Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

The best tail-less werewolf is definitely Hugh Jackman in Van Helsing. It’s a nice option for those that want it, and I think it looks cool.

But there’s also tons of Werewolves with tails that look awesome, and it should be an option for those that want it. It should definitely be one of the things that we get with more customization.


Agree to disagree, I think they look fine without them.


More options will always be better as it allows both sides to be happy. Why some people don’t want options for Worgen still has me scratching my head to this day.


This. ^

An Optional tail gives folk who want them the option and those who don’t have the option not to.

There is no reason to be against that.

Unless you’re afraid of furrys or something but like… That ship sailed in vanilla.


The irony of someone who plays a zandalari troll versus a regular troll saying something like this.

The newly-added drakthyr female joke referencing this thread is pretty hilarious, i’ll give them that…

Anyway give worgen tail options!


The joke is funny, but the fact that this post has been going 2 years and has over 10k posts and Blizzard refuses to even say… Hey guys not right now. That is why Worgen players are unhappy. The old high elf posts got Blue posts from time to time but we feel very ignored and then after the “joke” purge which some weren’t even offensive and then Blizzard declares open season on Worgen players by making a joke calling them out and certain groups see that as an excuse to attack Worgen players. That was the issue and why people are unhappy.

Any Dracthyr come over to insult me right now on beta I got this for them. Already got muted twice for it too:

I asked a Dracthyr if they could tank a dungeon for me. They just looked sad and glided 3 feet away. I wonder why?

If its such a joke why do they put me on mute… Just something to ponder.


2 and a half. :wolf:

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I’ll bring this here up regarding the Worgen Tail discussion:

Neyssa, I think you’re overly negative towards Maizou for expressing their opinion which also resonates most of the time with me. The bigger picture here is that many of the subtle issues are not discussed by the community council and this needs to happen more often.

The Worgen-tail topic is exactly one of those discussions which needs to be brought up. Similiar to the High Elf request, it’s one of the most well-known discussions and mocking the player base through an absolute insensitive audio file is not only nonprofessional but coats the developers in a shaddy light.

If we would replace “tails” with skin color or races, then it becomes a very, very, very touchy subject. Just because people love to reduce the issue to “furry stuff” or “it’s just a gameeee”, it still does not make it appropriate to mock the paying customers.

Like it or not, Maizou was absolutely right regarding the situation. As others have pointed out, the topic goes on for a long time, gets ignored and then just mocked by the developers is actually everything one needs to know about the situation.


This is still going?



Not to mention, that post violated the forum posting stuff with bypassing language filters and in general wasn’t appropriate for any thread. But, because they are part of that council their posts get a lot more leeway and nothing happens.

It’s something that we’ve delt with here for a while with people trying to flag posts. I’ve been falsely flagged numerous times, heck at one point the whole thread was reported but luckily a mod lifted it. That thread is now locked, so let’s just leave it at that. Trolls will be trolls. It’s generally best to either ignore them, or just kindly present them your reasons for wanting it and try to come to a mutual understanding as we’ve seen in this thread many times. Heck one of em I ended up becoming friends with and helped em with getting their season 3 mythic+ mount rofl.

For now let’s just keep the conversation going and keep requesting for tails and give blizzard ideas on how to implement it!


Not sure how you got any interpretation other than “hey, even if I don’t like that person, death threats are way too far, stop it” from that reply. I was in fact defending his positioning.

For me, I have no horse on that race, if players want worgen tails great, let them have it.


Worgen are werewolves; it doesn’t really make sense for them to grow tails.

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Worgen are actually based off the druid wolf form, or at least that was the case, not sure if that was retconned yet or not. Wolves have tails. Ergo, it would make sense for a worgen to have a tail given it was a bipedal version of the original druid wolf form.


It also doesn’t make sense for a werewolf to turn into a cat to fight with claws and teeth or draw a sword for the same reason, but here we are. And again, there are many werewolves with tails and that’s a fantasy world, the conditions are perfect to make everything. :exploding_head: :smiley: :ok_hand:


are you trying to suggest any of those are good looking werewolves? And that not all of them would be improved with a tail?

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That’s just one example of werewolves in D&D. Many if not most have tails. At least in official art.

Edit: Here is another example of D&D art for werewolves:

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The issue is probably a combination, if not all these things.

Worgen have 8 classes using all 4 armor types.

Adding a tail means adding the tail and bones to animate it. Then it would need to be animated for all the specials and actions for the 8 classes plus any cinematics, toys and emotes that have special animations.

As far as armor goes, adding a tail would be like adding a 3rd arm. You’ll have the poly’s coming out of the model from an area that currently has the armor texture mapped to it. Redoing that texture mapping may be a one time change, or it could be a per mog change which for 4 armor types is probably in the 10’s of thousands. And to be done properly all the existing armor texture maps would need worgen versions that decorates the tail hole. Again for 4 armor types that might be in the 10’s of thousands of assets that need to be made.

And this could be further complicated with dresses and whether tail needs to be shown with dresses. And then you have the issue of cloaks.

It very well may be a small ask, but most likely it’s substantial one.

Tell me without telling me you haven’t been following this post one bit but decided to add something anyway.