Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

why are horde mains trying to dictate what customizations the alliance get anyway :face_with_raised_eyebrow: last time I checked worgen isn’t a neutral race.


I dunno, why do Alliance posters keep trying to claim that Horde got everything they wanted?


since when has the left hand ever known what the right hand was doing? i have yet to see quest rewards make logical sense when they are obtained. like sand warn relics. they are exactly that. a relic by the time you can afford them compared to the gear that drops from world quests.

other Exalted rep items are vender trash by the time there is enough rep obtainable in the game to reach Revered, never mind getting to exalted.

we have systems that are developed separately in a vacuum (seemingly any how) and then people are surprised when some of them combine to make one spec brokenly powerful and another has so few synergies that its a dps loss to interact with half the system.

point is, it wouldn’t surprise me for something to get developed and added into the game only to be obsolete 6 months later. if anything. thats almost expected. sometimes things are obsolete the moment it releases into the game.

Shhhhh don’t tell them.

Well, to be fair, Alliance players are always saying how Orcs should not have the upright posture option.

Oh wait, no they dont.


I used to as a Kul Tiran Druid but then I deleted every character I had outside of this one and went 100% Warlock and since they can’t be Warlock I can’t have one, it hasn’t change that I want to play as one and since they said they are going to open up class/race combos I intend to main one as soon as I possibly can.

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well what do you want?

aside from complaining about what the alliance wants.

nobody be stopping you from making your own thread.

Which is no worse than us getting fat humans, beyond the fact that your dudes don’t look like they’d pass out trekking up a slight incline.

They’re power lifters, not quite the same as body builders.
Power lifters tend to be on the heavier side for explosive energy to move the insane weights they do, body builders work on physique and probably endurance if they’re doing low weight/high reps.
That doesn’t mean a builder isn’t strong, they are, but they’re two different approaches to improving physical performance with two different end results. And in the end Kul Tiran are still absolutely fat.

because you are saying the reason we can’t get the stuff we want is because WE already get what we want. Why dont we just admit no one gets what they want lol and just say worgen should get tails because thats what a lot of people want.


Only real complaint I have about Zandalari is that they cannot be locks.

KT is basically a nobody asked thing.

Fair enough if you legitimatley think kul tiran is the best race we got then I will leave you to your choice and say good day we will agree to disagree.


YEAH! Horde didn’t even want:
-Highmountain Tauren

Not one of these things were ever requested…not once… :upside_down_face:


I actually do so we will have to agree to disagree because I really do want a Kul Tiran Warlock main.

I’m just gonna drop this here. Hey, look who the least played races are.

Also weird how this went from a tail thread to a which faction is more favorable thread rofl


tbh thats one of the ones I get the least have the kul tirans been immune to the legions influence? The demons “OMG the humans are on an island we cant get across the ocean to make pacts and offer them power!” err what?

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Thats true, personally I only ever mainly do cardio so I forget there’s different types of other work outs. I suppose when I hear fat I think that people think it means out of shape.

This is kind of what my point is granted alliance is played less as a whole but you cant really argue with someone if they actually really do like a race the other side got.

It really does make one think.

slowly looks at camera

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The faction tribalism is derailing the thread.
Alliance or not, Worgen have been dealt a bad hand repeatedly. Ugly models in cata, very late HD remodels long after the other races (except goblin), a somewhat ugly heritage armor, and almost no new customization when other races got a decent amount of new options at the time or in further patches.

Worgen being joked about by a new anthro race with amazing customization when worgen fans have asked for years for more options, like tails, is sad to see.

I play both factions and like werewolves. It’d be nice if wow’s version had more customization instead of being the butt of a joke.


I honestly expected it after questing Drustvar but nothing so I was like okay whatever Blizzard.

Then again I expected Night Elf Paladin after Legion and well stuff like Worgen and Goblin Monks ages ago and still waiting for all three sadly.

Well I mean it’s kind of related. It came up because someone said if we were horde we would already have a tail. Honestly thats what I’d claim but about if we were elves lol