Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Tbf dracthyr had the absolute opposite effect for me.

garbage bin DOA race in my humble opinion. tied to one class, limited transmog and currently on beta the worst class in the game oh my.

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This is true actually.
Dont be distracted, your enemy is not Horde or Alliance its Blizzard.


what made me laugh is that their argument to add rogue was invalid. They said itā€™s because only 4 races still need rogue but if Im not mistaken only 3 races still need monk lol.


I just think it was a little joke thatā€™s not the end of the world, and that thereā€™s people here, like many times, completely blowing it way out of proportion.

You want to quote me on that?

And how do they stack up against the people who donā€™t want that? Itā€™s not like itā€™s a universal thing.

Not the way they got them

I donā€™t remember seeing anyone asking for them before they were announced.

At least personally. Theyā€™re a waste of an AR slot and should have been added into Tauren customization.

I mean, jeeze, the Alliance only had the Lightforged for a lazy reskin. They got all the particle effect races, they got the elves theyā€™ve been complaining the horde got since BC, Kulā€™tirans were a new model and not everyone hates them, MG are hit or miss for likes, but they add a new take on gnomes some people like.

Magā€™har, HMT, and Zanda women are just lazy reskins, new horns on same old tauren, and the trolls were scaled up a little I think. the Zanda males were decent, vulpera are neat. NB looked worse than the low poly models they used for the NPCs and still need a lot of work,

I mean, this is all subjective, so thereā€™s no way you can just flat out declare that the alliance got the worst of things, other than for your taste.

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Yeah why we mad at each other shouldnt we be mad at blizzard for not adding more customization like they promised in 9.0? Because honestly everyone needs more. Look how much dracthyr got, granted they cant mog like anything which is a different issue. Actually metal gnomes canā€™t mog anything either why dont they have like 5 pages of customization lol.


pulls out pitchfork

Give us a blue post Blizzard!


It just boggles my mind that a Worgen, which is a ā€˜cursedā€™ version of a Druidic form (Druidic forms allow for tailless races to turn into a cat that has a tail) that channels a wolf ancientā€™s power (which, mind you, the wolf ancient has a tail), is somehow unable to commune with the wolf ancient to enhance their form visually to have a tailā€¦ according to some people that think that wolves donā€™t have tails.

Cursed form or no, itā€™s still a version of a Druidic form, specifically the Pack form. And guess what, the Pack form had a tail because it was literally a WOLF. It makes no sense that it canā€™t just be written in, given we are playing a game that retconned entire swathes of its own lore over the years as deemed necessary, that some Worgen gradually grow more attuned to the form and Goldrinn over the years, or are Goldrinnā€™s ā€˜chosenā€™, with enhancements to their form.

The no-tail crowd really does not know how to write a compelling argument against it, especially when narrative writing exists to always allow for new lore to be made to fit the story: see Night Elves getting those wacky eyes as one such example. You can literally give Worgen a questline similar to that one to unlock an account-wide permanent customization option to have an optional tail.


Thats okay, because I remember for you. :heart:

Oh, no, power lifting does tend to leave you out of shape in a lot of ways unless youā€™re built rare like Eddie Hall. Itā€™s a lot easier to do, however, since it tends toward high weight/low rep with a lot of rest between sets to let your body recover from effectively stopping a small car accident, and you donā€™t need to worry too much about your diet as long as youā€™re getting lots of protein.

I used to do a bit of both, was one plate shy on my deadlift of reaching the good olā€™ 1/2/3/4 before the coof hit and my life effectively blew up in my face. Can always do cardio, though, and good on you for doing it; itā€™s more than I can say, my best mile is like 9 minutes and I about keeled over when it was done.

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my apologoies I meant you as in the horde posters and like 2 or 3 of them had said it. I should have specified,

Not to be cold hearted but imo the people who dont want tails their opinions dont matter or at least not near as much, because we are asking for optional tails. If you donā€™t want them donā€™t use them. You have a way better stance saying I would like something rather then I dont want someone else to get something.

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Ages ago I solved the issue on how we could get tails on a worgen thatā€™s lore friendly and everything too. Behold, how we can get tails and still make sense for those that complain about ā€œloreā€.


Ironic coming from someone using the ā€˜newā€™ belf customizations in the first place.

Troll druid forms, technically. :3 Vulpera rigging was also completely changed.

If Worgen were Elves, theyā€™d already have tails. They just keep throwing Elves more customization throughout each expansion at this point.


Iā€™ve always been a supporter of Worgen getting tails, not sure why you picked that as something to come at me about because Iā€™m not against it, I never have been.

from a horde playerā€™s perspective that has no investment in it at all? Iā€™m sure you do think that. Which is exactly my point by asking what horde mains are doing here in the first place.


Ah I see!
Pretty neat, my brother is a body builder and yeah I think I remember him saying something about how strongman competitions can actually be really dangerous.
For cardo I honestly donā€™t run anymore, its not too good for your joints. I stick to low-impact machines like the bike, rowing or elliptical. The rowing machine is my favorite, I surf in the summer so it helps with many of the same muscles I use for that.


on the ironic side blizzard making this joke is probably gonna launch us up to 10000 posts. WHOOO GO TEAM!


If we keep thread at top maybe theyā€™ll actually pay attention to it, thatā€™s what has happened with elf threads.

Eh, not too invested in this fight. But I am definitely not a fan of this line of argument. Itā€™s like a way to shut down arguments by demonizing opposition for not wanting something new. Sometimes thereā€™s a reason people want to maintain something, its just a different perspective, and acting like itā€™s a worse type of want comes off weird to me.

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Out of curiosity, whenā€™s the last time that a WoW forum thread hit 10k posts? Has that ever actually happened?

Make this thread hit 10k and Iā€™ll buy everyone ice cream.


LGBTQ+ megathread was last time I seen it but since then no clue, I think most die long before that.