Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You have someone on ignore.

Open a new private browser where you aren’t logged on. This will be #10230 on the sidebar, which doesn’t count deleted posts.

Worgen arent a race though. Its a magical blessing given to any number of races.
Night Elves where Worgening long before us Gilneas got into it.

If you play a Worgan as I do in WoW you are a Human, transformed by magic in the image of the great wolf spirit. Nothing says we all have to transform the same exact way. Some could have tails, others could not have tails, some got very long elven ears some got shorter human like ears and thats already an option.

I think I would look quite good with a fluffy white tail, its essential for balance.

Mine shows 10234, lol, you are all confusing me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lol thanks for the count but why you bragging on the number for something you dont seem to agree with? I could be wrong Tbh Im not sure if you are for or against tails you seem to be against.

that’s with the deleted posts in, on the counter by the scroll bar it was 10k

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we have a lot of posts more then any other forumn Im pretty sure. Lets just leave it at that

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That explains partially why I don’t remember, besides the being bad with names.
I’ve erected mental barricades around that period of my existence, what I call the cringe epoch. But I do appreciate the sentiment.

it will happen

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10029 for me. do I even have anybody on ignore? let me check.

Edit: No i don’t.

I dont either I have teh same count that bigger number is for deleted posts

No, not more than 14 other threads. Currently #15, but if you exclude the GD lounge threads that makes 12. Need about 1200 more posts to hit 11.

This is going in my cringe compilation.

how we doing tonight gamers

Vulpera have tails and are kind of like diet Worgen but it’d be cool if Worgen got tails. :dracthyr_love_animated:


“Blizzard communicates to the player base via /Silly emotes.”
I am sorry but this is on a new level of reach if anyone thinks this.

Blizzard say yes to the dress!.. or in this case tail!


It’s a form of mockery. Your “want” is a literal joke to them.

Also now that the joke is official… it would be ruined if they did give Worgen tails now wouldn’t it? Therefore…

Which is why we’re pissed. Thanks for your input though, see ya around!


I’m pissed too. And it’s a highly offensive thing for Blizzard to do.


with blizz history if anything they just confirmed we will eventually get tails.

blizz has a history of saying something is a joke that they will never add and even go far as to make fun of it and then add it anyways :rofl:

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