Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)


I’m just saying people doing something legally wrong make excuses for why the entity their actions infringe on is to blame for not giving them what they want. It’s not that huge of a deal, just admit you don’t care about it and don’t pretend it’s anything highminded. (general yous referring to people making excuses for things like that, not directed at you.)


I definitely agree to that. We had our chance to do something cool in legion, but that storyline ended in Stormheim and never went forward from there, and let’s not even talk about the weird story decision for the heritage armor quest. Dragonflight is apparently the “expansion all about the players”, but I feel like that won’t be a thing at all until the expansion after sadly when they start to push things like player housing and stuff.


I’m not even involved in the conversation and I admit I don’t care about it.


Can we call them High Worgen?

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Nah, Dragonflight is a love-letter to people who group.

It’s a kick in the face to people like me. They aren’t bringing me anything but professions.

Facts. I feel like Worgen will get love only when we reach the point where most races feel neglected and forgotten, and then we’ll get the racial renovation wave like we had before.

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A group of people running off to private servers generally stem from players who want something that they normally can’t get from retail. Heck, I know for a fact, there are people that actually do things to give themselves tails on retail while still paying their sub.

Much like the whole classic wow situation where players ran off to play that, and when Blizzard released their own official version of it, those types of servers started dying off, and stopping people from using 3rd party tools to get the thing they want.

I just feel like if Blizzard wants those players back and stop players from using obscure tools to get what they want, it could be a good idea to see what it is those servers or tools are doing, or in general what other mmos are doing in order to bring back the crowd they lost. Is it a lot of work? Yeah, but in the long haul, it will make for a better community that could feel like Blizzard is actually listening to the fan base in their community.

My fix for the whole race customization thing not just worgen, but every race has issues with? Just higher a small dedicated group specifically for character customization art, easy does it at least with that issue! They brought in the nostalrious crew to work on classic wow, so they could bring in the render artists and such to help out with making character art. A perfect example of that is this guy here, hire this guy and a few other people to come in and work on the mounts! :smiley:


Legally wrong =/= morally wrong. :wink:

Which it’s funny given you’re one of the people “It’s just a joke” types but then you’re upset about someone taking strings of text and using it elsewhere LOL


Not gonna argue that they get things that they want. However for wow itself, they have to balance what everyone wants and will accept. There’s a bunch of stuff that’s kinda mutually exclusive and people have strong feelings on both sides. So aside from the problem you can get when you add too much additional stuff into a game and it just ends up diluting the story with things that don’t necessarily fit, if you’re just adding things as they’re asked for, you run the risk of alienating people who don’t like those things.

Private servers being smaller can cater to smaller groups, there’s people who love hardcore pvp with corpse looting, and someone I’m sure can hack at wow private server stuff to get that to work, but while it really pleases one group, it’d probably kill the game if it was rolled out to all of them. So I can see a lot of the changes may not be applicable to the actual game, just because they’re things that appeal to a niche audience.

Yes, which is why I worded it that way. I’ll save my morally wrong for this kind of stuff when it’s smaller creators getting stolen from (especially from larger companies that definitely afford it.

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If you look at void elf customizations, I will say most races got ignored because they blew their budget on that one race.

Kul’Tiran, DI Dwarves, Undead, Mag’har Orcs, Vulpera, Zandalari Trolls, Highmountain Tauren as far I can list. Kul’Tiran is the one with the least customizations out of all of them.

If Blizzard can do a toggle for a tentacle, then I’m sure they can do it for a tail for Worgans.


We know they can, heck for a little bit on the PTB for one of the early Shadowlands builds Worgen players got a “tail” position where there was a triangle missing from the model where a tail model would be attached. Model editors myself included looked at it and it perfectly matched up with the hidden tail bones that exist in the Worgen model. Sadly we didnt get a tail but then again we didnt get much customization at all. There are those who will say. “You get to edit your human form” Yes we do but we get 0 customization that isn’t just Stormwind human customizations. I mean just look at female Dracthyr visage form. That is the 3rd model that dances the Macarena. Blizzard is very well known for being lazy and taking short cuts when they can.


I don’t know what is worse how Ironic that statement coming from a Void Elf is or how late you are to the party. But here is a report for your effort.



And yes. We’ll generally keep on asking for what we want.

Tails won’t even change anything… Especially if it’s just an option.

Don’t bring elves into this.

It’s not even remotely like that.


antis dnt care

they gnna anti, be it elfs or worgn

Blizzard could save time AND money buy just commissioning these assets from the people who make them a nominal one time payment and then just gave their devs take a once-over to make sure they fit blizzard’s standards and ship them… but they won’t be doing that. Bliz despite it’s fall from grace is one of the most prideful company and it takes years, sometimes decadesd to get them to listen to players.


Have you seen the amazing glyph concept art that people have come up with on r/wow?



Give Worgen Tails (and fix the female worgen’s face to make her not look like a pincher)

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Do not touch our face we just got rid of one of the worst models ever cause people claimed we didn’t look vicious enough.


Oh yes, nothing like blaming Void Elves for just copy and paste over 4 Allied Races getting nothing, and the other 3 getting something more.


I don’t really care about equality in racial customizations; "this race has this many options so all races should. " That’s not a practical expectation.

What I do care about is highly requested customizations.

Worgen don’t need 8 different types of tails to make up for the blood elves’ jewelry options, we just need one single tail option.

It really doesn’t seem like a lot to ask.

And don’t tell me it’s more complicated than it seems. I KNOW that already. I’m no game designer, but I can guess the complexity of the request.

However, Blizzard regularly builds continents from nothing. I’m sure they can handle it.


And to that I say, bring back the old faces as a option, er, maybe not the chihuahua face, but the alphas more narrow snout/calm postured face as a option. If you do bring back the chihuahua face, just don’t make it perma snarl, that’s what made it bad to begin with. I’ve seen artists take away the perma snarl and it came out looking way better. Give us more face options if ya can just like vulperas get. :smiley:

Also remember when we were originally gonna get hair styles? Bring these hairstyles back. D: