Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Quite a few actually. While they’re few and far between now since yeah, many sites have adapted the whole comment aspect of it, sites like this one that we’re on now, you can’t exactly use it as a social media as it’s just a messaging board. You can’t upload your profile with your own content or anything other than just commenting on here in the forums.

That right there is my main reason why it’s very much possible that tailed worgens, heck, even playable saberons since a demon hunter saberon made a appearance in that game, and Blizzard already said every class/race combination will become a thing over time in Dragonflight. Heck there’s a legendary card that’s a gnome paladin, guess what we’re getting this expansion? Bingo! A characters like the certain main antagonist I mentioned that likes big dragons and tortollans do make a appearance before their existance is ever even hinted at in game. It could be possible the reason why they heavily featured a tailed worgen in the hearthstone ads a year ago, which by the way had to go through many departments before it was approved to be put out in the public, is a hint towards tailed worgens in a few years just like all the other things appeared a few years before it did in wow.

If it appears in Hearthstone, it can appear in WoW.


Chespin is just making stuff up. Claiming something that they don’t know the truth about just makes them look silly. Lets avoid making this personal. Let Chespin attack me all they want, I deal with it all the time as a Twitch streamer, nothing they say is true when it comes to what they are assuming about me.

Besides we are here to ask for Worgen customization. Optional tails, lore correct size and more. Personal attacks will not get the thread anywhere.


I just don’t understand why someone with a vore kick is so down on furries.

Like there is from what I’ve observed an overlap. Not saying all furries are into vore or all those into vore are furries but it just seems weird for one person with a kink that’s shamed to judge an entire group of people for their interests.

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I don’t think they’re here for that. They’re just here to get a rise out of folk and like much of the internet find some odd satisfaction in screaming out “furry” as though its a sin in some capacity.

How is that a conflict of interest? It doesn’t affect you WHY someone wants a thing. It isn’t going to change or impact your life or your gameplay. Motivation isn’t a conflict of interest.

Some folks might use the big potion for a kink you can’t stop them, you asking them to be removed?

Some people might have a minotaur kink. Should tauren be removed?

The way kink/fetishes work is that there is one for just about anything and everything.

Some of the devs clearly got something for Sylvanas and she’s a corpse.


It really would be irrelevant if you were sexually attracted to the character. It’s not illegal, it’s not immoral. It doesn’t hurt anyone.


Chespin says I am. But I am not my character is just something I made over 18 years ago and its my character so yes I put a lot of time and effort into her and am going to be honest about something like that. When Chespin just comes in and says this is the way things are when its not true I’m going to say something about it.

I can safely make that assumption when the person states they’re very particular about the content created around their character but some of the images are smut. Do you see where I am coming from? Why have sexualized fetish images when it’s not a fetish?

I get attacked all the time all. I once apologize for my first comment since it was over the top and it was made at 3am but the community just flagged and it got deleted. I believe the 2nd part was me pointing out worgens weren’t the first to be wronged and it contained no person attacks

You scream and point the finger shouting harassment the moment someone presents a different opinion and you do everything to silence the dissent. It’s why I mostly post, some people are incapable of handling another’s opinion and for some odd reason they think I’m personally attacking them for disagreeing with the topic of the thread. I have every right to go against the thread’s topic if you don’t like maybe get off the internet.

Worgens don’t have tails since they’re were human.

Too much of a conflicted interest. How can people not see that?

Spreading more lies about me?

Tell me where in the art of my character you see smut. I have nothing like that and have shot down someone who wanted to do art about the subject because I am not into that at all. You come in and tell me that I am into it which is a very wrong assumption on your part.

As to your second part Worgen can have tails it is a magical effect that makes them what they are and it just like other magic can be changed. Why you are so against it makes 0 since just like how it makes 0 since that another race being druids hurts you or so you say. There was nothing that Worgen druids being introduced to the game did to you, if you have gotten 0 hours out of them it simply means you have not played with a Worgen druid but your comments of you want them removed from the game is simply a selfish desire and one that will not come to pass.

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I still don’t even understand what this even has to do with this thread at all. You’re just trying to point out specific things about a specific person. Are you saying because they like a certain thing, they’re not allowed to have a 8foot tall option? What about me, who plays the game for fun and aren’t even in the whole furry community thing. I don’t engage in any RP, last time I checked, Sargeras is a Alliance heavy pve realm, heck, I’m so fixated on the pve aspect of the game I have Azeroth’s Champion, Cutting Edges, and Realm Firsts to my name. I want the 8 foot tall and tail option. If I said I was a furry, would that automatically mean you have to point out I’m a furry and say that’s the reason I can’t request for a tail or a 8 foot option?

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Explain in detail how it is a “conflict of interest”.


I don’t know why you all continue to interact with Chespin.

Clearly they are a troll, desperate for attention with a blind hatred. Let’s not derail the topic because of a degenerate who wants to hate on everything we say. We have already proven that their arguments have no merit. They’ve said what they’ve had to say, repeatedly, and delved into personal attacks. Just move on from this person.

Why they can even keep posting on these forums is beyond me. Thanks for the thread bumps otherwise Chespin :wink:


Because it’s not a conflict of interest lol.


give tails worgen


Honestly I found todays topic very informative. I learned even more things that got added in to WoW that was originally in Hearthstone.

I even learned a new phrase.

If it appears in Hearthstone, it CAN appear in wow. :smiley:

Free bumps never hurt. Besides it keeps the post where it belongs at the front of the list and where everyone can see our request for optional tails, a lore correct size and more. :slight_smile:

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The macro ones, don’t try and say they’re cute or wholesome they are without a doubt smut and it’s not really a good look to say they’re not.

Because it does hurt me I gotta see them, the lore is shoved into my face, a vast chunk of lore was diverted from characters I wanna see developed, in game content lost the list goes on. You all sit here complaining about getting ignored but not once do you ever think about the necks you stood on to get here in the first place. Pretty hypocritical to talk about selfish desire when this whole threat is one.

Besides new race/class combo’s has never saved mmo’s, it’s killed but never saved them. More so when you do it wrong like that one with playerable dragons.

There is no difference between them and a foot fetish wanting more flip flops ingame.