faith bait and getting bites, really.


No it does not work like that.

How can like this post more than once ?

Werewolves have tails. So, still not sure what you’re on about. They’re not on all fours and the original werewolves, from actual mythology, were more like wolves. You’re on the back foot, again. And with that, good night.

Some do. Those werewolves are bad. They stink. They’re inferior.

That’s your opinion and just like a butt hole everyone has one and yours stinks.


Why you talking about original werewolves as if they have anything to do with the modern horror trope.

The horror trope usually doesn’t have tails.

Of course you know the mythology of werewolves. And you want it to be reflected accurately in the game. Literally the furry agenda.

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Because I like mythology? Your sex obsession is getting old. The horror trope werewolf has a tail. Watch American werewolf in London.


I was gonna say creepy but otherwise I agree with you.


You know it’s funny I didn’t think they made dwarves so blind and dumb and set them out into the wild then I saw this guy post. Hey at least his rants are worthy of a Christmas laugh. The only furry agenda here is the one you are blindly claiming exists. One part of this thread you missed cause you came to try and fight the battle of wits as an unarmed opponent is we are asking for tails to be optional so people can get both looks. But I’m sure somewhere in your mind that’s also a bad thing. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink so if you want to continue to ignore the heart of this thread feel free I’ll just be here ready to laugh.

Yea the integrety of the artstyle to me matters. I was joking before about supporting a boob slider. What you’re suggesting is the same thing in my opinion.

Seriously, ‘furry agenda’. As if any group of more than six furries can be organized to do anything.


You just cant help your self from lying. I have caught you lying again. two times in the same night.

An American Werewolf in London | The Transformation - at 5.19 second the transformation begins from human to rabid were wolf form.

Wait for it - NO TAIL !

h ttps://

Pretty sure you’re literally a furry. And yea knowing a lot of obscure stuff about wolves is evidence of that.