Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Here to support the cause despite the devs making their hatred of their paying customers blatant once again.


All of this stuff makes me think as illogical as it is that blizzard holds actual contempt for the players.


Donā€™t laugh at Umbric! He doesnā€™t get to decide what he says.

More seriously though, the sillys and jokes Blizz makes never hold water. Blizz just pokes fun sometimes.

And in proper Blizz fashion its very much in poor taste to those who have spent literal years asking, generally nicely, for this entirely aesthetic change that will in no way affect worgen lore or gameplay especially if its OPTIONAL.

But likeā€¦ donā€™t laugh at my boy! lol

I think cloaks have their own setup when attached to a model so it would probably be fairly easy to adjust it for all cloaks.

Hey that does look pretty good already!

Really wanna know why they havenā€™t done anything with thatā€¦

Iā€™d bet its more along the lines of just red tape and some stubborn old fool than all of Blizzard itself.


Iā€™m living for the Tail CSI



Och those poor wee worgen, still runninā€™ round all tail-less.

Somebody should do somethinā€™ about that!

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Nah, I am more of a fan of Worgen being like the traditional Werewolf. a modified human

Is Drakthyr using worgan model rig?

If so, would the tail be in the same spot as a Drakthyr tail?

I would expect the Dracthyr to have their own model rig. With the wings and the flying and the other unique animations. Thatā€™s just my guess though.

most of those people on beta are likely just using it as an ā€œearly accessā€ mode and arent actually testing, or reporting anything. Considering that at least some portion of those ā€œtestersā€ only got there because their fave streamer gave them a key. So its likely a bunch of friends just hanging out. OW2 launch for dragonflight? potentially.

At the end of the day, my worgen druid could use some more options. I made her as nice as i could but theres more that could be done. A tail of some sort would be nice, give her some structure and depth, rather than just skinny legs from the hips down

Quick everyone look quick the OP has 1234 likes


I got it. This moment shall forever be memorized, for all of 5 minutes. \o/


Just 11,111 likes to go now I guess.

Well yheah obviously not every person at bliz. Just the people who call the shots.

Humans have tail bones. Also the best looking werewolves always have tails. They lookā€¦ wrong without them.


Okay, but it has to be tails like the Werewolves in Witcher.

Yes, please give Worgen tails.

I would also love to see some customization additions, especially with the way female hairstyles amd aesthetics have been handled historically.

I also look forward to Gilneas being made into an Alliance city proper again, serving as the major Alliance hub in Northern Eastern Kingdoms, which we currently lack.

Much love and support to the Worgen community :heart: :pray:


Keeping in mind that I donā€™t care enough about Alliance customisation to have any stake at all in the worgen tail thing:

Warhammerā€™s werewolves
American Werewolf In Londonā€™s werewolf:

DnDā€™s werewolves:

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~ Nice

Yeah there are tail-less werewolves all around, but there are also just as many tailed ones as well. Itā€™s why weā€™re asking for it to be OPTIONAL instead of forced on everyone. If you donā€™t want one, can run around without one while other people have em. :smiley:

Elder Scrolls Online Werewolf:

Werewolf - The Apocalypse

Diablo 2 werewolf, which is a Blizzard game


Top right in that first pic looks like sheā€™s seen some stuff.
Stuff that wasnā€™t meant to be seen.