Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Geez, you’re against Worgen getting tails too?

This thread gives me 2019 vibes.

For a text based discussion, lots of people who can’t read here.

Not against tails for worgen.

Against the idea that having a preference for something not being added is in and of itself worse than the preference to add something. It’s a difference of opinions on something none of us can really do much to bring about on our own.


Blizz and hating their players. Name a better duo.

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Nuts and gum. two great tastes that taste great together.

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Not a worgen player but, man, I’m sorry guys.

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This is something I don’t understand about some of the people who play this game. They refuse to realize this game is an MMORPG. It’s a live game it’s meant to be changed and things are meant to be added on. Lore wise after wrath they have been winging it. and pulling from old lore and adding to it.
if you want lore lock go play on one of the classic servers or go play warcraft III if you are that close-minded and stuck in the past

These people also have an issue with having more options. In a social game like WoW people need to be able to express themselves through their character and more options bring more diversity allowing people to feel more unique. Letting Worgen have tails won’t end the World (…of warcraft) It doesn’t break the lore in a way that changes things in a major way.

Breaking news: Worgen gets tails and it magically made Arthas never become the Lich King and Lordaeron never fell because a Worgen tickled his nose with their tail and Arthas was Allergic and couldn’t purge Stratholme so he was never chased Mal’ganas to Northrend because he was too busy sneezing and his eyes puffed up. rolls eyes

Blizzard seemed to realize that player options for customization are important with the addition of the Dracthyr. But they ruined them by spitting in the face of the women who want AN OPTION to have Dracthyr that actually looks feminine, instead of masculine lean - masculine buff, (especially spitting in the face of Trans Women who have Proxy dysphoria won’t be able to play them) even though they say they are re-branding with inclusivity in mind. There was also Anti- playerchoice, anti-diversity, and Mysagonists blasting about how it’s lore breaking, even though it’s a new race. how they are reptilian and don’t have sexual dysmorphism even though Drakanoid has it and so do the Naga.

So to those who claim “fanfare this fanfare that” is full of it. the only time you get fanfare is when big streamers cry about things. They are the only ones who get a voice.

More choices and more options benefit everyone, well, everyone but the Lore N@z!s of course.

Give Worgen tails!


Ooof, that’s a lot of appropriation of actual struggles to use to try and guilt trip people who have a different opinion on video game options than you do.


It’s not guilt tripping it’s stating a fact. I am advocating for proper player representation and inclusivity by giving players more options and choices about how their character looks.

I happen to be a Trans Woman who has Proxy dysphoria. I was invited to the beta and have been unable to play the Drakthyr without feeling distressed and discomfort because Dracthyr dragon forms are too masculine. I was using that as an example of how they can ruin a good thing. These anti-player choice people sat and told me I was “just some perve who wanted dragons with big boobs”, when all I requested was a larger breast bone no definition no shaping to look like female breasts, and maybe some wider hips and still acted like it was the worst thing in the world ignoring pleas for actual inclusivity. Please tell me more about how I am appropriating my own struggles.


I’m sorry that’s an issue for you.

But in the same point, you’re telling everyone who would want one race without obvious sexual dimorphism that they’re not allowed to that have that. Or people who want the more reptilian look without nods towards mammalian characteristics that they can’t have what they want.

No one is spitting on women by making reptilian dragons, it’s a stylistic choice that has a logical sense without any need for any sort of hostility to anyone. Look, I’m genuinely sorry if this is an issue that’s bothering you. But I really don’t believe the art team has any agenda other than making a somewhat realistic reptiliian form for the dragon side.

And I mean, you come off as declaring any opposition to it as all kinds of horrible bigotry. (of which I’m sure there’s plenty, as well as plenty horrible people wanting dracthyr with mammalian traits too, there’s horrible people everywhere) You just come off as using those issues as a bludgeon to demand what you want over what other people want, like say a single non-mammalian dimorphic race as a change.


No, I never said that. once again I am advocating for more player choice meaning it should be left as an option for those who want it but there needed to be an option for those who don’t

They are when they added extra masculine options for the male streamers who cried they didn’t look bulky enough. yet ignored the Women on to forums who requested politely that they get some representation as well.

It’s not demanding anything to say there should be more options for people (controversial or not) they should have a variety to pick from and not get pigeon-holed into things because it is “Lore breaking” otherwise even though it’s not harmful to the game as a whole

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Once you add the option that race is dimorphic isn’t it? Don’t have the option to choose any body type without it necessarily relating to any gender, or at least through the signs we’re used to.

I mean, they’re reptiles. they’ve just added mass to the body, that’s not necessarily masculine. Would be on a lot of mammals, but doesn’t have to be here.

That’s your opinion.

Lack of editting can kill things.

I’m kinda feeling we’re at or close to the limit for races and classes. They already neglect too many of the races in the story, what’s the point in adding more if they’re just going to disappear, or kick some other race out of the story?

I think things need to have a meaningful contribution, what’s the point of repeating what we already have in a new spot? Like, is it worth it to add a new fighter type class that’s basically a copy of a warrior in skills and playstyle but with a new name and new skill names? Iterate on what we’ve got, rather than keep adding new classes (unless they fill a missing need or something) add variety to the existing classes, stuff like the class skins people talk about, be it based on something like Sunwalkers or Blood Knights that are tied to a race’s identity, or something like a specialist skin like some sort of Dalaran based mage thing that anyone could be.

But just adding stuff for the sake of adding stuff can just kill the identity of a game.


Playful teasing works with an understanding player base, an interaction based on a healthy relationship. Devs have not had a healthy relationship with this fan base for some time, and the “playful teasing” comes across as thinly veiled malice when it’s on the heels of mending bridges.

Please don’t antagonize your players for wanting more of your game, especially when the people who harass the genuinely interested are the ones telling you to be more callous.


Apparently not going to happen

This is a bit of a bounce-back for me sounding salty toward those in opposition to inclusivity. Blizzard has been great at claiming to want to add inclusivity for Trans people and they literally did the worst thing possible to represent Trans Women (The main Trans demographic of their game) by retconning a character to being a Trans Woman who was already retconned to be female and it was convenient inclusion, ergo the second retcon ensued. Then gave Trans Men a brand new character so they did that correctly but, I have yet to meet any Trans men who actually plays. So yeah, I am a bit jaded by Blizzard for their choices and decision-making. Also the fact a lot of people don’t care about how we get treated as a minority of the player base (and let’s face it the world) because it doesn’t affect them. It would just be nice to get decent treatment somewhere and are seen as people too. Azeroth is a place a lot of Trans Women have called home for many years, and being treated as easy virtue signaling is really messed up.

I might sound like I am demanding things or coming off as self-entitled but I’m just angry and tired of my sisters and brothers being used as a pawn for a BS Corpo agenda and treated like trash and non-existent 99% the rest of the time. If I don’t speak out about it who will? How does anyone think the equality movement started with the Stonewall riots? It wasn’t by being silent. It was calling out the BS of oppression.

Sorry for diverging from the topic and going on a bit of an emotional tirade just need to get that out.

Body size 4 is overly dimorphic toward masculine traits so that doesn’t allow for that ambiguity you are referring to already.

I would say you have me there for body size 1-3 however body size 4 is overtly masculine in appearance in a mammalian fashion. Also being based on humanoids they appear masculine from the start if not, why would I feel proxy dysphoria while trying to play one even at body size 1? When they were first announced as a playable race I was watching the live stream and everyone was saying “That must be the male version” and “What about the female version?” in the chat feed so I’m not the only person who thinks they are overtly male in appearance.

I 100% agree with you on this, I wasn’t saying they should add new classes or races for player expression, there are plenty of pre-existing ones. However, what I was saying is, the current ones should be flushed out with more options.

( Just a side note, a bit hypocritical from what I stated above. I am very Pro having Naga added to the game if they are to add another race to the game)

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Sorry to everyone else as well for diverging from the Topic post

Give Worgen tails for more diverse player options and choices! <3 <3 <3

Worgen aren’t wolves they are worgen there is a difference

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I won’t ever take anything as “playful teasing” from this deveoper team as Ion told players who wanted a race already established on the Alliance as NPCs to just play Horde if they wanted to play it. While the faciton had 30% representation in all forms of instanced gameplay contnet across the board.

That’s why this isn’t funny.
If Worgen were more popular than they actually were and didn’t have the history of being overhauled from a gorgeous model into a broken one, and then waiting a decade for a fix, I think many of us who wanted the feature would have gotten a scoff or chuckle out of it.
But no.

But hey, these sorts of aesthetics are being embraced by other games now, but it truly feels that they’d rather just troll Alliance requests and drive them off to those games.
Never seen this much trolling go towards Horde requests like, ever. I can name one instance of it, and it wasn’t nearly as bad.

Dude’s a part of the group that was harassing High Elf players to extremes that I can’t even mention on the forums. Not odd to see them in here gatekeeping another Alliance race that has awful customization options.


Here to say that , despite the fact I do not play worgen nor do I ever have any desire to, I agree that the option of a tail for worgen players is a good one. It doesn’t hurt anyone or take away from anything. People have been asking for them for years and, instead, the concept of them is openly mocked by those behind the scenes.

If private servers with 0 budget can give worgens a tail option, why can’t Blizzard?


Blizzard doesnt respect nor care about the playerbase, anything you want you get the opposite of. Your vanquish and agony over something will be openly mocked and laughed at depending on how many people agree with you, blizzard and their team of jerks just live for peoples unhappiness.



Give Us Tails!