Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

No. it doesn’t. If I made a piece of art of a horrifying hag and gave her four breasts, that’s not me sexualizing her. That’s like saying the girl with uniboob from Kung Pow is sexualized. No, that’s not why that was included.

And that should be obvious. Because female tauren are butt ugly.

Just cause they aren’t sexy in your odd mind don’t change the fact they are furrys my little Dwarven friend. They are an animalistic fur covered race rather you find them sexy or not is irrelevant. And for your own sake never Google sexy Tauren.

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Thank the people coming in giving completely contrarian and nonsensical arguments that are easily countered.

Wow… you’re full of piss and vinegar tonight it seems. You have a rotten christmas or something? I mean hey two people can play this game, dwarves are kinda ugly as well. I mean the only dwarves that aren’t ugly are perhaps the dark iron ones as hey they’re not spewing garbage everywhere. Oh and “Moo…you happy now?”


name checks out.

yea dude and turtles can’t anatomically have hydro cannons on their back made from metal. And Charizard probably would be too fat to fly. And Venasaur would have type 2 diabetes.

Rule of cool always takes precedent over anatomical accuracy. I bet you’ve made, or at least have been in a few DnD games. I’ve DMed a lot in my day. I’m laughing at the concept of wasting time worrying about encounters making anatomical sense. As if players ever seriously think about that crap.

I bet his hair would fall out if he did lol. Yeah but no seriously listen to Asheru here…don’t google this as some artists go kinda crazy with the topic

I agree the choice behind that is it gave Tauren a reason to be bi pedal rather than go on all fours like the centuar. And there is nothing wrong with the choice they made.

Bro dwarves exist in real life…you’re insulting a real life group of people. I’m insulting female taurens, who are objectively not conventionally attractive.

I mean, you’re projecting again. This isn’t pokemon, and people clearly care about that sort of thing.

I haven’t actually ever had the chance to play DnD but if I did I certainly wouldn’t want you as a DM. Again, this is all just your opinion and that’s fine, it’s one in the minority.

Yea like they are bots running a forum.

The more this gets bumped, the more closer my suggestion gets to the design team. before you all butcher this amazing race.

Why do you keep spamming?

never seen a dwarf in real life, I mean gnomes exist and an example of this is the guy who played mini me in austin powers.

This was given to me by the games own name generator, so not sure what you are trying to get at. :wink:

Because he lost. He knows he had no grounds foe his claims so now he’s going to spam one thing and in his mind it makes it the only valid choice.


people clearly care about that sort of thing.

Furry’s care about that sort of thing. That’s why I keep saying the furry agenda is ruining this games. Specefically this games artstyle and race quality.

it’s one in the minority.

nah man Dracthyr and Vulpera both got a ton of hate on release.

Um I don’t think they like to be called gnomes. Little People or Dwarfs. That actor literally has what’s called Dwarfism.

They also got a ton of players. Tails make sense, that’s all there is to it, really. You want to be an insulting troll, though, that’s on you.


No offense to Vulpera but that was brought on by everyone UWUing everyone they came across in a meme fashion.

You 4 are the only ones waiting ?