Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Everyone has shown you several pieces of media with tailed werewolves. The Diablo druid werewolf has a tail. The original werewolf myth from Greek mythology had a tail. Your turn, wikipedia doesn’t count. In your words let’s appreciate the world blizzard made, where their werewolves have tails.


I literally linked you stuff with tailed werewolves and you go on to say it’s not real or it doesn’t count. No point arguing when you decide to ignore facts. xD

Have a picture of winston in a WEREWOLF costume, and oh hey, I don’t remember winston having a tail like that. Guess it’s proof that werewolves indeed use tails in media, along side those that don’t, which is why we should have OPTIONAL tails. :smiley:


tails pls


Yea, i dont play Overwatch. He is a monkey who is a werewolf?

Do you even see the logic in that ?

yea another trash mob that is not a leader from Gilneas. good job

NPC leaders don’t have anything to do with character customization. Cite a source where a dev has said that. What? You can’t? It isn’t truth, then, just your personal feeling which has little to do with anything.

who r u???

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Someone who secretly wants worgen tails and is arguing to bump the thread. I would wager, because none of it makes sense otherwise.

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yeah he looks like a bored troll lol

You are all not bringing up any arguments that hold weight.

I respect each and every one of you all as gamers and I understand how it feels when you want your hero to look a certain way.

So this is my suggestion to you all.

Ask for cosmetics that have the option to add a tail. So this would be a belt option.

This is what i did on my Draenai because i hated the tail. This belt option protects my tails. See below :point_down:

You can ask for this. This way, you get what you need by not butchering the race.

POST Edit :point_down:

That option to cover the tail is only available in Tier 3 set.

So with trading station coming up. You all can voice for more customization option via transmogs.

Dramatic troll bait if I’ve ever seen it. Night elves can have short ears. Void elves can be light skinned. Tauren can have elk antlers. Worgen had tails in the past. Get over yourself, if you think all of these are ok but a tail for worgen now isn’t, it’s just personal feelings. The lore isn’t on your side and neither is anyone else.



How is adding an optional tail to the werewolf race butchering anything?


Yea screaming don’t mean winning.

If any of the game devs read this post. My suggestion of tails as a cosmetic is very likely. This is risk-free, and does not taint the race or the lore.

Your request is just not what World of warcraft is based on.

With all the excitement for trading post coming up. You guys should ask for that. a cosmetic belt option for tail.

No one is screaming. Original worgen had tails. You still haven’t linked a single source to support your argument.


Teen Wolf is a Wolfman not a Werewolf. There is a very distinct difference between the two. Also once again the tail thing comes down to the money the studio wants to spend.

But here is the real kicker to it all if you make it optional it will not matter if my character wants a tail and you want a Monkey Butt. You are more than welcome to choose said option and it will not effect my character in any way shape or form just as my choice will not effect you. The original concept art for Worgen had tails, there is no denying that and it was what the devs had planned as the Worgen model itself has the bones for a tail model build into the model. They would not have added that if they never intended the model to have a tail. Blizzard simply ran out of time with Worgen put out a sub par model and the player base suffered for it so they figured if no one was playing the race they wouldnt have to update it. Its just like how Worgen are the only race who currently are a core race and have no racial updates. Every other core race in the game got racial updates but Worgen. You want lore then come fight with us to get Worgen to the lore correct size of 8 feet tall rather than the current 6’11" they are in game. If lore truely matters to you then that should be your first priority. I’ll wait for your answer to this info and this time take some time to digest it before you come in and “BUTTTT MUUHHH LORE” or “RACIAL LEADERS DICTATE WHAT THE RACE HAS TO LOOK LIKE” ok?

PS. To everyone else who took the less than 2 mins it took to read my small post here and he will not lets “milk” this Tauren for all the angry kid posts we can get. Hes doing wonders for bumping this thread and he is a non threat at all to us getting tails as 90% of what he says is proven wrong 2 mins after it leaves his mouth. This will be an easy boost to this thread and he will never know.


no one is reading all that.

Make is easy for us and then we can participate.

Tails as a cosmetic option is a good choice. This way you can transmog it.

Having it be a racial choice is a more likely option. The rigging for tails already exists on their models.


We get it big words are scary. Dont worry Ill use small simple words.

Worgen should have optional tails end of story.

GG No Re!

You apparently are not prepared for this discussion. It’s a forum. Reading is kinda what you do.