Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Not bringing blight countermeasures to the Undercity was stupid, but not a contradiction.

The statement from Blizzard about worgen children seems like someone at Blizzard was trying to sound smarter than they actually are by trying to be an expert on a topic they only had a passing knowledge on.

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It was more to point out that what blizzard writes is not logical.
And we don’t have a contradiction for the spread of the worgen curse either. We have it in black and white that the curse is spread by bite and by blood, specifically drinking the blood is what we’ve seen.
The devs was asked since the curse is spread by blood and bite, would a child of worgen be a worgen, and they answered no, the magical curse would not be transferred to the child simply by being born to worgen parents.
So for some reason, the blood transfer between a mother and child in the womb does not transfer this magical curse, but drinking the blood does.
It’s stupid, but it’s not a true contradiction since you can always handwave the reason for it to be this way to “magic”, which is what the devs seem to have done here.

It is very much a contradiction. If just drinking the blood is enough, I don’t see how a direct blood infusion could somehow be safer.

Once you start invoking “magic” without respect to any rules for it to follow everything starts to break down. If it’s “magic” then why can’t the magic allow worgen to have worgen kids, it’s “magic” after all. Why does the “magic” only work one way?

Blizzard makes mistakes, they aren’t infallible.

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Ask blizzard, I think it’s incredible stupid too. But I don’t dictate the lore, blizzard does.

They do, but at times they come out and clarifies it or retcon it with later lore/statements.
This worgen child thing was from a thread specifically for clarifying lore for the people by several devs. And it was a lot of outrage at the time about the worgen thing and yet blizzard didn’t come out to rectify it. And we’ve yet to see them change it in any later statement or depictions either. If anything the blood-drinking thing is from cata and as you saw was brought up in the question of how worgen curse is transferred, and they still said children of worgen would not get it.
I’d love for another thread on clarifying the lore etc that they used to have. Would love to get an updated answer.
Still until we get that we can’t just assume it was a mistake, we don’t get to dictate on what’s correct lore unless it explicitly breaks everything, and even then we don’t get to decide on what’s the correct one, it will just be in lore limbo until blizzards decide to settle it.

Which is why it was such a lot of controversy back when they released this answer, it didn’t make logical sense, but it is the lore according to blizzard.
They also don’t operate on “logic”, but the rule of cool trumps everything even consistency.

if you really want to break your brain over logic and contradictions, start comparing travel times and distance across warcraft media, at times even within the same source. Nothing makes sense, it is worse than GoT s7 and 8 in traveling the world. And yet despite there being obvious errors, I or any other than blizzard have the authority to decide on what’s the correct canon size and travel times.

Blizzard may write the lore, but I reserve the right to call them out whenever they write something dumb.

On a side note: the travel time errors and the like are quite common across a lot of media. There’s probably at least half a dozen tropes related to it in some way. Generally that sort if thing slips under the radar unless the writers really mess up.

Given what we got from the Worgen heritage questline, they’re almost certainly still maintaining a hardline stance that Worgen do not have Worgen children.

In fact, the official lore stance to my knowledge is that ALL Gilnean Worgen refrain from spreading the curse in any way and that ALL Gilneans are striving to end the Worgen curse forever. The Worgen heritage questline explicitly places player Worgen in this stance of NEVER spreading the curse for any reason whatsoever full stop.

That one questline in Silverpine Forest might technically not even be considered canon since it directly contradicts how Worgen are described in other lore sources as never spreading the curse to others for any reason.

The whole thing of Worgen spreading the curse by having others drink Worgen blood might be just something that was written by a “rogue writer” that was never properly acknowledged or approved by the people in charge of the overall lore.

There was a LOT of “rogue writing” in Cataclysm, including the infamous “Yenniku was Vol’jin’s youngest son,” which is obviously not canon since canonically, Vol’jin never had children or a significant other, a fact confirmed by Rokhan becoming the new Darkspear leader which clearly indicates that Vol’jin had no family left. The only other possibility would be that Vol’jin’s family all died at some point, hence why none of them took over after he died, but I think Yenniku was never officially recognized as Vol’jin’s son in canon, though.

Back to the Worgen curse, I do find it a bit silly how they always seem to indicate that Gilneans NEVER spread the curse, where seemingly not even the most rogue bandits like the Brashtide Crew spread the curse.

