Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

That’s not a conflict of interest either.


I am sorry but this makes negative sense…
You don’t want things added to the game because someone might be attracted to them?
Actually what???

Who the hell cares?


It doesn’t matter if I bump it or not there’s a team of people who make it their life effort to bump the thread. And there’s that ignorance you just did a personal attack so why are you complaining about personal attacks?

So a tall character is smut in your mind? Oh boy… there are issues there that I am not qualified to diagnose. But I can assure you that you are wrong in that assumption. Asheru is just an alien race who happens to be of a large size nothing more. She is always clothed and never in any sort of compromised pose or actions that might lead someone to think otherwise.

Worgen were in the game since Warcraft 3. The lore got changed yes but what lore hasn’t been altered at this point to be more player friendly. Just look at Eredar as a great example. You take personal offense to Worgen as if we came to the game, shot your dog, kicked you in the shins and left a flaming bag of poop on your doorstep loaded with an m80 surprise. No lore was taken away from you or any other druids to add Worgen to the game. Trust me I’ve been here on this character since 04 as a druid.


I tried to have a actual conversation but the guy is clearly trolling if he’s talking about no flip flops in the game cause people have a foot fetish and completely ignores the actual topical conversations. Look at me, my name is Cow, that must mean I like cows, so remove tauren by that logic.

At this point everyone just ignore em xD

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I really hope so because that is NOT normal…


I mean there is a Troll posters who use wiggles toes in every post they make. Wonder what that makes Chespin think?


Asheru wants a larger worgen model which would be fine on it’s own but they’ve got a furaffinity account with macro content. I believe in that subject their opinion should be taken by a grain of salt due to those special interests.

It’s not ignorance when I literally just sat here and read the personal attacks you’re making at Asheru and the furry community in general.

There is no ignorance in calling you degenerate troll because that’s what the truth is. Truth hurts, I know. Those in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing stones. You’re literally on here to get a rise out of people and continue to just bring negativity.

I actually might have a shred of pity for you. SMH


Here Chespin seeing as you got a little wax in those ears of yours let me say this so you understand. I want Worgen to have the dev confirmed Lore correct size. it has 0 to do with my personal preferences.

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Cool, I’m not in to that. So that means bring in the 8 foot tall worgens as a option. :smiley:

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Why? Please. Explain.

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Going to explain this to you, because just me saying “who cares” ain’t getting though.

A lot (and I mean A LOT) of people on this and other games play something they are attracted to. Thats how it is, that’s how it will always be and there’s nothing wrong with it. I am not even going to get into how weird it is you are digging for people’s Furaffinities to get some kind of mud-slinging campaign going on here…

Like full stop my dude.

No, stop. Dont even entertain them saying that. I am putting a stop to this right now. If they are seriously creeping on you like that from the WoW forums for dirt that is NOT NORMAL.


They do have that size if they stretch out which has been explained for you. And you wonder why I assume.

I am the one who said the name Asheru Swiftwind which is the name of my character, twitch channel, Twitter ect… Chespin thinks they have a smoking gun where they have none. Which is fine I can’t start to tell you how many times I’ve been attacked for this kind of thing and yet I’m still here still just doing that which I enjoy. No one can say anything that will hurt me as it’s just words from someone on the internet and I learned long ago what most say here is to make themselves feel better by trying to making themselves feel more secure by attacking others and for those kind of people I only have pity for them life is so much better when you enjoy it to its fullest.


Female Worgen are upright Chespin and they are 6 feet 11 inches tall when they should be 8 feet tall. Good try.

Who cares that worgen lack a tail. Saying who cares doesn’t auto win an argument. Of course people do but we need to take the genuine opinions over those with some taint to it.

I didn’t dig dude it took me maybe 1 min and 30secs at most.

Let me show you something cool in game. Its a real shame this isn’t everywhere.

That is a lore correct Tauren and Worgen character. I understand that Tauren can’t be 10 feet like they are in lore due to not fitting indoors and its a shame but the Worgen at 8 feet would work, currently 3 races are 8 feet tall Tauren, Zandi trolls and now Dracthyr. It already exists its just such an odd thing that Blizzard has done.


Says the 10779th post on the “Give Worgen Tails” thread.


Brah this ain’t no argument, you are creeping on someone’s personal life like a politician…


Like whats next?
“This guy only wants more customization options for females because he’s straight! I looked though his Twitter, HE HAS A WIFE AND KIDS!”