Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Well there is one instance of a worgen claiming she lived her whole life with the curse. Neena from a secret quest in Maldraxxus if you’re in the necrolord covenant. We never got answers what she ment by that, but hey, here’s one case of a worgen who’s apperntly been a worgen since she was a kid.


It is odd Blizzard said Worgen kids are human, but at the same time when you use the inner child buff from the experimental Anima cell you get either a very tall version of the Gilnean female child or you get a very tiny old school Worgen model from duskwood. Blizzard sends some very mixed signals when it comes to Worgen lore. Just like how a Blizzard dev confirmed Worgen females are 8 feet tall and the males should be the same hunched over which they are almost when you make a Worgen male stand upright. I believe it’s they are 7 feet 8 inches if you stand a Worgen male without the hunched over look up. Also the Worgen curse changes every aspect of a Worgens soul. When Worgen die they don’t become human again like most werewolves do. In the shadowlands when you run into Worgen npcs they are not human. So it stands to reason they are no longer human at all thanks to the curse and as the curse is magical in nature it could be altered. As Garrosh said… Times Change!


Actually yes, i was stalked before as well.

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Forgot about this poor pupper. If he had a tail…


Looking at that model brings me a devastating memories… ;d

It’s probably his goal.

This sad sire seems to have a teeth against everyone who is a werewolves fan and catalogs them as people of the worst part of the furry community.

In my case, well if just being a werewolf fan who wish to have all the options to look like a feral one (including tail) in a fantasy game is enough to make me a furry in the eyes of many, so be it.

It’s best to ignore him or just report him without responding.

That might be an option. But would still be a little odd considering the nature of the curse.

It’s also possible she became cursed as a young child, but it would seem slightly more likely that she was born as one.

I would not consider that item cannon and more of a joke item.

Also an inner child may not be literally you as a child, but a representation of your innocence.

But yeah, I am in favor of adding puppy children with cockney accents.

Oh gods. Glad I never saw that I’d have saved no one as I laughed myself into the flames. >.<


How does one move on from this…
OH I know!

Give worgen tails

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Ignore the trolls and antis, guys. They are here to provoke you and have this thread locked or derailed with nonsense.



I would very much appreciate tails for worgens and those ears on top of the head looks great especially if they included a longer Anubis style.

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Blizzard confirmed that the worgen curse is not transferred to children even if the parents are worgen, you have to either be bitten or drink the blood of one.

Being born a worgen is impossible according to blizzards current lore, so she would have been cursed at a young age. And died as a child or at most a young adult if she is a human. Since humans only started to turn into worgen around the third war after the whole Arugal shenanigans.

Its an odd bit of lore. But the good news is Times Change so who knows what we can see in the future. My hope is optional tails, more customization, a lore correct size and just some love to Worgen in general.


And in game, a gilnean can still transmit the curse by drinking blood (Crowley in the silverpines forest questline - Horde) - it certainly apply to the ferals as well.

I am awful at biology but isn’t there an exchange of blood between the mother and the baby during pregnancy?
If yes then it’s very possible to see a baby being born a worgen IF the mother is a worgen.
With pure logic, it should even be systematic.

This character should have died as a young adult, if i remember well the “Curse of the Worgens” trilogy, there were only male night elves among the first worgens that ever existed so she must be a human who died as a young adult.
On the other hand no female worgens were drawn in these comics.
If it was by choice then it’s possible there was female night elves worgens and that Nina is one of them.

It’s magic, right? Magic curses also follow some kind of rule(s), so the onset of Worgen-ism occurring at puberty would be fitting.

Oh, boy…I’d become a pauper in no time if a gaggle of young puppy-people were begging for shillings off me in the city streets every day.

Please… may I have a copper?

Puppy Eyes

Well I’m poor again…

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So many werewolves have tails, anciently, traditionally, and modern. Go play skyrim, for example. Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
Werewolves not having tails isn’t a thing. Worgen have tails in official blizzard art, concept art, etc. The reason they didn’t end up with them on the release of cataclysm is likely due to running out of time to animate the tails.

Also, these are bipedal wolf characters, it’s very normal to expect them to have tails. Having chimpanzee-butts is bizarre and has always been awkward.


Precisely why I always have a cloak or a dress on…That’s a great description of their butts.

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While that would be a nice option… its a terrible compromise… for starters, it eats up atleast one transmog slot, there is no guarantee that the items will match existing fur colors or patterns, and if they are a Hallow’s End transmog, then they will only be transmoggable for a short period of time each year before we are forced to go back to not having it again…


That’s a big problem when it comes to the cool covenant cloaks too. Even Final Fantasy has this same issue where the tail transmog for the werewolf costume eats up the chest piece slot, so you can’t wear it properly with other transmogs. A good thing would be to have a entirely new armor slot specifically for transmog purpose only that’s for the backpack/tails/glow effects/covenant back pieces instead of taking up a cloak spot.

Also make holiday outfits year round would be a good way to solve the second problem.

Also give worgen a tail option at the same time.