Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Yes please! 10/10

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Werewolves have tails.
Not sure where this idea that they don’t comes from, just google “Medevil werewolf painting” and scroll.


In some lore they do not. But being folklore there are probably versions where they don’t have fur, only have the head of a wolf, or breathe fire.

Indeed such folklore exists
 as do many even weirder ones
 some claim werewolves to be malevolent spirits inhabiting the body of a man that return to spiritual form at night
 some don’t even claim the person to transform physically at all, only mentally
 several claim to become actual wolves, and not man-wolf hybrids
 there are even some in which the description of a werewolf matches what other cultures would call a vampire.

Werewolves are one of the folklores that exist in numerous cultures each with their own unique versions


id like worgens to have 4 tails.
maybe even 9.

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Yes, it logically should do so, however, it is a magical curse after all so it might not work logically, and for some reason, blizzard decided to debunk this very specific thing since people argued that children of worgen should be born worgen. So according to blizzard’s official lore there are no worgen born naturally, they have to be turned either by being bitten or drinking the blood.

We know that children can become worgen due to the one in maldraxxus that lived as one for “their entire life” according to themselves. Which would include childhood.

It would have been good if we could rely on the past lore as the writers keep changing the past (or rather demolishing it), this statments is now very old from a former employee and i doubt that the current team is aware of this.

The current team could consider that the worgen race is like a normal race that can have worgen children and so, they put the character of Neena without thinking much about it; like many other things.
By exemple in the Blasted lands, we help worgen souls to find peace and they go “to the light” in human form, systematically.
So at this point in the history of WoW, in death the curse is lifted.
In Bastion, we see Gilnean souls in their worgen form meaning that we have a retcon that turn the magical curse into a true race.

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When you find Worgen in Torghast in the cells they are in Worgen form. From what we can tell the Worgen curse changes the victim on a spiritual level and they are no longer human at that point. Worgen clearly do have a human form but at the same time when they die they remain in Worgen form and even leave a Worgen skeleton on the ground.

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Keep in mind it was not a hard confirmation, they said it depends on the curse, meaning they did not know exactly.

Well, since this is fictional the rules have to be written.

And right now it’s written as more of a disease then a system of rules.

We would all know it’s a scam and could not help ourselves.

Yeah, depictions vary massively.

There was one where they fought demons in their dreams. That is an odd one.


So there are lots of depictions with or without tails, so it’s not a hard fact that people can claim they didn’t have them.

On the subject of Worgen ghost, I think it might depend on their state of mind? That or you stay a werewolf in your spirit form as well.

But the Worgen form is referred to as “True Form” so I think that is their defult.

“Soul lore” (just a term I’m using for this particular point) hasn’t really been changed

When a naga dies, their curse is “purified” in that it is gone and not attached to their soul.
When a Night Elf that had become a Naga dies, they revert back to being a Night Elf. Once in the Shadowlands, souls have the ability to decide what form they which to take. Lady Vashj chose to take on her Naga form because it was what she was most used to and prefered.

This is the same case with Worgen, and really any soul whether they have a curse or not. In the case of Worgen souls, there’s 2 likely explanations:

  1. Blizzard believed that having gilnean souls in human form too confusing for players that wouldn’t understand that “that human ghost standing with the night elf ghosts is a gilnean worgen that died during the War of Thorns”
  2. (the more likely) is that those Gilneans have grown accustomed to the Worgen curse and have taken it on as their identity even in death.

Alexandros Mograine says: Baroness, your original night elf form was restored in the afterlife, was it not? Why abandon it for one akin to the naga?

Baroness Vashj says: When I was kaldorei, I was but a handmaiden to my queen. Prized for my beauty, and little else. As a naga, I was recognized and rewarded for my cunning and resolve.

Baroness Vashj says: But I could ask the same question of you. Why adopt the form of a feeble human, when so many stronger ones exist?

Alexandros Mograine says:** This is the form I had when purging countless undead on Azeroth. But I suppose your point stands.

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The form she took was her construct body like all others in Maldraxxus take a construct body. Emeni is a great example as she is a sethrak but gets an abomination body. Maybe that makes this conversation make more sense.

I really have to wonder how Alexandros Morgraine has managed to not lose his mind in the afterlife
 he spent his life trying to rid the world of Undead, only to be surrounded by them in his afterlife

He basically freaked out at first. He explained it in a dialog option.

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I think he had a literal panic attack.

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About right.

Sure it’s possible, but at this point in time we have no info to contradict it, we have to base canon on what’s actually stated until it is retconned. Even if stuff like Neena is a little weird, it’s not impossible given the old lore.

It is weird agreed, but in the end it does not have anything to do with reproduction. This might also be a case of where souls have the possibility of picking/manifesting in the form that they most identify with. As we saw with Vashj, she appeared in her night elf form but got the option to go with the naga form as it was the one she wanted.

No it was a hard confirmation in the QnA. let me quote.

Can worgen reproduce naturally or only through a bite or blood? Would their child be a worgen or normal?

The worgen curse is exactly that: a curse. Its origins are rooted in the druidic pack that was later altered by the Scythe of Elune. The end result is the worgen we see today, beings that can transmit their affliction to others via a single bite.

In theory, if two worgen were to mate and produce an offspring, that offspring would not be a worgen. The child would merely possess the genetic material of his or her parents, like any other child sans the curse.

does in game lore not count?

Please point me to the character that’s a born Worgen.

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Except that conflicts with what we’ve seen in game. The worgen curse gets transferred by blood. The circulatory systems of mother and child are mostly separated. That is to say there is some transfer of blood. Therefore any child born to a worgen mother would inherit the curse. Assuming Blizzard was being logically consistent.

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It is weird and logically the child should have the curse like the parents. And that is also what I assumed before. But as you saw in the very quote, blizzard decided that no, for some reason the worgen curse does not transfer from worgen parents to the child even if both parents are worgen. I don’t know what you’re arguing since it is the official lore and stance of blizzard, and until they change it then it is what it is.
It’s like arguing that it makes no logical sense that the Alliance didn’t bring blight countermeasures during the attack on Undercity or how regular catapults managed to burn down an entire alive world tree across a large distance of water (despite using shaman magic). Yet it happened according to the lore. And it will stay that way until blizzard changes the lore. If anyone want to headcanon their rp to make more sense, then sure do that, but it is not the official lore.
If a worgen parent really wish to have a child that’s worgen, then they could feed the child blood or give it a nip.