Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

No i am pretty passionate about Worgen and I will voice my opinion. So the game devs can see you all have no valid points.

Our point is the curse can be altered. What point do you haveā€¦ remind me?

I did not think that was a point to consider even. We are all WOW gamers :slight_smile:

Ok yā€™all forced my hand I canā€™t believe in about to post another goat video

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All the Gnolls in Bracken hold have tails. Ask game to give us Gnolls and you all can reroll to it.

Well been awhile might as well post this again.

Worgen customization list
Still a work in progress.


Tail Options

  • Optional Tails, Including a No Tail Toggle, and varying appearances for said tails.

Apperance can come in two parts.
None, Short, Medium and Long sizes.
Thin, Fluffy and Curled Shapes.

  • Accessories for the tails.

Rose for the tail, little bits of jewelry for the tail. That sort of thing.

Body and Fur

  • Upright Posture.
  • Correct Eight Foot Tall Size.
  • Solid Black Fur.
  • Shaggier Fur options.
  • Optional Ears On The Top Of The Head.

Hair and Head

  • Larger more visible braids/patches/extensions for hair.
  • More hair decorations/accesories (small hats and roses for example).
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color options.
  • Heterchromia Eyes for all sides and colors.
  • Blind Options for both sides and all colors.
  • More Glowing Eye options.
  • More Muzzle shapes.
  • More Natural Teeth Option (Thinking More like Genn).

  • More Ear Options and Shapes.
  • Separate Scars from Faces.
  • More facial scars and damaged ear options.
  • Large body scars/bite marks/claw marks. Weā€™re worgenā€¦ like for real.
  • Visible corresponding scars in human form!!!


  • Jewelry options for male and female.
  • Gilnean Rose for our hair.


  • Add The Melee Claw Animation.
  • A No Weapons Transmog.


  • Monk

The reasoning for us not having them was tied to our locked in timeline for our starting zone. This is no longer an issue as all players can now start in Exiles Reach.

  • Paladin

The Gilneanā€™s were around when the Silver Hand was made. Let us have our paladins damnit! They already claimed that the curse doesnā€™t stop the priests from being able to be holy.

  • Shaman

Hey it worked for the Kulā€™Tirans right? No reason we canā€™t learn. (Also there is a Worgen Shaman in Ashenvaleā€¦)

Feel free to ask me to add more things.


Iā€™ll just leave these here.

Official tailed worgens in Hearthstone. :slight_smile:

Tailed worgens 100% confirmed


This is a what they call a Gnoll. This is not a Werewolf. nice try. I will just leave this here lmao

What creature is this ?

So it stands up right like a human but has a tail ? Humans have tails ?

Or do Worgen NPCs have tails ?

I didnā€™t know humans can turn in to gnollsā€¦ unlessā€¦ itā€™s actually a worgen :thinking:


Yea, why we play WOW come again.

The same wow that brought in tortollans, nā€™zoths design, and many, many npcs from Hearthstone.

If it appears in Hearthstone, it can appear in WOW. :smiley:


Yea ok !

BTW this is an NPC that handed us weekly quest. Not a leading faction. Just so you know the difference between a leader and quest giver lmao

There is nothing to ā€œdefendā€ here, there is nothing in the lore that out right states that worgen cant have tails. It just seems like you are pulling weak excuses out of who knows where.

Nothing changes in the lore if worgen can get tails as a customisation option, they dont become identical to any other playable race and really is just the same situation with how (only female for now) Pandaren can choose to have a long tail or not.


There is. If a core race like Worgen with no lore of any NPC having a tail makes into WOW that will be a big time loss to subs.

cant be weaker than you 1374 player who want tails while monthly sub is close 2.5 million players approx. Keyword approx.

yea , no one in the Worgen lore has a tail lmao. So you have no basis for this claim.

play one more female pandaren. there you go.

Jeez, this just sounds identical to the arguments against the more diverse human options. Convinced that you are really just here to argue just for the sake of it with no actual substance.

Again, nothing changes in the lore when other races get different ear and tail options, same can be said for Worgen. Thats just a fact at this point when no one can refute it with evidence to say outright that they cant.


Those are both worgen. Even remotely checking that would make that clear to you.

It is a worgen.

Its a worgen. Not sure why thats hard for you to grasp.

Humans do have tails. Mostly vestigial.

They will when Blizzard adds optional tails for worgen. :wolf:

Are you trying to claim the hearthstone characters and races added to WoW itself are not cannon?

Why does that matter if they were?

Tortollan are an entire race in gameā€¦


Why do you think this is so?

Huh? Are you referring to the likes on the post? Given the ~5% of WoW players that use the forums of those 2.5 million (If one can even assume thats an accurate number at all) then that becomes a significant number of likes.

Even more so when you realize that whether or not a person likes a post fluctuates wildly across the board.

Even assuming many are alts Iā€™ve seen precious few ever get near that amount of likes.

Is that why youā€™re trying to attack it? Because it lends credence to the idea that optional tails for worgen might be a desired feature by worgen players?

They donā€™t need to as it stands.

Blizzard could add it tomorrow, toss it on a bunch of random worgen npcs, and nothing would have really changed about worgen. Its just a aesthetic option.

Folk who want optional worgen tails tend to play worgen.

Half convinced theyā€™re just Chespin wearing a different face really.

Nothing theyā€™ve said really makes much sense.


i am not reading all that.

Make it easy for me and we can discuss it. I am not reading that novel.

Not making your life easy for you. Refusing to read just means you have no rebuttal.

If you donā€™t want to read, understand, or actually argue then you shouldnā€™t have tried to.

Read. Take your time. Respond like an adult or donā€™t.

No fur off my back.
