Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Lore used to be a very vocal anti Worgen options cause its not in the Lore poster yes but after a few discussions he dropped it and went on to other posts. Just a little bit ago he posted this:

And rather than get into it with me he didn’t post a reply so I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he finally listened to people and would like to see more options which is the core of what Worgen have been asking for. Only time will tell but we will see. However after the Dracthyr joke I am willing to trade a tail for the ability to tank, and till that day any time any Dracthyr gets nasty with me I got this waiting in macro from:

I asked a Dracthyr if they could tank a dungeon for me. They just looked sad and glided 3 feet away. I wonder why?


It’s still wild to me they added a sand troll skin tone before a forest troll one, I’m not complaining we got the option, just wild. I also think that the darker skin tone is not dark trolls but shatterspear (despite what the community says) as they’re the only trolls we’ve seen in-game that use that skin tone, and it’s different from the only dark troll we’ve seen.
Now if we only could get beards for trolls and any other races that should have them.
As well as separation for the red eye option/dead skin tone for belves,velves and nelves. Let me use those sweet red eyes with my purple skin.
More void customization for void elves. and the worgen tails/hairstyles. Then I’d be an extremely happy player.

Edit: And let’s not forget different color for death knight eyes, we have it in art, and npcs have green/red eyes as well. That should be an option for players.


I’ve never seen Blizzard actually call it that and it matches very closely with the previously unavailable to players jungle troll skin tone used by the Atal’ai or whatever they were called. The ones who wanted to bring back Hakkar. And the dark one was just a darker tone than the other jungle trolls skin tones.

Really never been sure they were intending to add those as “new” subraces of troll. Nice to have those options though and play some other trolls. So uh… also not complaining I guess. lol

All of this. My gods.

Definitely this!

While at it though and more to the point of the thread. Give Worgen Optional Tails!!!

As well as a bunch of other neat new options.


There’s SO many little things they can do that don’t even require a lot of work.

Here’s hoping when they’re done with their little pet project, aka Drakthyr they can work on adding them.


The Atal’ai skin tone is more a yellowish grey and usually used by undead trolls (although in the case of Atal’ai it is used by living as well), while the player skin tone is a lot more vibrant yellow that is closer to the sand troll skin tone however it is still not quite a match, if fully honest the closest skin tone would be from the shatterspear yet again since they also have a more “vibrant” yellow skin tone.
Pictured from left to right. Atal’ai, player skintone, sand troll, shatterspear.

But it is as you say nice to have the option and we really should have more. And it is possible as we’ve now seen with the dracthyr.

This! Sorry for derailing.

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It’s quite sad how nothing has change since the last time I was here. Like clock work a dedicated group of people insist bumping their own thread with copy and paste comments. When some poor fool decides to organically bump the thread they’re bombarded by a group of vultures who give the same exact answers which have been said 100 times before. The vast majority of the thread is useless bloat you could remove 95% and it’ll still be the same thread.

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Case in point, several of the removed Worgen /silly and /flirt lines were basically references to bestiality. I think some of those problematic devs had low opinions of the people who would play Worgen.

It’s like how there was a running “joke” in the company that male Blood Elves don’t exist and certain devs used male Blood Elves to make homophobic and transphobic “jokes”.


Sand troll, Atal’ai NPC. The sand troll is tinged red with purple toenails whereas the Atal’ai skin is yellowish brown with brown toenails.

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Hi Chespin its been a while how are you enjoying your “PURE” snickers Tauren druid… You know the race who didn’t have druids in Warcraft 3. But how you doing friendo? I mean seeing as Tauren are the OG playable furrys in WoW I am sure you are here to tell us how Worgen have ruined your game and your class yet again with the same old “BUT MUHHHHH LORE” that you always use. Its ok thank you for the bump of the post and continuing to support our quest to get Worgen an optional tail. Love you Hamburger!


A reminded that these were Ion Hazzikostas own words in regards to introducing new things that weren’t even explained in game on how they got the customization option.

I think we are planning on just broadly incorporating the range of character customization options for NPCs as well as players just across the world. I think in some ways, frankly, it’s a bit of a retcon. Like we’re not going to change existing named established characters and make them look different. But walking around Stormwind or around other parts of the world, you will see guards and random civilians that have these looks as if they’ve been there all along.

Basically, even if it retcons already established things, they’ll just pretend as if it’s always been a thing they’ve had. Heck, we’re getting a massive example of this in Dragonflight with every race class combination being possible.

When it comes to tails, I’d say yeah, have a mini quest to unlock it from Goldrinns Blessing just like HM Taurens have antlers, but hey, if they just make it a option and leave it as that, I’m cool with that too. :smiley:


Pretty sure that’s not Miqo’te’s tail but rather a glam or mod. But FF14 does have tails for races.

Comes from the cash shop, but there are a few other armor pieces that resemble a tail.

I’ve mentioned privately that I would support Hallow’s End costume outfits that let you dress up like various things.

Cat, dog, bunny, dragon, witch, thief, wizard, knight, post master, flight master, etc.

They’d be transmogable and, in the case of the animal costumes, offer a fake but realistic looking tail of said animals for all races for some trick-or-treating and costume party fun.

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We had the yeti costume which was actually quite popular, but a shame that it was locked behind a paywall for Blizzcon. More stuff like that would be awesome, just like Final Fantasy has werewolf, witches, a scholars outfit, why not wow? Heck, even maid outfit since it’s something we don’t really see on wow as supposed to that game. Who cleans up the inns and castles all around Azeroth!

We have Christmas and Thanksgiving outfits, so why not go with more themed outfits for each holiday that we can earn in game. :smiley:


If there is any season they should have gone hard with the costume transmogs this was it. If they were smart they would open up all of their cash shop transmogs temporarily. Imagine how many they would sell when the season was over and people had to either pay a few bucks or not wear it for another year!

The Blizzard marketing department is run by corporate apes.

Funnily enough, this is something Final Fantasy does. If you missed out on the costume or mount for that event, well hey, you can just buy it, and hardly anyone complains seeing as it was a thing you could originally earn at the time, and instead of waiting for it to come back, you can just get it then and there with money.

Blizzard could easily go this route if they open up the option to transmog in to out of season outfits, and honestly I’m fine with it if it means more stuff to mog in to that you can basically earn yourself when the event hits.


Please don’t. Don’t turn this into Furry fantasycraft.

Well it would have it’s own Blizzard twist, like tattered up stitching on the outfit like the witch hat. A typical “School outfit” you would see in other mmos, in wow it would be a scholars outfit that’s more in like with how all the other outfits look in game. The farthest Blizzard ever went with it was the yeti outfit, and even then that still had it’s own Blizzard look.


How would giving worgen optional tails do that when vulpera exist? Or how female pandas can have optional tails. Also Tauren being the OG furry race.


Come on Blizzard, we know your artist want it, they keep putting tailed worgens in your official products and games, I see those tailed worgens in Hearthstone. So why not give us a optional tail customization that we can turn on and off. :smiley:


Your about 8 expansions too late unless you have a time machine and want to go back and remove Tauren you are far too late to remove furrys from the game. However Worgen are Werewolves and not furrys, only in your odd mind are you sitting there seeing a werewolf and going… Holy heck its a furry. But thanks for boosting our post and keeping it on top of the list where it belongs.