Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

All I got for cardio besides the ol’ shoelace express and a jumprope is my trusty punching bag. Some people got all the luck.

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I honestly feel this was always a weird reason given. (not saying this was not the case though)

Unless I am simply ignorant I can not see why a reference to a pussycat dolls song would be offensive?

I wholeheartedly disagree on this topic. Void elves vs Belves are an entirely different demon since the game is faction based and there is merit to faction identity. Here it’s just being a gatekeeper garry for the sake of being a gatekeeper garry through and through. It’s quite literally a just don’t use it if you don’t like it situation.

Why was a joke that was literally just about farting in a bathtub offensive?


The high elf thread was one that got 10k+ replies I remember. Lo and behold, blood elves and void elves ended up getting high elf options.


Touche, I will never understand their selection process.

Elf Customization threads hit 10-20k often enough.

Lounge threads hit that too.

Over on EU, the AD realm forums hit the 20k thread cap 3 times for their longue too.

Clearly the solution is to just start years worth of drama to keep the thread at the top :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m just saying people can think worgen shouldn’t have tails for valid reasons too. Just because an option is possible doesn’t mean it might not have drawbacks to people.

what drawbacks good sir?


this thread has been on top a lot and based on the joke clearly they noticed it. Thats really what irked people to be honest cause now its not we just dont notice it or worry about it it’s “haha we think your request is a joke”


That’ll be one expensive ice cream run.

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Pretty much how it works. The people against the idea tend to do nothing but keep the topic relevant.


THey don’t care if people are offended unless the people fit their own social political clique.

It’s like how certain people can make constant threads on certain letter named Toons because they can’t prove they are trolling but some how can prove people with opposing opinions can .

I personally think both are but that aside let’s just put it honestly . The company is just a bunch of hypocrites

Get me one of them ice cream cookies. Not the sandwich kind, the kind with a fat scoop of vanilla between two chocolate chip cookies.

You say that, but I remember people complaining about straight back orcs even. I was one of those people, but realized that hey, if you give the playerbase what they want, it’ll help with a more positive community.

More customizations actually help out a lot more than just the “rp” aspect of the game. Gives a player more of a identity and attachment to the character because they can truly call that toon their own character, unlike worgens right now who all pretty much look the same because of the complete lack of customizations.


I would agree to your argument on some things but not on customization. Like for instance classic yeah you have a very strong stance to say do not add anything other people want keep it the same, but for a race I would assume you don’t play or play very little of no offence but what gives you the right to argue that I cant customize my character in one way or another. I certainly have never argued against tauren characters getting something cool.

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But it will take at least 2 service packs to stop them from clipping

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That’s fair, I laughed when I heard it despite being a supporter of Worgen getting tails and it hasn’t changed that I still support Worgen getting tails, I guess I’m just used to the whole if you keep it at the top they pay attention to it more thing rather than not.

Dont worry! we dont mind at all our mane still clips with literally every helmet we are used to it.