Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I still think Tess should become a Worgen and make a point when she becomes Queen to seperate gilneas from the alliance. It’s an alliance not a cultural monolith. Even night elves are losing their cultural identity in the alliance. gilneas can remain with the alliance but not be one and the same.

I think a big part of this is creative laziness. They don’t want to make each race unique when they can just paint everyone with alliance assets. Everyone in stormwind attire and tabard. Living in human architecture.

Though all of this issue. I think gnomes have it worse in some respects. Their city has always been messed up. It’s been canonically reclaimed since cata and it’s still a dungeon. Their culture often feels like some niche aspect of dwarven culture which is itself like every other alliance race being lost in human culture.

Humans leading the alliance never made sense. Humans often fought and bickered among themselves.

Wait… why did night elves join the alliance? Why did worgen?

Worgen joined the alliance because Sylvanas attacked Gilneas… but why!!! She didn’t attack Quel’danas. She invited them to join the horde. Why wouldn’t she do the same to Gilneas? Feel like the worgen have more in common with forsaken than stormwind humans.

Alliance went from an alliance of different nations with their own independence. To a cultural monolith with a high king.

Horde went from a bunch of misfits banding together for survival with a single leader. To becoming an oligarchy with a council.

Alliance doubled down on monarchy while horde is moving away from authoritarianism government.

What is going on with wow lore?

Anduin should come back and abdicate the throne and dissolve the monarchy and transform stormwind into a republic and make it so stormwind is no longer the leader of the alliance.

I think horde moving to a council is a good direction. WoW isn’t traditional fantasy. We don’t need kings or queens anymore.


Even the gnomes did it, Mekkatorque went from being an elected leader to taking the Mechagon crown and having the new title “King of Gnomes”.

That was her home, why would she want to see it destroyed? Also, I’m fairly certain the orders to attack Gilneas came from Garrosh

Additionally, we should give worgen some optional awesome tails. That’d be great!

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tailes 4 wrgen, ignoar the antis toxicity

gif us tailes blizzard !!

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Oh man, sign me up!

She was forced to attack Gilneas technically. Claim it for the Horde Garrosh said.

I also wouldn’t hate this… o-o

Technically an “elected” king though…


It would be interesting to see Goldrinn become something of a human loa, and as the leader she isn’t infected as she tried to do with the heritage armor quest, but is infused.

Actually it did because they formed it. The other races kept to themselves mostly, aside from dwarves and gnomes who were friendly neighbors.

This always was kinda strange to me. How did the orcs and night elves split after WCIII? The Hyjal alliance was the Eastern Kingdoms Alliance, the Horde, and the night elves. We know why the Horde and the Eastern Kingdoms Alliance split, but why did night elves stay with them?

It is a good question. The best I can think of is they didn’t fight the scourge, but Quel’Thalas intended to hide behind their walls and wards too, so kind of hypocritical if that is her reason. The other is a fresh source of new forsaken.

This is where the lazy writing lies. The same for the Horde which was even more of a loose confederation at WoW launch.

Ahhh you think authoritarianism only comes from people who call themselves kings and queens.

Honestly I find it boring and straying into lazy stories with the politicking too. Almost propaganda that “this is the best sort of government all hail!”

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Yeah its strange ive seen games incorperate either tail or tailess werewolves, the ones lacking tails always looked odd. How the legs are structured, the tail provides balance, but i guess thats too technical xD.


Frankly, i would have liked to have a debate with Danuser and Copeland regarding many stories, but they are too cowardly to do that - even with scholars of the lore - as it’s very easy to point their flaws and their inabilities to tell a consistent story.


They wanted to make Alliance a one leader organization like to Horde so it’s easier to write. Literally, that’s why they stated they where making Varian into a High King…

Meanwhile they took everything cool about the WC2 era Stormwind and watered them down to generic fantasy human kingdom, (insert serial number here) when it used to be more like sparta.

Each Human kingdom, Gilneas included, used to have its own personality and culture, but it’s all being watered down.

Meanwhile they seem to have no problem trying to write multiple Horde Leaders. Though they aren’t doing too good a job at that.


This one is actually surprisingly easier as well – the hand either A: Sticks out of the Armor aka Clips, or B: Hides under the armor.

Dracthyr are roughly modeled after Worgen so this really isn’t it I don’t think. They could use the same technology they used for the Dracthyr for the Worgen.

Not necessarily on this one either, [Apologies for the out of order commentary, it’s what my eyes catch first] Blizzard did just basically make a joke out of this thread for Dracthyr.

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It depends on whom you ask in the world. Tales about beastly humans or werewolves are as old as time and are depicted differently.

Worgen should have tails simply because they look stupid without ones. If I want to play a dangerous wolf beast, then it should have claws, a fierce bite and eyes and perhaps even fur and a tail.

The Worgen-fantasy is in general lacking.


Everything he said totally forgets there are already tailed races and the armors clearly accommodate tails.

The tail sync is a bunch of hair on fire nonsense. If hobbyists can do it, hopefully a billion dollar company can. They aren’t starting from scratch. Everything but the actual skin and model is there. I guess having so few skin options could work for worgen for once.

Bringing up how the armor will fit makes me question his qualifications to even comment on this and this is coming from a VERY lay person. The third arm is another piece of nonsense, since we aren’t going to be doing weapon, bracer, and glove attachments. But if the bones and attachments for a 3rd arm were already there, maybe it would not be such a problem.


Still support tails for Worgen


There is more support than those who come to tell us no. Even Blizzards poor attempt to insult us only boosted this thread even more. So end result give Worgen more customization!


get this to 12000 comments and the started with be excited


antis wont lern, tbey faild with helfers end they wil fail with wrgn tails

Giv us wrgn tails !!


Hell, even those who don’t actively support or think about it usually are fine with the idea of Worgen getting optional tails. Its a small group of individuals that doesn’t want them far as I can tell.

Optional tails wont change anything about worgen except give another customization option.


Hell, after seeing Dracthyr, I think worgen deserve more than just tails at this point (Given they are currently the core race with the least amount of possible customization options. No, the human customizations don’t count because you’re in worgen form basically all the time. Those are human customizations copy and pasted over, not worgen customizations.)

We need options for different base fur colors, different fur color patterns, different scar options on different parts of the body, different hair options like the Alpha worgen models had, and hell, even worgen war paint! Kinda like how highmountain tauren have painted markings in their fur, given worgen some of that love. All of that in addition to tails.


I got a whole list I was working on.

No reason that the other races (Worgen especially) shouldn’t get equal treatment to the massive amount of customization possibilities we see with Dracthyr.


I think I would look pretty cool with a fluffy white tail.

I also think it would be cool if we could stay in human form until we take damage and not whenever we cast a spell or literally do anything at all.