Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

They believe your opinion is tainted because they play a tauren and hate furries, meaning they are a closeted furry and envy you for being open about the sub-culture they so desperately want to join.


u antis usd 2 say the aame thing wen we askd 4 high elfs and here we r

why does it bother u so much ?

give us worgn tails, we wan them, blizz ignore toxic antis

Can anyone translate this for me? Cheers.

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I brought up a example and talking about in general and not just one thing. More things is a good thing that letā€™s players have more options. You can look at those 3 listed examples and see that those did indeed bring players in at the time, both former, and newer players.

Play anything they want, if you always wanted to be a draenei lock, a gnome druid, or worgen monk, then there ya go, I know someone personally who always joked about playing wow only if they can be a little gnome who turns in to a cat and claw peopleā€™s kneecaps. So hey, thereā€™s a new player right there! Class race combo effects the player base more than you think.

Look however they want, we all saw how many people came in for Shadow lands, and one of the things that actually pushed people back from playing the expansion further, believe it or not, was the fact that they stopped character customization after the first initial wave of options. So many new players came in and actually liked the customizations that they stuck around for a good while and made a bunch of different alts.

Play with whoever they want, 9.2.5, id say if that didnā€™t come out and give out cross factions,the current numbers would be abismal. How many people have youā€™ve heard that said they would come back now that they can play cross factions with friends? Quite a good bit, and thatā€™s gonna keep dragonflight going alone for a good bit.

All Iā€™m saying, give players more options, and keep giving em options in a good frequency, and youā€™ve got yourself a good population growth and keep that number.


Iā€™m curious to know whether or not you see the irony in making a ā€˜Iā€™ve returned, and see nothing newā€™ post that added nothing original to the discussion? Or has it simply escaped you that the reason for the threads longevity is devotion to a popular idea?

Those are two utterly contradictory declarations in one post, though I doubt youā€™ll see it that way.

In closing, I should add:


Gives tails Worgen


Whats that? Iā€™m hard of hearing. Sounded like you wanted some examples of what worgen players would like to see for extended customizations for the race?

Well who am I to say no?

Worgen customization list
Still a work in progress.


Tail Options

  • Optional Tails, Including a No Tail Toggle, and varying appearances for said tails.

Apperance can come in two parts.
None, Short, Medium and Long sizes.
Thin, Fluffy and Curled Shapes.

  • Accessories for the tails.

Rose for the tail, little bits of jewelry for the tail. That sort of thing.

Body and Fur

  • Upright Posture.
  • Correct Eight Foot Tall Size.
  • Solid Black Fur.
  • Shaggier Fur options.
  • Optional Ears On The Top Of The Head.

Hair and Head

  • Larger more visible braids/patches/extensions for hair.
  • More hair decorations/accesories (small hats and roses for example).
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color options.
  • Heterchromia Eyes for all sides and colors.
  • Blind Options for both sides and all colors.
  • More Glowing Eye options.
  • More Muzzle shapes.
  • More Natural Teeth Option (Thinking More like Genn).

  • More Ear Options and Shapes.
  • Separate Scars from Faces.
  • More facial scars and damaged ear options.
  • Large body scars/bite marks/claw marks. Weā€™re worgenā€¦ like for real.
  • Visible corresponding scars in human form!!!


  • Jewelry options for male and female.
  • Gilnean Rose for our hair.


  • Add The Melee Claw Animation.
  • A No Weapons Transmog.


  • Monk

The reasoning for us not having them was tied to our locked in timeline for our starting zone. This is no longer an issue as all players can now start in Exiles Reach.

  • Paladin

The Gilneanā€™s were around when the Silver Hand was made. Let us have our paladins damnit! They already claimed that the curse doesnā€™t stop the priests from being able to be holy.

  • Shaman

Hey it worked for the Kulā€™Tirans right? No reason we canā€™t learn. (Also there is a Worgen Shaman in Ashenvaleā€¦)

Feel free to ask me to add more things.


Okay, I have to admit after seeing that image of the tails, that DOES look good.


Best part it would be optional. So if one didnā€™t like how it looked they wonā€™t have to use it. Everyone wins.


Chespin is a bit of a clown when it comes to trolls. She used to complain about how worgen should not be druids, and only were in order to add another druid class to Alliance. Then it was pointed out that neither should tauren and that was their only purpose being druids themselves. She complained about how worgen were concocted lore. The Elune and druid relationship between them and the curse, then it was pointed out all that supporting lore was there when WoW was launched.

Bit by bit any argument made was proven to be crap she made up, and here we are. Nothing added, because there is nothing to add. And in reality never was.


You would think that is easily understood, but the backhanded jokes show how toxic the Dev team is toward the player base wanting interesting characterizations.


I wouldnā€™t even call it toxic. Just disconnected. The resulting lack of care is the same, but the cause is not. You can get a feel for it by how certain classes play as well. You can tell which are being played by the people developing the game and which are not.

It is how orcs get their hunch fixed while worgen kept the male shark face and angry chihuahua female one for another half decade or so.


Why would you not want to learn trade secrets from someone who is passionate about their craft? Would you prefer an apathetic baker? I donā€™t understand.

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Lets avoid insulting Chespin. Yes they have been attacking me but thatā€™s between me and Chespin. I donā€™t want this thread to be full of insults and attacks, rather let us focus on getting the optional choices and customization for Worgen we would like to see. If there are those who hate me because I am a furry in there mind so be it but that isnt a conversation for this post.

Not the only one calling for a lore correct size. :smiley:


Yeah I got you.


I didnā€™t care anything about this issue at all,
until i saw someone post a pic of what theyā€™d look like WITH tails,
and now what has been seen, cannot be unseen. Now i join the chorus:

GIVE WORGENS TAILS! Now that iā€™ve seen what it could look like, me likey!


Unfortunately, Chespinā€™s negativity isnā€™t aimed at just you. Their self-reintroduction to this thread was disdainful and dismissive of the entire effort to convince Blizzard to add appearance options for Worgen.

In all honesty, I canā€™t say Iā€™m a big fan of increasing my characterā€™s height. Iā€™m already on the tall side in comparison to other races, and if youā€™ve ever played a Tauren, you know that their run animation seems so ssslllooooooooow. I wouldnā€™t be against other players gaining a greater statureā€¦to each their own (which is sadly not an attitude shared by our detractors)ā€¦but Iā€™d hope that was also an option.

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But I can.
Would mean I get to stay big without needing to waste a buff slot on giant growth.

[slash me] makes a cup of coffee, sits down and settles in.
Ok then, make your case that Wikipedia is not a valid source.

I would like it to be an option.

Iā€™m a big fan of not taking away what is to give what is requested.

So in my world youā€™d have a size toggle for Worgen. (Honestly I can think of applications for most races along that line too.)

Its often full of errors and inconsistencies. Its a good start and often has its own sources which you can dig deeper into for the material in question but ultimately its a poor stand in for a good primary source of information.

Wikipedia often will not hold up to scrutiny beyond a baseline understanding of any particular topic which is one of the reasons most of your teachers in college either wonā€™t accept wikipedia alone as a source or allow it at all.