Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

At this rate of posting we’ll be at 10k in the next half hour or so.

Keep it up, and give worgen tails.


They did it to void elves. And that was basically just 10 guys for years arguing back and forth with each other. Just for reference most Void elf/ high elf mega threads peaked at 200-300 likes. This thread has 1200. Blizzard unfortunately doesn’t know a damn thing about what actually happens in the forums.

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Off topic I apologize but prism why dont you have a character icon lol

low level characters sometimes don’t get an icon for some reason.

odd didnt know that was a thing

I’m just saying argue what you want. We can disagree about whether the idea is good, but to say that advocating to keep something the same is worse than adding something doesn’t sit right with me.

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I don’t know the 2022 strongest man in the world winner kind of looks Kul Tiran to me

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Give worgen tails!


I don’t believe that man as ever been on warship, let alone sang a shanty.

Worgen should have the choice of tails, we know you want to. You even gave non-red Pandaren tails!

if you cannot back up what your reasoning for such a thing is with logic and good arguments?

yes. yes it is. that just makes you a douche.

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That’s exactly what Kul Tirans are they are power lifter. They lift heavy cargo loading and un loading ships.

That definitely holds true for stuff like classic wow and such, but with todays current wow, where they said in the past that they would stop doing new customization for shadowlands (which did get reversed and some options were added in after that statement) they would add in more customizations in the future for the races they missed. It would only be natural that threads like this would exist requesting for a customization option. All we’re asking for is a customization option, which you can opt out of by still being tail-less if you want while the rest of us do pick the optional tail for our appearance.


I wish I could have a tail…
Really don’t understand why male Pandaren cant have long tails.


Or get you Balgus from Escaflowne on

I mean, really, I feel that claiming that asking for more is a superior argument over asking to maintain something is trying to bypass logic and good arguments by dismissing the opposing side.

Look, I’m not saying I’m against the tails. I’m just saying people can have equally valid reasons to not want tails as an option. We’re not the ones making the decision, so it’s not like they’re holding the fate of the models in their hands, they’re just advocating what they want. Sometimes they may have bad arguments, but just not wanting something doesn’t make the argument bad.

Bout to hit that big 10k. Godspeed you br*tish dogs, you.

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If Night Elves ended up getting a questline for an eye customization option in BFA, then I personally do not understand why Worgen can’t get something similar for optional tails.

Also if they do end up doing Cata Classic, please please please, use the Alpha models instead of the snarly chihuahuabominations that they became when people complained about their initial appearance. I beg of thee, Blizzard.

I now owe 10,000 people ice cream.


We 10k bois.
The tails or your immortal soul, blizzard, the choice is yours.


10,000th post