Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Well I got nothing more to say to them, realistically if we look at history, Worgen getting tails has probably the highest chance of anything happening in the future right now.

Yeah Blizzard has a trend of not doing that. Like ever.

Why do you think we complain so much as a community? I mean come onā€¦ we all know theyā€™re not going to un-nerf Soar now that theyā€™ve done it. And believe meā€¦ they wonā€™t.

I mean, could we at least get one of these? It isnā€™t like worgen are asking for everything the elves keep getting hereā€¦


They doā€¦when itā€™s far too late.

every damn expansion they refuse to budge until late when everyone has jumped ship and is waiting for the next expansion release lmao.

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it happens occassionaly in hearthstone and believe me everytime its a culture shock in a half. When you read a blue post thats starts off with ā€œWe missed the mark on Xā€ ā€œZ is not going like we hopedā€

Sounds like the people running Hearthstone must actually give a damn. They donā€™t all have the same people for each game.


Angry dog noise

The thread randomly updated to 10278, we missed the 10k mark by 3 days.

I saw that when I got here.

Thats heavily debatable at times but I will say they release balance patchs every month or so which is way better then wow does and way better then hearthstone used to do. They need to work on bugs though

Edit spefically when they admit they made a mistake is when they have to undo a nerf or revert a buff because it was too much.

Its a consipracy Its blizzard I tell you!


Anyways I think Iā€™ve laid down the brutality of realism here enough with the Dracthyr jokeā€™s blatently clear indicationā€¦ Iā€™m leaving.


Give worgen tails.

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Doesnā€™t matter, less posts required to beat the next thread on the GenDisc rankings.

All of that time spent making my dumb post and keeping my cursor on the reply button, wasted!



Female blood elves had the ā€œstuck with this hair colorā€ silly forever even though the barber shop came out the next expansion, so i wouldnt say the dracthyr joke makes anything official.

It is in poor taste though, just directly making fun of a section of your fanbase for a pretty easy request after ignoring them for so long.


They said no players will have elves with blue eyesā€¦ look how well that aged.


This seems unnecessarily petty and meanspirited of Blizzard. That joke is basically them saying ā€œNot only are we never going to give you a tail option, weā€™re also going to mock you for the rest of the life the game for wanting the option.ā€ Just a straight up middle finger to a good chunk of their worgen players. Honestly, seems pretty low to me.


ahhh. so now u guys changd ur target. first was high elfers, now its worgen fans

antis gnna anti

give worgn taills


Reading is hard, isnā€™t it?


ā€œI showed my tail to one of those wolf peopleā€¦ but just looked sad and walked away. I wonder why!ā€

100% Fem Dracthyr joke.
Blizz is mocking you all


They may as well had made jokes about how Worgen are never getting Monks. Or how Worgen arenā€™t ever getting any new classes or new customization options.