It would be one thing if it’s established as a law that Worgen in the Alliance are forbidden from spreading the curse, but they don’t seem to quite write it that way as beyond that one questline in Silverpine Forest, Worgen are NEVER written as spreading the curse to anyone ever again.

They seem to be obsessed with the idea of Gilneans eventually becoming a people free from the Worgen curse forever (and that day apparently being soon), despite the fact it wouldn’t make sense from a playable race perspective.

Worgen lore is kind of a mess. It’s almost clear that there’s always a lot of debates and arguments that occur behind the scenes when it comes to Worgen lore. The status of Gilneas itself indicates that they have trouble agreeing to anything regarding Worgen.

I don’t think Blizzard knows what they want to do with Worgen. Prior to Shadowlands, Worgen mostly just served as a cannon fodder race.


That wasn’t the point, it was just a way to show why i think the current team might think that the worgen race is just like any living race.

 oh crap, i was looking for the date of this Q&A on wowpedia and i saw something that I have completely forgotten until today:

It means that we have an existing worgen baby as a pet (great
), his text seems to hint that he was born that way.
Maybe it’s a troll from the devteam but it’s annoying to have one statment in one hand and in the other hand things like this in the game 
 (the pet was added in Mist of Pandaria)

It must be still canon as in the heritage questline, Tess is asking to be a worgen meaning that a gilnean worgen does have a way to spread it.

i wonder if in their mind, a controled werewolf curse cannot be a positive thing no matter what.
The infamous heritage questline showed the cursed in a mostly negative light.
It also seems to imply that the worgen curse will have a cure soon and with Tess - the next queen - not becoming a worgen, also imply that the worgens as a race will disappear in a generation or two.
In a quest supposed to show our pride to play a worgen and present the race in a positive light.

Sound to me that from a playable race perspective, the current devteam could wish that the worgen race shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

I will be blunt: My best guess is that in the writing team, there are probably morons who think that a werewolf race is just a furry race and that they do not deserve any positive attentions.
At least it could explain why we have a quest that have the opposite effect of the goal of a heritage questline with the worst heritage armor ever.

As for Gilneas, every materials suggested that Gilneas was retaken but out of the blue there are still a Forsaken army.
On this one the explanation is cristal clear: The writers wanted to find a way to have a peace treaty between the Forsaken and the worgens and they chose the lazy way, probably without checking past material (MoP, BfA and Exploring Azeroth: Eastern kingdom)


Blizzard’s been wrong about their own lore before.

Maybe we should ask redshirtguy. He usually has a better understanding of wow lore than the people at bliz.

I feel like a lot of the writers have actual spite or even hatred for worgen as a race/concept. I have no idea why but they probably shouldn’t be allowed to work on worgen lore. Killing off the worgen race is kinda messed up no? They even had Sylvanas fighting to keep the forsaken race going in cata but worgen? No we need to die out even though there is little remaining draw backs to being worgen.

It’s a bit exasperating. That quest felt like contempt for worgen players. Tess should’ve become a worgen celebrating the fact that worgen are what her people are now.


Shrödinger’s Gilneas. I just wish we got over with it.
A timeline on what happened for those wondering.
In silverpine questing during cata we see the worgen retreat to Gilneas, then later in cata during the rogue questline we see the forsaken still launching assults on Gilneas city vs the drakonid blood infused worgen (who the rogue kill the leader of, leaving the defending worgen without leadership vs the forsaken).
Then for some reason during mop it’s stated by devs that Gilneas is currently abandoned by both factions outside of some skirmishes along the shore, and Varian says that the Alliance will reclaim it.
Enter late legion/pre-bfa, now the forsaken hold it and we don’t know for how long, and is only mentioned off-hand in the book and short stories how Sylvanas intends to use the lost Gilneas to try to split the Alliance on what to reclaim first vs the nelf lands.
This didn’t work and then during bfa itself in mission tables on both factions we learn that the Alliance have soldiers in Gilneas and the horde try to muster a response to that. So clearly the Alliance gained military control of the peninsula during the war.
Then the peace treaty hits and stuff, and for some reason Gilneas being returned is not part of it, actually the forsaken now hold it again. So it seems that for some unknown reason the Alliance either withdrew their troops from there during the war for what I can only assume they needed them somewhere else or a return of the “old borders/status queue” was part of the deal, which is kinda insane.


Which one? As I’m aware we’ve got at least two at this point.

