Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I think ya’ll should get tails.


As long as we don’t get back to the abomination I’m fine with more options but never again should we be forced to use the chihuahua. That was neither vicious or even wolf like. And yes to the hair styles. The mane works fine for Tauren but looks so out of place with Worgen and 99% of the time it clips oddly threw our helmets. Really the only time they look good is if they are crowns or fitted head pieces.


I think theres a generally long list of legal issues that can arise from that and most companies shy away from doing that sort of thing with art or other such things.

That said… I do wish Blizzard would take some inspiration from what the playerbase has come up with.

While I think that if Blizzard wants to give us customizations they do have to take the time to build out every race, I mostly agree with this sentiment.

There isn’t a lot of good reason not to add features and concepts that players want especially when they’re merely aesthetic.

ALL OF THAT said, I do think that most races need tons more variation in the options they already have as well as some additions to make each race kinda on par. Like all races should have eye colors and tattoos/warpaint for instance and tons of face and hair options.

Especially as they throw the Dracthyr’s insane number of options at us immediately after leaving a lot of players miffed about the lack of customizations added in an expansion billed as having a FEATURE be adding customizations.

All right getting down off this little soap box. lol


The battle isn’t over yet guys. Sure, this was a bad week for all the players that were requesting a tail for worgens, but remember… Void Elves got made fun of in game by Umbric/Blizzard for wanting a high elf option. Just like we now laugh at him and who ever it was that decided to make that joke at Blizzard today, we will laugh at the people who made fun of us for the tail joke when we eventually get our tail option. :wink:



So if they do give Worgen tails… could they just make the tails disappear when wearing a cloak so they don’t have to redo everything to fix the clipping? It would seem like a compromise.

Inscription needs more to do especially since they trashed glyphs and then removed most of the even cosmetic ones and very very rarely add new ones.

It’s actually super easy to move the bottom of the cloak slightly if you dig in to the files. Also worgen animations seem to mesh well with a tail option seeing as it’s already unusually raised up when using whatever animation. Like here’s a good example.
Found this image of a tailed worgen, the cloak is moved back slightly and looks perfectly natural, and if you look at my character, the cloak is sitting at it’s usual spot.
A simple coding of move cloak up when tail is enabled will do the trick. :smiley:


not really? art asset is contracted all the time. It’s a simple contract. There is no legal issues that can arise.

lets get this to 12K comments go go go

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Considering how much the current cloak puffs out, I wonder if it is reacting with the bones that are already there.


Give Worgen Tails.


That’s what I figured. All the way back since the 8.2.5 ptr when worgens were first updated I noticed that the cloaks move way more than it used to, same with the way worgens run in a more swaying motion, almost as if the movements were built with a tail in mind.

Keep in mind also, this isn’t a skeleton change at all, all they did was add in a few polygons to round out the body shape of the old worgen. This is very much using the same old worgen model but slightly tweaked up, so there was no reason to change the cloak/running animation at all, which also brings the question, why did they add in a tail bone to something that uses the exact same skeleton? :thinking:

That tailbone is still in game today btw. That was never there before the model update.


are each one of the dots for a tail location???

The real question is why put in all that effort and then quit halfway.

Yup! You see a similar thing on draenei/pandaren. The tabard location is hiden behind the cloak which you can’t see that since it’s covering it.

I have a theory on that.
So just a couple of months after the patch, they revealed Shadowlands and early looks at the customization options, so at the same time they were releasing the worgens, they were also already working on all the other races customizations, posibly even making tails and other customizations for worgens as they were updating the model, which we were supposed to get originally with the second batch of customization, BUT, Blizzard decided to stop all character customizations completely for Shadowlands and take all the character customization artists for the dracthyr since remember, they confirmed that at the same time Shadowlands was being made, Dragonflight was also being worked on, which is why all we ended up with just fur options as our only new options. We never got that second batch of options they said we would get throughout Shadowlands.


Anyways, I’m here to support #GiveWorgenTails


It would certainly be helped along if the Tails where already partway through production.

Though another popular theory since Worgen share skeletons with so man NPC races with tails that they added them to the base model to save work.

In any case, a lot of the work is already done and they just need the model/animations.

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That’s for sure, also fun fact just to further drive home that tails may have actually been worked on, there are like 3 animations that actually respond with the tail. Instead of it being stiffed, it actually curves with the animation. Ones a hunter animation, ones a warrior, and I forget what the 3rd one was. These are worgen specific animation that you already see in the game now.


Thanks to Cow for this image as I couldn’t find my versions of it but if you look for a little bit we saw this on the Worgen models:

The bones for a tail is right where that triangle is so it would be very easy to add a tail model.


Also this same thing was happening with undeads too, which funnily enough, the holes on them were on the spot where they removed the bones for the boneless option. So make of that what you will. xD