Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Tails for Worgens make no sense.

Worgens are core race in Wow - no Worgen noc I gilneas has a tail. Because they were humans who got bit by werewolves. Humans don’t have tails, ok they have a tail bone.

Pandaren are not core race in wow. They can have tails, horns, have a helicopter on their head. This would not affect the lore as they are not in it.

I even said - Orc have an option to switch between straight back or hunch back as Thrall is straight back. So orcs can say under his leadership have that option.

You are asking for a tail. Play vulpera.

Stop distorting wow lore to satisfy your ideas. You have 1374 likes this is hardly a drop in the ocean. Monthly wow subs are approx 2.5 million at peak.

I am just trying to understand on what logic are you guys asking for to this.

Wolves, and especially wolf shapeshifters, should have tail options. Pretty simple to me.

WHAT?! Worgen are one of the biggest rear-pulls of all time, and that’s because they had no racial idea to counterbalance the sheer magnitude of Horde getting Goblins.

The Worgen Curse was a death sentence for the mind and soul, until it wasn’t and totally got not just an alchemical treatment but also a Night Elf cure, and even a druid circle to boot! They literally made a disease a playable race here.


A racial leader isn’t indicative of the options, or restrictions, of their PC counterparts. Example: Anduin and his schrodinger’s class.

That… Makes less than no sense. There are many differences between Vulps and Worgen beyond boolean ‘has tail=true/false’ (I dunno coding I botched it but it’s the joke okay).

What? The lore isn’t some sacred cow unimpeachable by player agency. Otherwise we wouldn’t have HE-styled VE, Forsaken and LFD each would have an entire spec of Priest unavailable to them, and the Draenei and Worgen wouldn’t exist.

Speaking for myself, I want a tail because Worgen look stupid and unbalanced without them. The alternative is I just don’t play Worgen because I cannot get past that hideous lack of what I consider a critical feature for any character like a Worgen.

Give Worgen Tails.


Makes as much sense as Draenei having horns or elves having pointy ears. They are wolf people, wolfs have tails, makes complete sense really.

I mean, your criteria is bunk when both these races were released in expansions and are not Allied Races. Either both are core or neither are.

Its funny that you use Thrall as a example, since he was always described as having a more human like posture in the books because of Blackmoore. Every orc getting straight back options didn’t fundamentally break or change the lore, it was just something that was added cause it was possible. Same with Worgen tails.

And before straight back orcs you could say if you wanted that play a Draenei, same logic.

This seems to be the misconception for anyone against, the warped idea that Worgens getting tails somehow “distorts” lore. It simply doesn’t.

Worgen, that are wolf people, should get optional tails, like actual wolfs. Pretty simple logic to follow.


Gonna effortpost here for a bit 'cause man I feel like I’ve gotta.

Every time a bestial race goes up it feels like a one-step-forward, one-step-back situation. Ever since the launch of the game I’ve always been like ‘gah it’s SO CLOSE TO WHAT I WANT’. I’ll go down the list piece by piece so my thoughts are a bit more plain:

  • Tauren - 'I love minotaurs, and they’re playable here?! Awesome, I remember my old Shadowbane days and have very fond memories of my minotaurs there, can’t wait!.. Oh, wait, they have to have a hunch? I can’t just stand up straight? Well, I guess it’s at least a playable minotaur, ‘cause none of the other races excite me.’ If it weren’t for Tauren, I literally would not have played the game and would have stayed with Everquest or Shadowbane for their superior Vah Shir or Minotaurs. I’d play more Tauren, I love everything else about them, but the hunchback is just so unappealing physically. But this is nothing, nothing, compared to the greatest letdown I’d experienced in a race in this game, which was…
  • Worgen - ‘WOLF PEOPLE?! Now we’re talking, bye Horde! I love Tauren Paladins and Priests but Wolves are the sweet spot!.. Wait, where’s their tail?! They look unfinished!’ Worgen lacking tails was soul-crushing. I tried, I really tried to level a Worgen despite the lack of this critical appendage, but I couldn’t do it. I got to 40, and was just so badly repulsed by the missing tail that I went right back to Horde and Tauren. Everything else was so, so flavorful; the cockney snootiness, the victorian theme, the fact that they were wolves, but the lack of a tail was such a massive letdown. If this ever gets fixed, a ton of Worgen will be made and played to max. As it stands, I still see my 40 Hunter on the login screen but I scroll right past her to…
  • Pandaren - ‘Pandas?! And they’re cute?! And they look amazing, they’ve got great proportions, awesome stances, cool and expressive faces, and can even be wahs?! New permanent choice, bar none… Wait, the sandals aren’t removable?! The one race I could make ‘bear feet’ jokes about can’t be barefoot?! There’re so many mogs that’d look great unshod though…’ Thankfully, the sandal issue wasn’t a dealbreaker because A: they were a race I could stand to play on Alliance and B: they were otherwise absolutely perfect. Hairstyles, tail options, perfectly anthropomorphic. They remain my go-to race for every class I can play with them because simply put, they’re the most pleasant for me to look at and I love everything else about them; lore, theme, voice, everything. Except the sandals (please add a toggle Blizz!).
  • Vulpera - ‘Oh god they’re perfect. They’re cute, personable, they have all the appendages an animal-folk should have, and they’re foxes. This is a huge win… Except their body looks a little wonky, they’re stuck on Horde, and no hairstyles? Even though the Worgen have them? Aw c’mon…’ How unfortunate that ActiBlizzard was such a toxic scene behind the screen, because these almost dragged my longtime FFXIV friend back to WoW. They’re super-cute and look amazing in every regard, except three; overlong arms, overlarge footpaws, and lack of hairstyles. If those can be tweaked either with BT 3/4 or on the base model, and hairstyles can be added, then it’ll be REAL hard for me to play Alliance again.

