Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Honey, furrys been a thing in WoW since vanilla.

We’ve always had Tauren. :wink:


A fair point. I just don’t dig Worgen tails. It’s a Werewolf…

That being said, theres been enough variances of Werewolves over the years to warrant tails, so tails it is.

Go get your tails.


We just ask for it to be optional so people aren’t forced into it if they don’t want it. We Worgen players were forced to have a terrible model for 10 years if anyone knows anything about not being happy with something forced on you its us.


I’ve always thought werewolves without tails looked weird. Not sure what franchise was my first exposure to werewolves, or maybe it’s just an aesthetics thing for me, but they look naked without tails imo.

But yes, like you said, some, like you, prefer them to not have tails. With many different variations of werewolves, optional tails seems like the way to go. I have some worgen that wouldn’t have tails, while others would. Besides, I am all about customization options… Which is something WoW has been sorely lacking since its beginning.


Is this a werewolf?

But this is only an example of a Blizzard werewolf you might say! What about these from the 1500s?


The amount of envy this picture makes me have… a worgen with real freaking hair… c’mon blizzard wouldn’t even give us hair in our update or with increased customisation!!! What’s going on.


Blizzard won’t even let us have a real broomstick mount sigh

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The Alpha Worgen almost did until Blizzard did their Knee Jerk redesign. They shared a few with Goblins.

Anyone got a picture?

Also it always boggled my mind that a bunch of Victorian inspired Ladys N’ Gents couldn’t wear wigs or extensions to fancy up their hair.

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Here ya go. Keep in mind, it wasn’t just a few, it was a LOT. full hair colors and everything implemented on to em. To this day I’m still sad about it. The second last one is a dk specific hair. I would have totally used it, along with the pony tail.


Thank ya.

Now imagine how good the newer model would be if they had a good base to start with.

Here’s hoping everyone gets the Drakthyr treatment very soon. Especially the underdeveloped races.


I’ll be so unbelievably depressed if Cata Classic comes out and we end up with the chihuahuabomination instead of those beautiful alpha models.

If there was one thing about Cata that I am adamant about changing, it’s the Worgen model.


Those were my first toughts

What about a toy that added various tails?

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Toys tend to suck in terms of ridiculous cooldowns.


You do realize that Blizzard straight up confirmed that every race is gonna get every class option? They even said upfront that things like druids, paladins, and shamans will take a bit of time, but it will happen in Dragonflight. Are you going to blame every mechagnome druid for “your expense?” How about the rogue taurens coming in, with that logic should every rogue right now blame every tauren and say “all taurens should be deleted from the game” because it took time away from making rogue content for the original rogues?

Every class race combination is coming no matter how much you complain that it’s somehow taking away content from you, and if you don’t believe me, here’s the interview with Holinka where he straight up confirms it.

It’ll take time, but it’s gonna happen.

You and me have played the game since the early days. We know how the community is, and I’m sure you know for a fact that what this game needs right now is a revival of the player base and a more positive community. What you’re spouting is basically to split the community apart even more. Why not let people have their options? I’m not talking about just worgen customizations, but letting players have the ability to play anything they want, look how ever they want, and play with whoever they want regardless of faction and race? That’s something Blizzard is working towards and it’s definitely something so many people in the community, new and old are positive about.


Also last I checked, pretty sure we live in a day and age where people are free to express themselves however they wish. I’m not in to the whole furry community myself, but even I can see that just because one person is in that community doesn’t mean you should go around and try to pin them as a bad person for it. I have had bad experiences with tauren players myself quite often weirdly enough. Am I gonna pin all tauren players in the same light? Nope. Everyone is different and has their own way of expressing themselves. A few bad apples shouldn’t ruin it for the rest.


Chespin go look at my posts I’ve never denied or tried to hide my character or who I am. I’ve told people many times about my character. What’s the problem with me wanting a lore correct size just because my character is a macro? That has nothing to do with the fact Worgen are confirmed to be 8 feet tall by Blizzard devs and yet they are only 6 feet 11 inches in game.

My opinion is just as valid as anyone’s else including your’s as just like them and you I am a human being and I am fully in my rights to like or dislike aspects of something I pay to play. You hate Worgen and that is fine that is simply your opinion and your welcome to it, but just because you want them removed from the game don’t mean it going to happen.

And it looks like your post got zapped for the personal attack so I guess we will see you in 1-3 days. Maybe take that time to evaluate the fact this hate you have isn’t healthy. It’s very easy to look up AsheruSwiftwind and see that I have a Furaffinity account, Google it and you will see that I also have a Twitch account under the same name. I make a living live streaming using my character every day but Sunday. Other than the character being a wolf and being 113 feet tall which is for the reason she’s an alien race and last I checked being normal sized is rather boring there is nothing dirty out there on my character as I’m very strict about the art that has been done.

We Worgen are just asking for more options for our core look at the end of the day. Even as much as you hate us we know the pain of being ignored and neglected and don’t wish that on anyone. Why you do is a mystery. But we will see.


Where do people get this idea that new race/combo’s is going to bring in the playerbase? It’s never done it in the past. Sure it may of brought in an influx of character creations in the beginning but look how many even made it to max level or even completed a simple raid the numbers aren’t so amazing some are even laughable. The real nail in the coffin is majority of those players would be playing WoW regardless of their introduction.

People are just going to see it as a desperate and weak attempt to attract people to the game and it’s just going to push more people away. Sure you can have logical ones like undead hunters since it’s impact on the lore and game world is minimum but anything is too damaging and alienating.

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As an example you walked into a bakery and unfortunately you learn the baker really likes baked goods. Do you want to know their opinion on baked goods maybe learn some secret recipes? Any sane person wouldn’t. There’s no difference between you and that baker. So why should your tainted opinion hold any value? You’re not coming from the same direction as everyone else.

Like I’m not going to chuck a fit if blizzard removes all the animal forms (yea I will be annoyed since it’s wasted dev time) I’ll be fine if I can still heal and stealth which is the main thing which attracted me to the class.

Just like everyone else I’m a paying customer and my opinion is just as valid as the one you have. I don’t agree with you but I don’t consider your opinion to be tainted or any less than anything I think about the race I choose to play. You think because I am a furry that I’m tainted? I’m sorry to tell you but no that is just plain wrong. You’re more than welcome to not like me or my characters but just because we don’t see eye to eye don’t mean I’m tainted. And the direction I’m coming from is that more options are always going to be better hows that a bad direction?