Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Good - so show us all 1 NPC leader from Gilneas. Who has a tail? Don’t worry I will wait.

Yea like Thrall. We havent broken the game. Thrall has a straight back. So orcs can chose to have that as an option. We cleared this up already.

Yea as undead were humans. So they are in process of rotting. So we have not broken the game again.

let me know if the game is not broken when we can have human ears on Blood elves and Night elves.

Better than sending real money for a gender change.

Please stop. You get the point anyways. So lets be an adult here.

Ok, so you agree there is a possibility of a switch in any dynamic. That was my point.

Dont worry. i don’t get that threatened easily.

We can discuss if you bring up any valid points on how a Human, who gets bit by a wolf ends up having a tail. he is not a dog, he is not a fox. But he walks on two feet, has the intelligence of human and has extra strength when he switches to wolf form. This is a werewolf. Not a dog or fox sir.

But somehow we need it to have a tail because it is magic ?

Yea i stopped replying to you when you were selling me Gnolls as Werewolves.

Just asked 15 friends of mine some of which have never played wow before.

Every single one thinks that not only is it cool for worgen to have a tail and no tail option, but all of them were very confused at why a werewolf wouldn’t have a tail.


OK Genn Greymane has a tail for the World of Warcraft board game.

You can go post about in your own feedback threads now. Off you go.


Yea i don’t play board games. I am currently Online in Azeroth.

What are you on about now? Quote where I said that, champ.

I am sorry, that is not a video game.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ran in to a player who plays wow, say “Wait, worgens don’t have tails?”. Even seen Alliance players realize worgens don’t have tails.

Here’s a easy fix for that Blizzard. Give worgens a OPTIONAL tail so people can freely use tail and no tail option. :smiley:


10 out 10 for trolling.

Only troll here is you, champ.

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I know it may be hard to tell but I am not a troll, I am a Vulpera thank you.

Worgen deserve the optional tails, especially since their original concept art included tails.


Teen wolf - the biggest franchise in American tv. Here is a surprise for you all. He does not have a tail in Wolf form.

Here is another fun fact for you all. He runs exactly like running wild on 4 limbs.

Let’s all appreciate the race and lore WOW game designers have created.

Teen wolf, has nothing at all to do with WoW. I still can’t get over that you think teen wolf somehow influenced worgen design, that’s some jank logic.

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Not just any concept art either. But the concept art that came WITH the Cataclysm Collectors Edition, which I happen to own. :wink:

Fun fact. The Vanilla World of Warcraft Collector’s Edition also has straight back orcs. Years later, we ended up getting those too.

If it appears in concept art, it can appear in WoW. :smiley:


The same way that said human’s skull can somehow entirely shift its shape and teeth, lose a finger and toe on each limb, and completely alter the way its skeletal structure behaves in the leg to produce the worgen leg structure, and grow massive claws.

Yes. Because it is magic. And because the model’s stance would look better with a tail to help balance as they lean forward so often in combat (which I suppose you wouldnt know about if you only play tauren).

So it is fine for you to ignore the points of others because ‘lol too long’ and simply dig in your heels stubbornly, but me pointing out logical fallacies in your argument isn’t being adult? The entire premise of what you were asserting is completely ridiculous. “WoW will be a joke on Twitter!” Seriously? WoW went through that crap years ago and you think we should be worried about Twitter of all things?

I get it, you don’t like the idea of werewolves that have tails, whatever. But even the definition you gave acknowledged that the legend was different depending on what culture you look at, so you can’t just say ‘my view is right cause I say so’ and expect people to just accept that


Just because I don’t agree with your suggestion. Does not make me a troll.

World of Warcraft is much superior to Final Fantasy in all its dynamics. What you are asking for does not fit in our lore. That is a very straightforward answer to end all of your arguments.

Sorry buddy, original worgen in WoW had tails. The lore disagrees with you. You’re a troll because you’ve ignored all the evidence, refuse to back up anything you say, and have tried to say teen wolf is a worgen


Yes it is called shape-shifting. This is the same process in all the Werewolves movies. Surprise no tail in any of them at the end of the transformation.

Yea, no changing the lore to please few. Breaking the dynamics.

Yes, i played Worgen and I had to switch because of certain dislikes. But i dont make a post and ask them to change the dynamics. Becuase that is how a werewolf is ?

You still haven’t proved that werewolves don’t have tails. This is some flat earth nonsense.

Yes, they don’t have tails. What is there to prove? You all need to prove that they do have tails. Which is next to impossible.