Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen tails blizzard, you know we are here because you said so with that voiceline.



Why would they do anything for you when you say stuff like this?

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I don’t even play my Worgen and I still think they need tail options. C’mon, Bliz.

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If anything this just will show how passionate Worgen players are and how we aren’t going to give up. Blizzard will either ban Worgen players or will continue to hear our voices.

Why would they ban you?

Blizzard has banned me over 22 times on the forums alone for discussions about Worgen. I’m still here still trust level 3 and I’m not stopping till Worgen have as many options as other races. The mass report group gets a kick out of trying to remove me but they just keep failing. The only way they will stop me is if Blizzard perma bans me.

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For discussions about Worgen? Or because your violated certain rules while secondarily being involved in a discussion about Worgen?


No I didn’t Keldar I get targeted by the mass reporting discord all the time. I can think of 3 times I did deserve the 3 day ban but the rest. Hell one time I simply got a 3 day for saying druids have more customization than Worgen. Tell me where that offends anyone. Also note what class I am but I got a 3 day for simply saying that.

Tried to bring up how tone deaf the joke was on the beta forums (Snarky jokes at the playerbase's expense) cause I seriously think it’s exactly that, but apparently most people getting access to the beta, and using the forums, don’t see it as the mean spirited thing it is.



Ill risk it for the love of Worgen. I got banned for 3 days for posting this:

Look at that and tell me how a AAA company ever let that kind of animation slide, even worse we were stuck with that for 10 years. I don’t despise Blizzard one of the best things they did was the HD model upgrade that showed us given time and effort they can make a good model for Worgen. I dont know the numbers but once the HD model came out you see more and more people playing Worgen. More options will always be better and that is what Worgen players are asking for. We dont want to force anything on others as we were forced to deal with stuff for 10 years.


They let some really nasty players into beta. Player toxicity was never a factor. Blizzard never had great moderation.

The Dracthyr joke is a pretty bad case of punching down and for an idea that Blizzard themselves are guilty of spreading.


 i don’t remember body-type 2 worgen’s limbs looking so
 rubbery. i mean, the teeth/gums? i remember that, but i don’t remember the arms looking like deflated balloons.

oh, also. i may not play a worgen, but i support all y’all who want’em to have tails. :+1:


Those were Keyframes out of Warrior animations.

 that would explain it then
 did’nt like the old warrior animations of type-2 worgen
 felt like they jumped around a bit too much.

But the fact remains putting that kind of stuff in a AAA title never should have passed QA. But Blizzard wouldnt have had a Worgen female model so they slapped it out at the last min and said
 Oh well.

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I canceled my subscription today with the stated reason being: “I showed my tail to one of those wolf people
 but they just looked sad and walked away. I wonder why!”

I’m sure if enough of us do the same Blizzard will finally take the hint.


This has the same logic as if they gave Pandaren no tail stubs saying “well they arent Pandas”


Why should I praise them for their lack of caring about consumer feedback and support towards their playerbase?

If no one will tell them off I will.


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Where did I say that you need to praise them?

My greater point is that asking for something while simultaneously insulting the sole entity with the power to grant your request is self-sabotaging.