Every other race pretty much gets added with no compromises, but for whatever reason bestial races get tugged back from being fully realized and it’s extremely frustrating to deal with.

So Give Worgen Tails.


A fellow Shadowbane player. :slight_smile: Good to see some people still around who played that.

It was a wild time, when a group of R2 could legitimately threaten and even KO R7s that ambushed the R2s. Unlike in WoW where a 70 steamrolls infinite 20s with no retribution possible.

I was a Beastlord follower (Werewolf) who was a throwing dagger druid. It was good times as I went so far as to get my character added to the story for attacking and killing Ashen Templar in one of his RP events. Was good times.

We have dragons that need dragons to fly.

What lore?


Again, cite where a dev said that the option was given because of thrall.


Explain? Not sure I see why it doesn’t make sense.

Wolf people. Wolf tail. Seems like a natural request for an option.

Humans have vestigial tails. Its called your tailbone. Sometimes humans are even born with wittle itty bitty tails. You even admit this is true.

Magic curse that turns the human into a whole butt wolf man doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t be able to have a tail sprout out to me. Don’t see the issue.

Pandaren are indeed a core race. Do you know what Core race means?

Their females can have a tail sure. Their males still need that option.

Pandaren with horns or a “helicopter” on their head would sure beg a few questions. But hey I don’t really see how it would greatly affect their lore or story in any real way. Pandaren would still be pandaren.

Worgen could have a tail added right now and nothing at all would change about them. Still wolf people. Still magic curse. It would only be an aesthetic choice. Worgen would still be worgen.

You said it, sure, doesn’t make it true in any way shape or form.

Don’t see any logic there. I play worgen. Why would I play vulpera when I can ask for a tail just fine for worgen?

That don’t make no sense.

I’ll just copy paste my above response to this since its the same thing again. lol

Huh? Are you referring to the likes on the post? Given the ~5% of WoW players that use the forums of those 2.5 million (If one can even assume thats an accurate number at all) then that becomes a significant number of likes.

Even more so when you realize that whether or not a person likes a post fluctuates wildly across the board.

Even assuming many are alts I’ve seen precious few ever get near that amount of likes.

Is that why you’re trying to attack it? Because it lends credence to the idea that optional tails for worgen might be a desired feature by worgen players?

Wolf character. Wolf tail.

Its not exactly complicated.



It’s even in the Lore. The original wolf pack, the druids who became Worgen, had tails. Even the original Worgen models had tails, and there’s a large pile of concept art showing Worgen with tails.


I loled. Calling the D2 werewolf a trash mob I just assumed was a dodge. Nope this person has no clue about Blizzard IP prior to 2012.


Can’t be pointed out enough.

Someone at Blizzard knows we should have tails. Just need them to add the option into the World of Warcraft finally.


No one is going to quit the game if Worgen get the option for tails. The people that would quit over something so petty and insignificant are the sort of people nobody is going to miss.


Just want to thank the trolls for bumping the thread, love the exposure.

Gratz on a 1000 posts!



Thanks! Didn’t even notice. Glad it’s a topical one!



Yea good luck with baseless requests.

Werewolves are represented on the loading screen. So a new wow player buys this game thinking he is going to be this awesome werewolf. Then suddenly he sees this tail on and off.

he would scratch his head and be like - werewolves don’t have tails ? he goes and tells his 10 other friends who dont play WOW - next WOW becomes a joke on twitter.

Ever thought about that genius?

So game designers are going to consider all these factors because you are all asking for a change to a core race in wow.

No I didn’t think of new players scratching their head as Worgen, as I have shown many…MANY times in this thread can in fact have tails. Duh! Though I do appreciate you acknowledging my intelligence, as a Paladin that doesn’t happen very often! :rofl:

They are a fantasy creature, their is no law book on how to draw a werewolf, it’s down to the artist.

Your trolling is keeping the thread up though, so either you secretly want tails or you’re just not smart enough to understand when you’re actually helping.

I’d be more worried about new players getting confused about dragons needing other dragons to fly than I would about Worgen having tails kind sir.

I’ll post some more tails in your honor!


You mean like high elf customization? Or straight back green orcs? Or tauren war paints? Or jewelry options? Or undead hiding bones? Or dark-skinned elves? Or dark ranger options for void elves? Or changing ear lengths? Or changing tail sizes? Or barbershops changing your character’s gender?

How did he see the loading screen without buying the game first?

I was not aware you could make such a massive cultural shift with 11 people. Oh wait, you don’t.

Pot meet kettle

TLDR because I know you have the attention span of a flea: you’re a fool if you actually think that will happen. If they don’t play WoW already they don’t care what’s in it


Lmao! You never proved that werewolves don’t have tails “genius” you ask any person on the street to describe a werewolf and they’ll picture a wolf man with a tail.

Again, as so many times you’ve been told, werewolves in most depictions have tails, starting from the very first myth.

Worgen =|= werewolves