Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Agreed, just a toggle even if it was only one style of a tail.


I know this is why I don’t really like how others are dog-piling on them. If anyone deserves some sympathy it’s worgen fans lol


We don’t deserve sympathy because we’re gross furries… Is what most of the playerbase would say.


You forgot weakest racials in the game and around only 2.07% of the games player population.

But nah, lets put in an in game joke about it!


I try not to focus on the racials meta, but yeah, they are pretty dang bad and outdated.

Not everyone who plays and animal race is a furry and even if they are they are players just like everyone else, and have wallets like everyone else. And the joke itself is on an “Animal” race.

I also find it ironic when they make those comments on a Tauren/Pandaren/Vulpera/Druid/Orc/Troll.


You also forgot the fact that at that time, the gilnean crest on our flag was replaced by stormwind crest, what’s the meaning behind if not to say that Gilneas is a vassal state rather than a kingdom like the other races?


Give Worgen tails. Do it blizz, you won’t regret establishing goodwill with your playerbase.


Hasn’t worked for us yet despite years of trying.

But bliz does seem to have a bias for humans, elves, and orcs. Sometimes feel like those are the only 3 races.


Oh wow. That seems so young, but I was only 13 when cataclysm came out. So, I I’m not particularly old myself (even though my body makes me feel like I am) but wow idk. Just bringing me back to when cata came out and idk. I was really excited for worgen and they kind of disappointed me and struggled playing them. To me worgen had an awesome fantasy but they didn’t have that as a playable race. You weren’t an awesome werewolf who could go feral and tear people to shreds. You fought like any other race. I kinda grew on them a bit but then I realized how bad their model was particularly female ones. I still wish they had a racial to go unarmed at least. Combat rogue and fury warrior are the only ones who can dual wield fist weapons. No hidden fist weapons for non monks. Also legion combat rogue uses guns and stuff so takes away the fantasy of being a feral worgen. Meh still would be nice to have that fantasy but they’re still neat.


Sorry I just started rambling.

Sorry idk where I was going with that.

This is hearthstone though, which sadly is not canon.
It seems like putting tails on worgen in art is a common mistake at blizzard, despite them saying that worgen does not have them.

Still I think that should change, give us the option like pandaren for tails. Maybe even have it be part of a reclamation of Gilneas questline where we connect more with Goldrinn or something.

They “look” somewhat alike because they both depict larger humans, however the kul tiran model was made from scratch for BFA, not reusing anything from another race. Blizzard said creating the KT was as much work as creating any other expansion race (example pandaren) from scratch and was the only BFA race they put so much work into.
Still, just because something takes a lot of work does not mean it will be popular sadly.

Unsure on the US forums, but it is not too uncommon on the argent dawn server forums over at the EU. The PTR/Beta thread is at 17k replies over there at the moment. The pet peeves thread hit 20k afer 8 months 2 times and had to be remade and the continued 3rd thread is at 16k after 7 months.

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I mean, even lore-wise it’s easy to explain. Some worgen were simply infused with more of Goldrinn’s power and grew even more wolf-like features, like tail and/or rougher fur. And seriously, if a private server can add tails to the worgen, then surely the multi-billion-dollar company can do so as well.

There doesn’t even have to be a lore reason at this point either. Night elf DKs got the Night Warrior eyes, despite that being non-canon. Void Elves got DARK RANGER customization despite there being no Void Elf dark rangers in the lore. Both Void Elves and Blood Elves got purple eye color option despite there being zero purple eyes for elves in lore, and even the devs said that it was just a bug that they just gave to players because it ‘‘looks cool’’.

Just give the worgen a tail option already. It’s ridiculous that this still isn’t a thing. It’s bad enough that the worgen look like some Disney doggos instead of ferocious predators and killers struggling to contain the beast within.

I’d legit main a worgen if they could look like this:

Edit: Oh, and while at it, please give the worgen five fingers on hands. It’s stupid that they always magically lose a finger when they shift to their worgen form. And no need for a lore-explanation for that either, you literally gave furbolg five fingers with the model revamp in DF, despite them only having 4 fingers on the old model.




Goto love it. Even with the Worgen haters this post gained over 600 posts in 24 hours all cause Blizzard attacked thier own player base.

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You say that, but many things have carried over from hearthstone, especially now with this expansion with a certain hearthstone villain coming this expansion that could have a actual huge impact on the expansion story line and bring back a certain dragon people have been speculating on making a appearance. Heck for all we know we actually could see a saberon demon hunter as a playable thing in the future expansion rofl.

And yeah that’s one thing I’ve mentioned often, having a mini questline just like the golden eyes on blood elves to give a explanation on how they ended up getting said option and having it unlocked after doing the questline.


I do find it ironic how often its a Blood Elf who comes in to attack our posts requesting options and yet Blood Elves have been given quests and more customizations than any other race in the game. Its a bit sad too. Why not let others have more options? Its not going to hurt your game play if someone else has something that makes their character look more unique. I don’t see a Blood Elf using Gold, Red, Blue eyes and start telling them you shouldt get those options, its not in the lore. And yet just like we Worgen there is no lore other than the head cannon the haters have made up that says Worgen cant have a tail.


it’s almost dragonflight and blizzard still hasn’t announce they are giving worgens tails. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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They lied… Kul’Tiran like every AR used an existing race model as a base to build off of… the only part that wasn’t a lie was the last bit, “the only BFA race they put so much work into”. But the work they did wasn’t as extensive as they claim it was. The Kul’Tiran body model is just the Pandaren body model. They slimmed it down in some places, enlarged it in others, and then adjusted arm and leg lengths to more human proportions. It’s honestly the same process for every new race… the Pamdaren model was built from the Dwarf body, which was modified from the Human. Also, the models from Borean Tundra were the design basis for Kul’Tiran, its not a coincidence that they share the same silhouette. If you don’t believe me, search on line for how to extract the games model files, and compare them in Blender. You’ll find the vertices for the main body to be the same.

blood elf players are great at convincing themselves they are mistreated despite having no slights lore wise or game wise. it’s actually silly.


As poorly thought as the joke was, we should take the newfound spotlight to keep pushing our suggestions.

It worked for High Elves lol

Here’s a list of Customizations I compiled.

