Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Come on bro. He literally vomited.

Keep is concise and easy to read. We can all participate.

You’re saying you can’t participate because of his format? So you can’t read it?

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Ya Im not catering to some guy on the internet who can’t be bothered to read something that isn’t even more than a full paragraph. The Tauren has already lost every battle hes done here by refusing to listen to anyone and making false claims that have been proven to him over and over and he ignores it.


Yup. The mental gymnastics to disguise his, very simple, opinion that Worgen shouldn’t have tails have been stunning, to say the least.

Give worgen tails for Christmas.


given you a suggestion that works.

I am highly confident this will pass through for you all. This is the most suitable suggestion.

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Oh goody, I’ve been waiting since yesterday for this “werewolf media didn’t portray wolves with tails” nonsense to come back. Because the werewolf in American Werewolf in London did in fact have a tail.

It’s hard to see on screen because it’s stubby and the wolf isn’t ever shot from behind, but official merch showed it.

A lot of movies never bothered with the tail because the prosthetics are more expensive than just throwing on a pair of shaggy pants, it interferes with blocking, and could trip the actors.

And that’s without trying to make the tail move in a believable way.

None of which is an issue in WoW.


You don’t even understand what you’re asking for, do you? Worgen already have rigging on their models for tails.

Do you know what doesn’t exist? A cosmetic that adds a tail. You’d need a whole equip slot for that, or a mesh for a slot that already exists that won’t stretch if worn by other people.

You’re asking them to develop an extra equip slot, or define a texture with existing equipment just for the tail. They aren’t going to do that.

Yeah. The definitive movie that brought Werewolves back to popular culture during its time. That werewolf had a tail.

Please stop. You make up so many stories.

Designing a belt is a much safer and cheaper option than what you are asking for.

It goes in the belt slot. You are not butchering a race or lore. You have other safer alternatives to choose from.

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Yeah, you’re wrong. Sorry, you just are. You don’t understand how texture meshes work and think they can just throw something together for a cosmetic item without a lot more development.

No its not. The devs will not make a belt that only is used by one race. Do you hear what your telling us is better options? You are totally wrong and ignoring the optional part that we are asking for. You can keep your look as it is and no one would care what you choose. Why that is so hard for you to understand is mindblowing.


He’d rather spew dramatic troll garbage like “it’s butchering the race” despite the fact that the original worgen had tails, a fact he continues to ignore.

Sorry, you are not butchering a race that has no tail. Werewolves do not have tails. Wolves and werewolves are not the same. Werewolf is part human. This you are finding hard to comprehend.

My option is the best option.

Again. Prove that werewolves don’t have tails. I’ll wait.
Original worgens had tails, giving tails does not butcher anything. If anything it undoes butchering.

Bruh - here take.

World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen

Go google it and on the cover, the Worgen has no tail.

Transmog is what you want to ask the game devs to design.

James Waugh is the co-author of the comic [World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen] World_of_Warcraft:_Curse_of_the_Worgen)

Ok. What about the 40000+ pages of concept art, official art, and lore that shows tails? Just curious, what barometer are you using to discard everything else for this one example?

Edit: There are still hunched orcs. Does that break lore? There are still Worgen with no tails, and there will be Worgen that have tails. You’ve still not proved your argument and this is just your opinion.

Werewolves have tails, Worgen were intended to have tails, the model literally has the bones for the tail in the model. Werewolves are part man part wolf in most ancient lore werewolves had tails or just completely turned into full blown wolves. The wolfman part of the lore came about due to the old movies unable to make a convincing looking tail.

You on the other hand came unarmed to the battle of wits as you have proven more than once with your claims and you sound like a broken record at this point. You can not nor have you defended your own points of view and have been proven wrong with a number of your statements and when someone points stuff out to you, you make the excuse of you dont feel like reading it.


Werewolves do have tails though. I can point at just as many instances as you when it comes to lycanthropy and say ‘see? Tails.’ This isn’t hard at all, and isn’t a hard sell in the least.

Blizzard’s own Diablo series features werewolves with tails. Werewolf: The Apocalypse, one of the most werewolf-centric TTRPGs I’ve played: Werewolves with tails. D&D, the longest-running fantasy TTRPG on the planet? Werewolf tails. Most current depictions of werewolves have them with tails. Teen Wolf of all media is not the end-all be-all of werewolf lore, my gods.

Like so many other things in this game, WoW is influenced by the sphere of media that surrounds it. This can easily apply to Worgen tails; the PCs may not have had them before, but there are many, many ways forward to allow them to have tail options. Some of those ways can even provide the game with additional content! By jove, something else to do!

Give Worgen Tails.


I’m about the end this whole mans career…

If what you’re saying is we should base customization options off of something a faction leader has had before in the past, even if those things got removed or changed from em in the past. Then here are two things we can get based off of Genn Graymane himself…

Genn has a straight backs in the BFA cinematic, along with fang jewelry/hair jewelry.

Genn has a tail in before the storm, you can’t exactly write that off now that it’s out in the public.

So yeah. Give worgen straight backs and give worgen tails!


Don’t forget lore correct size there Cow.

Also just to add this on to what Cow said, this Tauren came into a pack of wolves with little more than a rolled up news paper and a thought in his head that he was going to school us on what he thinks is how optional things should work in the game. Let me tell you something little hamburger on the side. Some of us have been fighting this fight for Worgen customization for 13+ years. If you think that you are going to come in here after 13 hours of posting udder non since (Cow joke intended) and tell us how we should think and what we can and can’t request for our characters… Boy. Do you have another thing coming.

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