Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

And somehow the Night elves will end up getting that extra customization too.

Give Worgen Tails!!!



I KNEW people were waiting to nab that 10k spot LOL

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I would love to hear the equally valid reasons for not wanting tails.

The difference would be not adding tails leaves one group without the option. Having the tails as an option hurts no one. If someone is against tails - they donā€™t have to use them.

Advocating for removing an option because you want to preserve someoneā€™s feelings is the same thing people use to justify removing things like the legendary cloak/ring quests, which never should have been removed. (As someone who did both of them)


Post only has 9938 posts for me. It changes based on how many people you have on ignore. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is post #10218, for reference. You can see it by hovering over the time posted on the post.


Chocolate please!

Also optional tails.

The issue is not they donā€™t want it, the issue is they donā€™t want OTHERS to have it.
No ones saying tails are mandatory they are asking for an option.

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SO THATS WHAT THE PROBLEM IS! Blizzard must have us all on ignore so it reads 0 posts for them

I didnā€™t know that, neat and thanks for that.

Do you remember a Worgen Warlock named Estillia in MoP by the way?

Now that we have hit 10k, if we donā€™t get a blue post then the road to 20k begins.
Never give up. Never surrender.

Give worgen tails!


I mean itā€™s not advocating for any removal, just not to add it in. No one is losing access to something already in the game if itā€™s not added in.

Like I said, Iā€™m not against the tails. Just think that this kind of judgement on a differing type of request just makes the internet fights worse.

If adding this something removed something from the game you might have a leg to stand on but nothing is being removed. One can still opt to be without said customization option. One offers more options while the other side wants to actively control what other people choose to do with their character. Itā€™s obvious which is worse.

Imagine you can choose between vanilla and chocolate icecream but some guy comes along and says that people should only be allowed to choose the vanilla icecream because he personally doesnā€™t like chocolate. Itā€™s entirely selfish in every conceivable way.

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post 10000

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You already got your blue post in one of the Dracthyr in-game jokes.

They know. And itā€™s a hard ā€œnoā€ā€¦ thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say without spoilers.

I remember a number of worgen from that era, but Iā€™m also terrible with names.
Birthdays, too.

It also hides posts that were deleted; they still show up on the post count URL but the post count itself changes to adapt to currently visible posts if nobodyā€™s on ignore. I see 10k with nobody on ignore.

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If we keep talking we will get tails.


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I remember you were going to quit in 5.4 and you mailed me your hat.

I gave you back that hat about half a year ago, I didnā€™t forget.