Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Get out of my head grrr

Attacking you? Why do you victimize yourself? How can you possible blame me for information you yourself put out there? I believe people have the right know you’ve got a sexual attraction to anthropomorphize wolf women who can be on the larger side. I’m sorry if you’re unable to handle that it’s on you.

There’s nothing new to focus on it’s just a roundabout of the same comments for the past 10k comments. Most which just steal from other classes thus ruining their own uniqueness.

Okay pretend to be innocent.

I mean you’re literally posting their social media and directing people at it as you give out negative comments about said person. Why is it that you are specifically targeting them? I’m the one that post most often on here and have gotten some of your anti tail partners to agree with us that more customization is good, talk about me instead. ;D

In other news, we literally keep getting content from Blizzard themselves about worgen tails which ends up reviving this thread like every few months. Look at Hearthstone, literally a couple months ago I started saying if it appears in Hearthstone, put it in WoW BECAUSE WoW is getting hardcore Hearthstone specific things that could very much drive the storyline of Dragonflight and possibly bring back a certain dragon people have been speculating appearing at some point this expansion.

For a thread that’s just “give worgen tails”, there’s surprisingly a lot to discuss about, new things pop up often that make the conversation going. :smiley:


Wish granted.

Worgen npcs on wrath classic now have tails.

I keep getting harassed because of this thread over the fact that draenei have tails. No support.

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Actually no one has a right to know about another’s sexual preferences/kinks/or fetishes.

But since you’re so willing to talk about other people fetishes, shall we talk about your vore fetish?

You fantasize about being eaten. So I don’t think you have a place to judge.


The minute that guilds can be cross faction I’m race changing everything into a worgen. I have no shame.


Technically yeah, it is. Pretty sure you can build a platform on there, leave comments and such, which makes a social media. Also you’re the same person that posted about furries being bad, by your own definition yeah, you’re posting negative comments.

I meeean
 when I talk about a hearthstone specific character coming in to wow, I mean this character is a MAJOR deal.

Spoilers ahead for potential Dragonflight stuff


Rafaam is a major heathstone villain, who one of his plan on there was to revive Galakrond for world domination or something. He was actually datamined, along with many other Hearthstone characters from the League of Explorers, also a hearthstone specific faction.

When it comes to Refaam, he may possibly be the key to bring back Galakrond in some way shape or form, as it’s something that’s been speculated on since the expansion announcement.

If that doesn’t convince you that Hearthstone can very much be cannon, then let’s go back and look at Tortollans, and N’zoths design for more proof it can be cannon. So yeah, if it appears in Hearthstone, it CAN appear in WoW, this includes tailed worgens.


It’s almost like you didn’t learn when your original post got deleted by a mod that harassing others isn’t okay regardless of their personal interests.

It sounds like you won’t learn your lesson until you’re no longer able to post period, honestly. For your sake, I wouldn’t post anything inflammatory at this point.

Save yourself the mental stress and just stop. It’s abundantly clear that the only one that gets angry is you with how often you angrily post and attack others; not good for your heart.


I like how they completely ignore my comment showing counterpoints to their comment xD

Well let me post even more then. Patches the Pirate! A pirate demon that appeared 2 years before BFA released, ended up being a thing in WoW and is in Freehold!

Sir Finley Mrrgglton, a murloc adventurer who’s known for being a murloc that can talk and actually communicate with the players and is pretty smart for a murloc, also appeared in BFA along with Reno Jackson!

Hearthstone itself is a thing in WoW that NPCs play inside the inns. Where did the idea of a tailed worgen come from that they made one? I understand goofy ideas like lightforged ragnaros and dread lord Jaina which was funnily enough also referenced in wow itself. But perhaps somewhere out there a tailed worgen? Only time will tell!

Dragonflight is adding in a LOT of Hearthstone specific things in to WoW that never existed in WoW itself, so who knows what else they will end up adding.


A throw away line in Before The Storm that got retconned so hard booksellers had to send the original versions of the book back to Blizzard and get new copies

Before that? Concept art.

I don’t know what you expected. You can’t get blood from a stone.

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Chespin just stop while your ahead.


Well that one is completely understandable since Genn himself doesn’t even have a tail, and tailed worgens started appearing in Hearthstone before that book even came out. Weirdly enough, even those tailed worgens never got changed to have no tail, and Blizzard has hotfixed many cards to change their appearance before.

If there were any tailed worgens that started appearing, Blizzard already said any new customization wouldn’t exist on existing characters, but they will start to appear on NPCs as if they’ve been there since the beginning as per Ions own words during a interview.

Should Genn get a tail? No. Should the players get a tail? As a option, sure, just like all the new options other players got in Shadowlands that didn’t exist before. :smiley:


Daily reminder that Worgen need tails :slight_smile:



Okay, read the other sentence I made

Hang on I was busy.

Yea and what site you can’t do that? I say the term is well over a decade out of date. Surely you see the conflict of interest of someone asking for something which can fulfill a fetish of there’s?

I think it’s got more to how they develop both games. Heathstone is still influence by WoW. A thing like N’zoth was planned years before it actually made it into WoW. The League of Explorers is in WoW you can mostly find them hanging out in Northrend so you can’t call it a Hearthstone specific faction.

Yup! I’ve actually posted it before on here since I have the concept art book. :smiley:


They had straight back orcs and other kinds of customizations in previous concept arts, so it’s possible it could appear again in the future.


So you just took it on yourself to assume this to be the honest truth as you see it and that is all there is to it? Chespin I really hate to tell you but you need to seek some professional help if you just take the fact I made a wolf like character who’s a macro and somehow in your mind that makes it so I’m sexually attracted to the character. As I told you before I am very strict about the art that is done about Asheru because I don’t want a bunch of smut out there. I do care for my character but in the fact that she is my character who I built a story about, fleshed out a background, race, and history and took that character to be the heart and soul of my Twitch channel. Your blind hate just makes you spout out the first thing that comes to mind and yet your so far from the truth its laughable. Like I said if you don’t like me that is fine I could care less if someone on the internet don’t like me, your not the first nor will you be the last but the attacks you throw at me will only get you punished so as I said before you need to stop while your ahead.