Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give them tails already

:wolf: :dragon: :wolf: :dragon:


@blizzard. Please give worgen tails.



Give Worgen tails!!

I have a buddy who would probably resub if they did lmao

Also they want worgen monks, I think. That’s probably the bigger


Tell me about it, I have a few myself, one of which says they’ll be a life long subscriber rofl.

That one is guaranteed. They said along side every race being a mage/priest/rogue, they’re gonna get to every class/race combination, paladins and shamans being they one they specifically said they will have to make new class mount/totems for.

I think after mage/rogue/priest, it’s gonna be monk/locks next, monks being the easiest to do since only Lightforged, worgens and goblins can’t use it.

I hate to say it, but I don’t think worgen will ever get tails.

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the people demand it! give dem Worgen tails

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Haven’t you got some Maw-trapped souls in need of liberating? It’s only been a few months, no shot you got 'em all.


I only have to do 20 per day.


There’s that good ol’ Thalassian work ethic.

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I hate to say it but I don’t think you will return for Dragon Flight. Fixed that for you.

Give worgen tails

There’s a chance. Maybe one day. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Just need to keep reminding Blizzard we’re here and not going to just go away. Jokes or not.



We don’t claim them.

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Also let’s be honest, we’re just gonna keep asking due to the fact alone that Blizzard still has tailed worgens in Hearthstone. Also let’s not forget normal hair worgens and bearded trolls.

If it appears in Heathstone, make it a customization option!


As a point of discussion as this has been brought up in a couple Discord groups I’m in, as well as other social media.

Worgen were introduced when particular writers were at the reigns, and certain things happened during that time that makes it very hard to believe that certain lore decisions weren’t done out of spite towards “furries”.

The female alpha model being one of the major factors into this, but there’s rumors about paladins being removed because some writers refused to have a “furry” paladin race
 while also implementing Tauaren paladin, because those are macho and cool, not “furry” by whatever stretch toxic e-bros like to use.

The concept art, at least for the females, looked very little like what we actually got, and while it’s closer now, we’re still lacking actual hair styles and the tails.

If we’re actually moving past gatekeeping and toxicity for the sake of toxicity in the writing, this is something that could easily just change “because”. It is not a deal, and people trying to make it out to be any sort of deal seem to the sort of people who can’t stand change at all for any reason, no matter the benefits.

Blood Elves got their blue eyes despite the blue eyes having lore connotations that meant they were Alliance and weren’t exactly a “Blood Elf”.
Sand and Dark Troll - of all things - have skins that make them playable as a race, despite there being no lore fan-fare for it.
Draenei don’t look like Akama in general from WC3 and that was actually a major lore change.
 despite Suramar originally just being a crater, and Highborne having rejoined the Alliance anyways - with some customization options for it.

There’s really no big deal if worgen wind up getting a tail, lore reason or not, especially around the same time we get Gilneas back, something that’s all but confirmed to be happening. Fan-service matters, and after the whole alpha model fiasco, waiting 10 years for the model to be fixed, playerbase trolling, ect ect
 it’d be a huge boon to morale, and a cherry ontop of the cake.

Also, as in bad taste as the recent joke was:

“You mean I’m stuck with this hair colour?” - Blood Elf, Barbershop Added. Was left in the game until recently.
“Why would you want to be a High Elf?” - Umbric line, High Elves added.
“San’layn? Totally different emo elf.” - Void Elves gained Darkfallen skins.

Not to bring the High Elf thing in here, but they mentioned subraces back in WoD, then no, then trolled about it, then it happened. Can’t help but hope it’s the same final pot-shot before it just shows up, especially because it’s happening at the same time as confirmations of other things in relation to the race, and we are behind in customization options that aren’t “change the colour of eyes and fur”.


Wow, did not expect to see that.

Though I quit Hearthstone a while ago.

I will never stop saying this. Regardless of what race its for more options are always better.


What does this mean?

Combing through the thread this person for instance was supportive of HEs vocally yet has been vocally anti worgen tail.

I for instance wasn’t supportive of Alliance receiving a Horde core race, yet I support Worgen tails.

People aren’t a monolith.

Anyways I just wanted to point out people are allowed to have completely different takes on different topics.

I for one in addition to wanting to keep this on topic just answering this rather common theme that keeps popping up from your posts, want to say that I am perfectly capable like many others of discerning two completely unrelated topics from each other, and wish for worgen tails for worgen players.