Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Yeah like the highly requested:
-Void Elves
-Robo diaper Gnomes
-Draenei…with tattoos!
-Humans…but bigger!
-Darnassas removed
-Meta racials from BC to MoP
-15 different horses to pick from
-Openly mocked at BlizzCon


Meanwhile, Horde requested literally every single one of the Allied Races they got - even Nightborne, who were stalwartly neutral because Thalyssra didn’t believe in War.

Don’t worry, we got Horses to make up for it!


eyy dont forget all the gryphons but at least they figured that out and gave us a bee to compensate


They got the monkey paw versions

“I want to have moose antlers for my tauren!” “Here, your AR is almost identical, but with new horns, and you can’t play all the same classes if you wanted to have those on your main!”

“Let orcs have Mag’har skins” “We’ll make a copy paste of orcs with the new skin colors and horrible racials, you’re welcome”

“No one asked for this, but here, have a night elf that’s been beat with the screwed up model stick”

And more unique mount models than the other faction too!


You people will get over it, the tail thing was and is a joke and in the case of Allied Races you got the better choices, we got Tauren with antlers instead of horns, botched Night Elves that don’t even share any customizations, brown orcs and slightly taller trolls.

I mean most of the races were literally a race that already existed with one extra customizatio and should have been just core race customization options. Thats true for both sides what we are saying is that of the things that are not just an extra customization option the horde is objectively better. I would say that
gnome= vulpera (these last two the winners are clearly shown to be horde by racial popularity)
and nightborne=velf I would say this is the only part that alliance won but it doesnt feel like a win nightborne are actually a unique rig while velfs were and have become pure belf copies with no paladin options.


I can’t take any of this seriously in a world where Mechagnomes and a race specifically of fat people are things.


Holy … 1,2k likes and 110k views.

Just give Worgen Tails FFS!


Which Blizz has specifically denied is due to drust heritage, which would have at least made sense.

I’ll take the Kul Tiran, at least it was custom made for Alliance built from the ground up, we didn’t even get that we got reskinned everything.

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Oh the Bee…yes I remember the Bee…Weeks and weeks of discourse over…the Bee.

Thalyssra: “The Nightborn will re-enter the world as savors of Azeroth, not conquers.”
Sylvanas: “Ay yo Thalyssra, want to conquer?”
Thalyssra: “:joy:


No, you got chad trolls.
We get fat guys, you get body builders.

I’ll take really cool looking reskins like vulpera to ‘built from the ground up’ ugly af male Kul Tirans.


Sylvanas: Yo, Thalyssa, BBQ at Teldrassil?


We got delayed trolls that are nothing more than taller trolls, while you got built from the ground up model that was the cause of the delay, the fact your side isn’t appreciative is a personal thing.

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To be fair, Kul’Tiran are not fat and are actually what body builders look like. Google “strongest man in the world”.


also I would be very suprised if kul tiran models weren’t stolen from a rig somewhere I know they at least reused it for maw npcs

Weren’t the Kul Tirans modeled after the pre-alpha Human models that ended up seeing use in Borean Tundra at the town north of Valiance Keep?

They looked pretty similar to the Kul Tiran if you ask me.

Just because a model is built from the ground up doesnt make it good. You just have to look at how many people play Kul Tiran vs how many people play Zandalari to see who actually got the better race.


This is gonna sound like a call out but I promise its a legitimate question. Do you play kul tiran some? because you really seem to think the model is impressive. Its a matter of opinion so if you genuinlley like the model and play it I wont trouble you with any more responses.

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