So heres a dumb idea i came up with.

worgens can’t reproduce another worgen, but they can inflict the curse onto others in offering of blood from a chalice.

since most gilneans are worgens, an are likely to put a culture thing into it, might make it a right of passage for younger gilnean humans who wish to be worgens.

and in the process could say it went further an gave some of them tails.


There is a fact you don’t know: In the book Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern kingdoms (i think it’s the title in english, i have the french one) written by Golden, we have a text regarding the Silverpines forest:
The Bloodfang pack managed to take back both Shadowfang keep and Fenris island and seemingly guarding some relics, meaning it safe to assume that they managed to take back 2/3 of the Silverpine forest and that they are keeping it.

It’s just impossible to achieve such a feat with the Horde on their back at Gilneas. Also having Ivar at Darkshore with his pack only means that Gilneas was secured.
He would never have left the peninsula to help the kaldorei / gilnean army otherwise, especially after what happened in the Horde questline with Crowley retreating.

OR, knowing that the Silverpine forest originally belonged to Gilneas, Calia could means to remove what’s left of the Forsaken army in the Silverpines forest
 but as logical as it is, i do not believe this is what these lazy writers are thinking.

Danuser told us that we will see ingame the return of the worgens to Gilneas, i bet that we will have a story where the worgens will kiss the foots of the Forsaken for evacuating Gilneas itself.
They just can’t write the race without contempt it seems.


Right now the question is what is Blizzard thinking about the future for Worgen? As it stands thanks to Blizzard treating Worgen like a cannon fodder race we have been killed in Gilneas, used as a large part of the sacrificial diversion attack in Zandalar, who knows how many Worgen died in Teldrassil, (Worgen aren’t even mentioned except in memes like the This is fine) then in our own Heritage Armor quest line we are told that the Worgen curse is bad
 Without the curse we would be boring humans.

Its time to remember that Worgen aren’t just cannon fodder to be thrown away. But its up to Blizzard to show us they are listening to our requests and help Worgen find a place in the game. It started with the HD model revamp but while that bolstered our numbers some the lack of options and a lackluster set of racial abilities that were never given love when the rest of the core races got updates still leaves Worgen lacking.

Optional things like a tail, more fur colors, more eye options, upright posture for male Worgen, True hair styles rather than just a fixed mane. Fix things like make Worgen the lore correct 8 foot size (A Lore correct size would also fix the odd scaling of Worgen shoulders looking 3x too big), fix our animation set to look more natural, like the other druids give Worgen druid forms a true unique look such as a wolf form for feral, some bulked out werewolf form for guardian. Things like this would make the Worgen more appealing to players. Finally update the Worgen racial abilities, give Worgen options when it comes to combat in form if players want it. Give Worgen the same optional out of combat transformation that Dracthyr get. There are Worgen players like myself who always keep to Worgen form but the more options will always be better for more player choice. This is what Worgen ask for so we are not a neglected race who are only used as Cannon fodder and forgotten about as far as lore is considered.


Sometimes it feels like blizzard has an “anti furry” agenda. Because furries are seen as a negative by many folks in society despite being largely harmless. But then we have pandaren and vulpera and also before that tauren
 so why is the bias only against worgen?

Wonder if one of the main writers is a fox furry who has or had beef with a wolf furry and is taking it out on Worgen.

I want a tail Blizzard, the option would be nice.


That is a dumb idea and it would be considered evil to infect someone else with a curse even if they were willing. Especially one which corrupts at a spiritual level it seems which is one of my main arguments why it’s foolish to even suggest it’s druidic in origin.

I like this. Cause honestly the curse is our strength.

Uneeded. Just add tails without explanation and let the player decide why.

We never needed a lore based reason because it never violated lore in the first place. Literally only cosmetic, even better if optional.


Honestly for me, and a good way to redeem worgens from the weird conclusion of the heritage armor quest would be to have a mini quest line for the tail cosmetic, much like blood elves got for their golden eyes and night elves for the night warrior options and now as of just last patch, the quest to get dark ranger. A quest that ends with a blessing from Goldrinn that includes both a tail option and a wolf form option for honestly not just worgen druids, but all druids.

Although if they do add it with no explanation what so ever, honestly I wouldn’t be surprised since outside of wow, there are tailed worgens with no explanation what so ever rofl. Let’s not forget, Ion said if they do add in a option that is retconning things, they’ll just add it in and pretend as if it’s always been there.


They’ve added lots of things without directly explaining them so I don’t think it’s a must that they do.